Haley Hadron

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Power Grid Translation
Haley power grid.png
  • Intelligence: Normal.
  • Strength: Normal.
  • Speed: Superhuman (Flight).
  • Durability: Regenerative.
  • Energy Projection: Matter Manipulator: Virtually unlimited command over strong/weak force.
  • Fighting Skills: Experienced Fighter.

Silver medal T.png
Haley Hadron
"It didn't kill Osterman..."
Player: @parttimechampion
Super Group
Young Sentinels
Young Sentinel
· Other Affiliations ·
N-90 (former)
Real Name
Haley Collins
Haley Hadron, Haley Andrews, Demon Core
July 24
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Millenium City
Student, unregistered heroine
Legal Status
Legally dead, operating under a fabricated identity.
Marital Status
Single (taken)
· Known Relatives ·
Frederick (father), Melissa (mother)
Physical Traits
Homo Sapiens Superior
Apparent Age
Body Type
Changes on a whim
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Matter Manipulator: Control over atomic bonds and strong/weak forces. Can create, transform, and destroy matter in a number of ways.

Chronal Shift Immunity: After events involving time travel and manipulation of temporal lines by her S.O, Haley is now immune to changes in her own timeline. In case of temporal changes, Haley retains knowledge of her original timeline.

Qi Awareness Training: While Haley lacks the seemingly-supernatural reaction speed of Delta+ level martial artists, she can feel hostile intent as well as incoming attacks regardless of attacker's speed, giving her a sort of "danger sense."
· Equipment ·
Able to create rudimentary tools and objects at will. More complex objects possible for comedic purposes only.
· Other Abilities ·
Trained by N.A.T.O from an early age in the use of her powers, trained athlete, trained hand-to-hand combatant, military training, beginner-level in mystical martial arts.

It's a long story...

Haley is relatively new in Millenium City, but she has a long, long story in "That Other City" of heroes and villains, a story that's too ingrained in CoH lore, and that I have no plans to retcon. For Haley's complete life story, please refer to: http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Haley_Hadron.

Her moving to Millenium City assumes that both MC and "That Other City" exist in same world/universe. It worked for Superman vs. The Amazing Spiderman back in 1976, and given how deep-rooted CO is in the Silver Age, then I see no reason why it shouldn't be a valid explanation.

The following is the continuation of Haley's story, taking it from the moment the family moved to Millenium.

Manifesto: The Nuclear Twenty

Propaganda started appearing all over the world, the shapes varying from anonymous flyers to websites that vanish as soon as the server's location is tracked only to reappear later on. The message is the same:

"A new age is dawning.

For every mutant living in a fragile truce with baseline humanity, twenty more are either locked away or put down like animals by people who think they know what's better for humanity. You won't see this in the news, you won't see this in the papers, but just like so many inequities committed by those in power, it's happening now, and they don't want you to see it.

This has gone on for centuries, from the times they put scientists and philosophers to the torch to those crimes against the first supporters of equal rights. Homo sapiens superior is but the latest target of those who would hold us back.

If back then they had had the tools of control they do now, women and children would still be considered property, and we'd all still believe the Sun orbits the Earth. That's why passive resistance is no longer an option.

We are the Nuclear Twenty, and we're an army with a purpose. No longer shall a homo superior succumb to the tyranny of the baselines, nor they'll be shackled by the ignorant, fearful masses.

By means of this manifesto we officially declare each homo superior as their own nation; free, sovereign, and above the laws of the baseline men, but aware and responsible of their own powers, and their use for their own betterment and the betterment of their brethren.

Just like we're declaring independence of the homo sapiens superior, we hereby declare war on all those who would threaten the sovereign nation that is each super human. We are legion, and you shall know us wherever we deem fit to show our presence.

A new age is dawning."

Two months after the N20's propaganda, their representatives have been making "public appearances" in the shape of three terrorist appearances in Russia, New Delhi, and at an emergency meeting of the UN's Security Council that followed the sighting of a new Omega-class threat (Callion, see Gold Meteor) in order to deliver an ultimatum should the security council ever considered repressing measures on the metahuman population.

Pulse: With Us or Against us

Player: NPC
Pulse 001.jpg
I go on and on and on!
Class Focus: Ranged
Power Level: XX
Research & Development: N/A
Personal Data
Real Name: Ashton Winthrope
Known Aliases: N/A
Species: Homo Sapiens Superior
Age: 25
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 120lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Former dandy, terrorist
Place of Birth: Massachusets
Base of Operations:
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Albert (deceased), Martha (deceased)
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Guerrilla camp training
Able to subvert simple electric devices
Threat Level Delta. While his his body is an omega-class Tesla coil, he lacks the extensive training Haley had. Furthermore, Ashton is a thug, and possesses thug mentality.

A few weeks before the propaganda campaign started, Haley received an envelope addressed to her. The letter was an invitation with a place and a date, and no other details than the slogan "A new age is dawning."

Upon attending, she was attacked by an old acquaintance of her.

One of the N-90, Ashton Winthrope has a nuclear reactor for a heart, and Omega-class powers along with it. Contrary to Haley, Pulse's family was willing to raise him and give him a home.

Born to wealth and privilege, his family used all the means at their disposal to keep the "pesky government" away from their firstborn, and spoiled him rotten in the process.

Rich, powerful, and spoiled, Ashton grew up to become a super-powered bully (and whatever shenanigans he got himself in, his family's lawyers managed to get him out of always in time for dinner).

His ego only grew after the time his parents volunteered him for an experiment in which he alone powered the city of Ontario for a whole hour.

Ashton was also trained at the bunker, but this training was limited to how to keep them in check (and unlike Haley, he barely spent a couple hours a month there). He and Haley met when they were both fourteen, a time where he would alternate between trying woo and intimidate her, neither of which got the attention he wanted from her, but that didn't keep him from trying with annoying frequency.

His luck would take a drastic turn during the Praetorian War, when he survived the bunker's destruction by kilsat* only to find out his parents had been murdered by a fanatic with ties to the the Institute for Human Advancement, and that the murder coincided with the family lawyer having embezzled all of of their family's wealth. Soon enough he found himself homeless and betrayed on all levels, it was then that he got found by the Nuclear Twenty and got offered a chance of regaining his lost status while exacting payback.

At the rendezvous with Haley, his job was merely to extend an invitation. While the invitation turned into a hostile confrontation, the leader of the N20 still knew what he was doing in sending Pulse, and that was showing her what they were capable of.

Twenty omegas with an army pooling their combined powers and resources has asked the question... she's either with them or against them.

[*] See Haley's Virtueverse for details.

Cause for Concern

While her fresh start and new identity erased all antecedents of her being a N-90 or the full scope of her powers, and while she stays as far from PRIMUS as possible, her powers do show: Reconstruction of a whole avenue to mint condition after a fight with Ripper in Amsterdam, turning the ravaged soil of a village on the outskirts of the Sahara into prime ground for cultivation, and instant disintegration of debris for instant rescue of victims of an earthquake in Bangladesh (and instant mending of their wounds).

DOSPA is starting to ask questions, and The Powers that Be are starting to feel less comfy in their chairs

Threat Level

  • Omega. While Haley has been careful so far of not stepping on any wrong tails during her costume scapades, Big Brother is starting to notice her. A reflexive distrust of formal authorities and the power to change the world are a combination that's making more fat cats nervous by the day.
While DOSPA's current head maintains a friendly attitude towards metahumans, the moment DOSPA changes administration Haley may quickly find herself back in America's Most Wanted.