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Player: @MetroidGuy95
Character Build
Class Focus: Celestial Healer
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Mysticism
Biographical Data
Real Name: Karmester Faeyan
Known Aliases: The Pale One, Poonti
Gender: Male
Species: Sparyian
Ethnicity: Jaliken Sub-Type
Place of Birth: Sparyia
Base of Operations: UNITY & UNTIL
Relatives: N/A
Age: 28 (112 Earthly Years)
Height: 7' 5"
Weight: 300lbs
Eyes: Pale Yellow
Hair: None
Complexion: Black scales, pale crests
Physical Build: Above average, lightly toned
Physical Features: Reptilian anthromorph, sleek appearance
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Lawful Good

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Identity: Confidential
Years Active: 3
Citizenship: Private Citizen
Occupation: UNITY Special Operative
Education: Sparyian Cleric Combat Training
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Known Powers and Abilities
Dimensional Energy Manipulation (Celestial)
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Sparyian Cleric Robes & Combat Armor, Legendary Sparyian Sword, Jariesten Force Gem
ReldinBox Template

Author's Note

Time for the author's note. Yes, I know, some would just prefer to get straight to the information, but I feel that a form of author's disclosure is mandatory. So welcome to my main character's page, I hope you enjoy your time here. For starters, I'll give a brief description of myself. I'm a college student who thoroughly enjoys computers and their know-how, both as a hobby and a choice of career path. Hardware or software, I'm probably your guy. On my off hours, video games are my first choice for passing the time, and I usually tend to get my hands on their workings too. Aside from singleplayer experiences, Massive Multiplayer Online games are one of my favorite genres, and Champions Online is one of those.
But enough of me, you're here for Karmester, or at least that's what I'm assuming, so I'll get to that now. Karmester is an idea of mine that sprouted originally from some daydreams I got in the college classroom, you know, when the professor is covering something you've already got a good grasp on. Most people assume I just pulled the name out of my head at random, but his name is actually Hungarian, translating to the director of an orchestra. On the surface, this probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but considering that his abilities are based on celestial powers, my connection between the two is like a choir of angels announcing his arrival, or something like that. I hope that makes sense, but it's okay if it doesn't. Everything else will be explained in the article from here on out. So, if you made it through my dialogue, congratulations! You've come to the end of my note and the beginning of everything else. Proceed!



Karmester hails from Sparyia, a large, temperate planet residing within another dimension existing in the multiverse. Despite their efforts, UNTIL has been unable to pinpoint any official coordinates of said dimension with current technology. However, based off deep-space study, the agency has determined that it is parallel to our own, and Sparyia retains almost exact position to that of Uranus, confirming that it is actually the alternate twin to the planet. Though both retain the same size, shape, and mass in theory, Uranus' counterpart is actually very humid and dense in cloud composure, rather than comprising of ice and rock; something that has baffled UNITL scientists.
Debriefing from Karmester has left scientists with little to work with, but the general consensus that has been accepted thus far by science teams determines that Sparyia has many similar features to Earth. Karmester emphasized that water and oxygen were key resources from his world, leading to the safe conclusion that an atmosphere like Earth's is in place. This is confirmed with his own need of oxygen and water, as well as a description of the terrain, detailing of rough, thick regions of forest and wildlife.
Because intelligence on the subject is limited, choreographers, geologists, and botanists have only been able to construct rough ideas of what thrives on the planet, but Karmester himself spoke of large plants and flora similar to trees, with thick vegetation, large clusters of unidentified sediments, presumably limestone, and bodies of water. When asked about their appearance, his description entailed sketches of environments like the Amazon rain forest, at the exception of most vines and other plants bearing large thorns, some with even a sub-level of consciousness. He went on to describe that the primary color of flora was a dark crimson and pale orange, with some substances such as fruit and undergrowth glowing a pale yellow.