Omega Lord

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Erik Greene
Player: @bf2alpha1
Omega Lord.jpg
"You Address me as Villain? You Shall Address me as Master soon enough!"
Character Build
Class Focus: DPS/Tank Hybrid
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Unspecified
Biographical Data
Real Name: Erik Greene
Known Aliases: Omega Lord
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Ottawa Ontario, Canada
Base of Operations: Artificially Created Island on North Coast of Canada
Relatives: Jason Greene (Older Brother), Susan Greene (Older Sister), Carole Greene (Younger Sister)
Age: 25
Height: 6'8
Weight: 250lb
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Blonde
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Tall, Muscular
Physical Features: Chiseled, Cleft in Chin, Dimples
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Chaotic Evil

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 10
Citizenship: None
Occupation: Super-Villain
Education: No Formal Education
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Expert Martial Artist, Low Superhuman Physical Stats, Hyper Intelligence.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Power Armor
ReldinBox Template



"Many wonder how the Omega came to exist, but this merely proves
how easily people are distracted from what truly matters;
for it is not how the Omega came to exist...but why"

-Erik Greene a.k.a. Omega Lord

Omega Lord was born July 10th, 1988 with the name Erik Greene, a name he gave up rather quickly. He never cared for his name, and he never cared for his Older Sister, in fact the two of them have been and still are bitter rivals since either of them can remember. Omega Lord was the name he chose when he split from his siblings at the age of twelve, and decided that he would rule the world. Although Only twelve years old, he devoted his Super-Genius to ruthless calculating to set his plans in motion.

Underground Lord

"The Hydra, a beast that regrows two heads for every one that is cut off
But What happens if you cut off the middle head, that all the other heads rely on, first?
I shall tell you, the other heads will devour each other trying to replace it."
-Erik Greene a.k.a. Omega Lord

Two years after he had left his siblings, Erik Greene, now calling himself Omega Lord, knew he'd need money to kick start his plans, but how? Well his idea was to take control over the New York mafia..or rather mafias, all of them. But how? He cut off all the Heads, and watched the other Smaller heads eat each other alive to replace it, eat each other alive while warring with all the other mobs that is. Meanwhile Erik simply sat back and watched them eat themselves and each other into ruin, and than he offered them something none of them had, Leadership and Order. The Faction Leaders urged to resist, but their men, the street soldier flocked to this man, this boy, Calling Himself Omega Lord. And Under his unshared Leadership, a unified Mafia, took over New York, for seven months, he had accumulated billions of dollars in wealth in that time. However, things got so bad, Superheroes were forced to Intervene, News was out that the Champions were going to step in soon. But that didn't stop him, he merely convinced Mercenaries and Villains to work for him, for free, on the condition that he would provide for them, a contingency plan to defeat their heroic Nemeses. However after another three week street clash, Omega Lord decided New York had suffered enough and left with the most Loyal of his members.

The Qularr Invasion

"Ah yes, just as I had promised,
this shield will drain the abilities of all heroes within
and keep those outside from interfering"
-Erik Greene a.k.a. Omega Lord

The Second Qularr Invasion was upon the Earth, The Qularr had not only brought their usual Bio-Tech, but an Energy dome which Encompassed multiple blocks in Millennium City and Dampened or Totally drained the Heroes inside. Furthermore the Qularr struck the City quickly and efficiently, but how? It is true that Shadow Destroyer set beacons within the Champions Headquarters to bring the Qularr to Earth. But what isn't known about the invasion is this; Omega Lord had contacted the Qularr before the Invasion, to give them strike plans and a prototype Energy Dome. Why? Well firstly he wanted to see if his shield would have it's desired effects, secondly, he wanted to see the devastation of his plan in the hands of the incompetent Qularr.

Rise of the Omega Lord

"It is time, my faithful servants!
Time for us to take a Spotlight on the World Stage!"
Erik Greene a.k.a. Omega Lord

At last it was time, Erik Greene had made countless preparations for this moment, gathering new Servants, and equipping Old ones with better gear, he had even made a Citadel Island off the North Coast of Canada to serve as his base of Operations. He had decided it would not be worth leaving his Island and possibly getting Captured by the Worlds superhero population, but there would be no way the worlds superhero population could reach him on his Island. So he sent out his Servants, to spread his name, his Servants were Immediately opposed by a duo of Inari, the celestial wolf, and the Red Button, an energy projecting Super with Nuclear Capabilities. The duo scored quick 'victories' against Omega Lords plans, but it seemed that for every plan they foiled, ten more succeeded. This created staggering odds for just the two of them. But they wouldn't be alone for long, an intergalactic Super team of Hive, Urban Guy and Captain Canada returned to Earth upon hearing of this growing threat. The duo greeted them and offered to supply them with all of the intel they had gathered on Omega Lord. But it was Omega Lord who had called them to Earth in order to fight him. He knew that the only way he would be able to kill off Inari and The Red Button, would be to give them confidence enough to attack him in person, and what is a better morale booster than reinforcements? His plan worked, and the team began acting as crusaders against his evil. He observed them 'foil' each of his plans, carefully studying their strategic and tactical capabilities, power levels and team Chemistry. He continued to give them a 'front line' so as to bore them, and see how well they adapted, but frankly, he remained unimpressed, he decided it was time to Challenge the team. Sending a mercenary who had outgrown his usefulness, to fight the team, after a brief battle, the team checked him, and found map co-ordinations to his island.

The Final Battle?

"Ha! You think you have the capability to defeat ME?
The Omega Lord will not be defeated by such a crude team!
I have already calculated all of your possible tactics and Strategies,
but furthermore I have calculated how to force you to use, any strategy I desire!
And so I say; Omega Lord shall not fall today!'
-Erik Greene a.k.a. Omega Lord

And so it was set, the team arrived on his Citadel Island, and were greeted by an army of Robots (weak robots who were merely there to tire them), thousands of them, the team fought their way through his army only to be greeted by two of His Servants, Black Canuck and Snow Leopardess, and there own assortment of minions. The following Battle was Epic, Black Canuck and Captain Canada remained locked in Battle, while Hive, Inari and The Red Button Attempted to deal with Snow Leopardess. Urban Guy was left to fight their Minions, thousands of them, however he managed to be the first done at his task, and aided Captain Canada at overpowering Black Canuck, Snow Leopardess, being the weaker of the two fell Shortly after, leaving the road to Omega Lords palace open.

The Team stormed in to his Palace, Red Button demanding his Surrender. However the team, was greeted by nothing more than a laugh(and the above quote). Omega Lord, then rose from his throne and activated a shield, a completed version of the one used in the Qularr invasion, focused only on the Red Button. He quickly cut down the team leader, before anyone had a chance to grasp what had occured. Their reaction however, was exactly what Omega Lord had counted on, an all out assault, Inari used her energies limited offensive capabilities to attack Omega Lord, who pretended it affected him, however his suit merely transformed it into it's Polar Opposite (Inari's energy was primarily a healing energy that could heal from anything, even death if done quick enough). Using his new energy, he killed Inari instantly and knocked out Urban Guy and Captain Canada, leaving only Hive, who had been attempting to turn Omega Lords armies against him. The battle between them was not so much of a battle, as it was Hive merely just trying to stay alive. Hive however had managed to stay Alive long enough for both Captain Canada and Urban Guy to regain consciousnesses and Speed Blitz Omega Lord, Omega Lord however had mastered the energy in his possession and used it to overpower both of them, seemingly killing Urban Guy and Wounding Captain Canada critically. Knowing he had defeated the team, he summoned his army of Cyborgs, Robots and Mercenaries to push them off his Island, allowing them to take their fallen members....but although it would seem like it was over, it was anything but....

Powers, Abilities and Equipment

"Omega Lord is a higher life form, you would be wise
to surrender now"
-Erik Greene a.k.a. Omega Lord


Omega Lord's chief asset is his mind, which is one of the marvels of this world. Omega Lord has an IQ well above 180, speculations from Omega Experts place him at the 500-550 mark. But Omega Lord is not limited to using his intelligence for Inventing, but he is one of the worlds premiere strategists and tacticians, and is able to calculate 300 billion moves every second, often allowing him to see how a five year campaign will play out within minutes.

Super Soldier Serum

Omega Lord has developed a Super Soldier Serum, stressing on the Super. His Serum allows him to lift up to 10 tons naturally (relatively speaking), and hold up to 100 tons. It also increases his Endurance, as upon taking the Serum, he no longer Tires, and no longer requires sustenance. Other physical enhancements, include his run speed (which outside of his suit can reach up to 80 MPH), his reflexes and agility (which gives him a good 3 seconds of knowing what his opponent will do next, and the ability to move like an elite acrobat), his durability (he cannot feel physical pain), and lastly, it increased his skins density, making it difficult (not impossible) for standard weapons to cause damage.

Power Armor

Omega Lord's Power Armor is one of the most Lethal pieces of Tech Invented, able to easily defeat Captain Canada and his team through the use of it's many weapons. The most dangerous thing about the suit is that it harnesses extra dimensional Omega Energy, which is used in the hand pulse beams, the energy shield and his chest beam. Omega Energy scatters it's targets particles to different dimensions, invulnerable and shielded targets tend to be able to resist being scattered, though they do feel unimaginable pain and can still be killed. His shields tend to repel projectiles in the same fashion, scattering the particles of the object fired at him.

The Bionics in the suit are also no laughing matter, able to hold a clinch with the likes of Captain Canada, and even put him through a wall with a punch.