Zero (Ms. Lift III)

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Zero's mum was the second woman to take the name Ms. Lift, and her Nana was the first. Zero's dad is an on-again/off-again villain and general layabout named Peel, but no one in the family talked about him much. Either way, when Zero manifested her powers in her early teens, no one was very surprised.

Zero would be the third Ms. Lift, but she'd always hated the name. Really, at best it sounded like an elevator operator. At worst, it was a set up for a bra joke. Either way, Zero decided to go against tradition, in the way of names at least. Her Nana tutted a bit at the decision, but no one really pressed. After all, strong independence was ALSO a tradition.

Though against the name, Zero was NOT against the lifestyle. She loves being a super hero, and still tends to stick to a 'silver age' outlook on heroing. It's not that she doesn't recognize the common gray zones of life; Zero just prefers when the villain is a villain, and she is the hero. It's less complicated is all.

Zero has been hero-ing since she was fifteen, though mostly as a 'sidekick' to her mother. She has only recently moved from Toronto to make a name for herself in Millennium City. It's a tough slog, especially when she's one out of a million heroes in the city, but Zero is ready to make a name for herself.


Though the Ms. Lift hero name is only three generations old, the line of powered women goes back MUCH further. Nana tells of how the Loom in their family crest was a symbol for how all the women could 'see the strings of the world, and pluck them like a puppeteer would'. Zero doesn't know for strings, but she understands what her Nana is trying to say at least. Supposedly her family is an old one; and can be traced back to before the Tuatha de Danann ever set foot on the isles. Whatever that means.

Original Ms. Lift: Zero's Nana (Deirdre Elizabeth Whelan) was the first Ms. Lift. An Irish immigrant, she began her hero career in the mid fifties when she was still a teenager. She continued to be Ms. Lift until the late sixties, when she married long time associate Tony "Flyboy" Hart. She would be replaced as Ms. Lift by her daughter Rose.

Ms. Lift II: Rose Hart, Zero's mum, was the second Ms. Lift. She was most active through the late seventies to mid eighties, taking a break only when forced by pregnancy with Findabair. Rose is still semi active as Ms. Lift to this day.

Zero: Findabair's hero name is more than just a quick name in a hat. She loves her mum and her Nana, but she really, REALLY, hates the name Ms. Lift. She hides this behind the fact that her mum is still technically using the name anyways, but really, she'll never use it. Zero interest in the name, as it were.

As well, being part of an ongoing legacy comes with a continual push to have a family to pass that legacy to, and Zero is exactly the amount of interest Zero has in THAT. Both her mum and her Nana assure her that she'll find the interest when she's older, but Zero has suggested to both that they not hold their breath.


Like her mother and Nana, Zero is a telekinetic, able to lift and move things with her mind. She has Amazing control of this, and is capable of lifting up to fifty tons. Zero has developed several power stunts from this main ability.
-Power Bolts: Using her powers as a primal raw wave, Zero can smash and throw her opponents. She can attack a wide arc of opponents this way, or focus on one specific indivdual. when spreading her attack, she can deal Incredible damage to her targets, and throw them up to forty feet away. When focused on one target, Zero's damage is Amazing, and she flings them a good fifty feet.
-Tantrum: When pressed, Zero can lift and throw everyone and everything in her near vicinity. The damage of this is Remarkable, and she has shown ability to effect up to five targets this way.
-Utter Meltdown: When really, really pressed, Zero can 'let loose'. This full out attack has no real focus and tears up ground, signs, cars, people; whatever's about really. It does Amazing damage to everything within twenty feet of Zero, but slags her out a bit. Really, this is last resort, or showing off. Whichever.
-The Four 'F's: Which is to say "Feckin' Fickle Force Field". Zero can defend herself by projecting a field of telekinetic energy, but it takes a lot of concentration, and even then, well, she sort of sucks at it. Tends to blame the force field itself: hence the name.
-flight: Zero can lift herself, and fly at Excellent speed and mobility.

Zero has minimal telepathic abilities, with TYPICAL control. So far, Zero hasn't managed any attack abilities with her telepathy, save for maybe yelling swears in a person's head. She has managed some power stunts with her telepathic abilities:
-Communication: Zero can communicate mentally with anyone in eyesight. She can hold 'group chat' with up to three other people before she begins to get a headache. It's somewhat useful, really.
-Psi Shield: Zero can defend herself somewhat from incoming telepathic attacks, and has been trained to combat mental attempts at mind control. She has EXCELLENT defense against any psychic attacks.

Like many young heroes, Zero is only now finding the extent of her powers, so more is sure to come, aye?
