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Tim Gullivan is someone you might affectionately call a mad scientist. Not a native of this universe, he worked as an applied physicist in his; testing gyroscopic effects on particles, when one day he made one disappear. Matter cannot be created or destroyed so logically, it must have gone somewhere. Tim’s life had been dull and monotonous up until that point, so on a whim he decided to follow it. Building a suit intended to recreate those precise vibrational frequencies, he tested it and became an unwitting explorer of the Multiverse!

After visiting a variety of weird and wonderful worlds Tim found the Champion’s universe to be best to his liking. The Earth he came from had no super-hero’s or villains, instead of Millennium city was only dull Detroit. With some tinkering to his suit he was able to weaponise its vibrational capacities and decided to join the fun becoming Gyro-Man, the inter-dimensional tourist!

However, Tim may soon learn that crossing between worlds is not to be taken so lightly…


Gyro-Man's suit has many powerful gyroscopes built into it which when activated can cause him to gyrate at incredible speeds, while shaking very fast might not seem like much of a power, there are multiple applications.

- Travel Through the Multiverse: The original reason Tim built his suit before becoming Gyro-Man; by matching the vibrational frequencies of another universe he is able to actually phase into it. Obviously this takes a lot of strain on his suit and also pre-calculation on Gyro-Man's part, it cannot be done instantaneously (he'd have no clue where he might end up). It is limited to simply travelling to another universe, not through space or time; when used Gyro-Man would end up in the same place he was stood in the corresponding universe. Practically it can be useful for get-aways as well as pseudo-teleportation by shifting to another world, moving a bit, then shifting back. It is possible to bring other people with him but it takes double the power and time, also they have to remain limp for the gyration to affect them properly making it difficult to do to someone unwillingly.

- Gyration Field: The force of any object that physically touches Gyro-Man while his suit is active will be cushioned considerably due to him buffeting against it so much. Because of the suit's mechanics, the more momentum something has, the more it will be buffeted, meaning he takes a punch from non-powered hero and one with a degree of super-strength more or less equal. When the suit is at high capacity small fast moving objects like bullets may appear to pass right through him, when in actual fact he vibrates around them.

- Disintegration: When his suit is active anything Gyro-Man touches will begin to erode to some degree. Gyro-Man's managed to turn this into an attack, disintegrating the ground or part of a building and aiming the flying debris at his target, he can also use it as a melee attack, focusing the gyration into an arm, a punch that disintegrate armour, or even flesh.

- Super Balance: Attuned correctly the Gyro's in his suit can give Gyro-Man super-human agility and strength, though it tends to be quite lurching.

- Earthquake Generation: Gryo-Man can channel his oscillations into other objects, shaking apart enemies or into the ground to cause minor earth tremors. Conversely he is also able to match and nullify vibrations in other objects.

- Gyro-Sense: Gyro-Man's sensors are adept at picking up vibrations through the ground giving him a sixth sense allowing him to find out about crimes quickly. It also helps him sense out rifts or anomalies in the fabric of the multiverse.
