Grave Danger

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Grave Danger
Grave Danger
Player: @Kriegvogel (Zedrik)
Focus: Melee
Level: 11
Personal Data
Real Name: Bradley Bartholomew Quincey
Known Aliases: Brad, Bart, BBQ
Legal Alignment: Vigilante
Internal Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Species: Human (Altered)
Blood Type: OO-
Date of Birth: December 30, 1989
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 170
Eye Color: Left: Blue, Right: Damaged
Hair Color: Dark Red
Skin Color: White
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Education: High School Dropout
Occupation: Vigilante
Place of Birth: Sunny Brooke, MI
Base of Operations: Westside
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives
Jacob Quincey (Father), Katherine Quincey (Mother), Jasper Quincey (Brother, -2 years), Quinton Quincey (Brother, -4 years)
Known Alternates
None Known
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Other Notes





Brad had a fairly normal life growing up in rural Michigan. Always full of energy, it wasn't surprising that the boy gravitated towards sports. In high school, playing as the team's tailback, he quickly rose in popularity despite the fact that he was openly gay. Unfortunately, while most of his teammates were fine with it, many girls weren't. Instead of simply being disappointed, a small group arranged to have the target of their desires captured and held against his will while they had their way with him over the course of the winter.


Brad's disappearance, of course, was not missed by the locals. Even after the police could no longer afford to keep up the search, Brad's family, friends, and the school's sports teams continued with the help of a specially appointed police officer in charge of the search.

Brad's ordeal would come to an end when his captor's brother finally stood up to her and released Brad. Being weak from the ordeal, though, Brad could not hold up in a fight against his captor's father, who refused to believe his daughter had held the boy and insisted it was Brad's fault.

Brad's eye was heavily damaged in the fight, and both he and the man's son died. Investigation into the deaths uncovered videos of each and every session Brad's captors had with him. Including sessions with many other girls who had payed for the privilege of being with the jock for a time.

Not Dead

Strangely, however, Brad woke up in the morgue, anything but dead. He fled and hid in the nearby woods until he could come to grips with what happened, both the ordeal of the past months and the fact that he should be dead. After a week, he went back into town and was subjected to medical testing, which could not find any sign of life in him despite the fact he was obviously still alive. His heart beat, he breathed, he had to eat food and expel waste. His eye could not be saved, however. Oddly, he could still sort of see through it.

Eventually, anger got the better of him, and he was able to track down his captors, who he slaughtered mercilessly, and the man who killed him, who he dragged into the woods and tortured for days before killing. He was absolved of culpability in these deaths, however. Sentenced only to time at a mental facility, it wasn't long before he broke out and fled to nearby Millennium City.



Original murder.


Suicide, decapitation.



Car wreck.


Vampire attempted to turn him. Woke up as normal.




Not happened yet.


