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Player: @Jshue1
Resolve Standing.jpg
Biographical Data
Real Name: Jaysan Cynd
Known Aliases: N/A
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Black
Place of Birth: Denver, CO
Base of Operations: Millennium City, MI
Relatives: Parents
Age: 23
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 152 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Confidential
Physical Build: Confidential
Physical Features: Confidential
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Identity: Public
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: United States
Occupation: Toy Inventor
Education: Some College (no degree)
Marital Status: Unmarried
Known Powers and Abilities

  • Subconscious magical enchantment of technology
  • Technopath

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • Nanoparticle armor that can be manipulated for various effects
  • Microbots capable of manipulating nanoparticles at long range
  • Short range energy condenser to energize electronics

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Background and Origin

Early Life and College

Jaysan Cynd is an inventor and scientist, but rarely acts or seems to be one. Although curious from a young age, he was often considered a poor academic, scoring poorly in all of his classes. This stemmed more from a lack of interest than from any learning disability. Instead, he devoted his time to his inventions. He would often create brilliant devices from literal junk to solve mundane problems or entertain. From lost ball locaters to self-sharpening pencils, he was capable of more than what anyone realized, yet he never gave his secret of how he did it.

Well, the secret is that Jaysan has no idea himself how his creations come to be. He unknowingly adds a small portion of his own magical energy into every device he creates, giving it special properties, and allowing Jaysan to directly manipulate nearby electronics.

Despite his low grades, his talent for invention attracted scholarships from universities across the nation. While uninterested in higher education, he attended college in the newly rebuilt Millennium City at his parent’s request. Jaysan took an interest in his studies, especially the history and culture courses. While naturally popular at home, once in college, his popularity soared, as did his ego. Despite his scholarships requiring an engineering degree, he pursued his passion, and instead registered entirely for the classes he enjoyed. All the while, he continued his inventing, fascinating his fellow students, but often attracting the ire of his professors.

Expulsion and New Beginnings

Eventually, this culminated in Jaysan creating several pairs of glasses, all linked so that they shared real time experiences secretly between each other. He initially gave them to his friends, until he realized that they were using them to perform massive cheating throughout the campus. When Jaysan demanded the glasses back from his friends, they instead turned him in to the college, blaming him for the cheating. Due to his poor reputation among the faculty and violation of his scholarship, his explanations were ignored, and he was unceremoniously expelled. Devastated at what appeared to be betrayal from his friends, he subconsciously destroyed the glasses, blinding his former friends and revealing to himself his ability to remotely interact with his inventions

Despite the circumstances, Jaysan was confident that he would be able to make a name for himself. Soon after being expelled, Jaysan started his own tech company, called Resolute Creativity, to try and market his inventions. Unfortunately, because he could not prove the mechanism of his creations, the majority end up being little more than toys; entertaining and interesting, but ultimately not useful. Jaysan became frustrated and disillusioned with the idea of creating devices for recognition, knowing that whatever he makes would just end up as useless trash, despite its revolutionary nature.

One day, Jaysan is visited by a mysterious person that claims it could solve his problems. With disbelief, Jaysan travels the world to meet them in their secret location. Once there, a secret organization informs Jaysan of two things that he would have to do to learn the secrets about himself: Create a device so impressive, it was impossible to exist, and then use it in such a way that everyone would have to listen.

He ended up creating his special suit, and became the superhero Resolve to ensure that everyone would eventually know his name. Initially, He was a superhero just for the fame, but ever since the death of his parents after the Qularr invasion, he has taken his job much more seriously, almost exclusively fighting crime as justly as possible.

Powers, Skills, and Attributes


Magical Craftsmanship - Resolve has the ability to imbue objects of any kind with magic, although he is generally limited to technology. As a side effect of his power, he can create seemingly impossible technology that defies the laws of physics. While he is technically capable of enchanting anything inorganic, his understanding of his own capabilities limits what he can enchant to technology that he creates.

As he builds something, magic allows him to subconsciously guide his tools and hands where they need to go to properly create the intended effect, sort of like a magical intuition. When the limits of technology are reached, as is often the case in his line of work, he transfers some of his own internal magical energy into the device. This process does not work in reverse, however; Resolve often makes fantastic inventions, yet hardly understands how it works, and couldn't explain it to another person.

Magical Energy Manipulation - As a side effect of his magical abilities, he wields huge amounts of magical power, which he can partially channel through items he uses. However, his naivety limits his maximum out put. While he could cast spells if he knew any, his unfamiliarity and lack of training make such exploits risky at best.

While fighting against Hi-Pan in Westside, Resolve found that he is essentially immune to magic. Whether this is a result of his latent magical powers or not is unknown

Technopathy - While generally a secret compared to his other powers, Resolve is certainly aware of his psionic connection to his inventions. Any invention that Resolve creates is magically linked to him. He can operate, monitor, and destroy any of his creations, either with his mind or via a special interface on his suit. If he wants to, Resolve can permanently sever his connection with a device, although this usually leaves said device inoperable. However, this psionic connection is limited only to things that Resolve makes, not to other electronics


Cultural studies - While he does not posses a degree, Resolve is well educated in the various cultures and politics of the planet Earth, from the mainstream to the relatively obscure. While rarely useful in a fight, as a superhero, he is more than willing to use his knowledge to negotiate or to ingratiate himself when he feels it is appropriate. He is constantly up to date on the latest current events around the world.

Technological Inventor - Resolve's powers form the bulk of his technical know how. However, in his desperation to understand his own technology, he has independently researched mainstream technology like circuits and programming. While rudimentary compared to his powers, this knowledge allows Resolve to interact with non-integrated technology much more efficiently, and allows him to create more targeted counter-technology when necessary.

Gear and Equipment


Resolve's primary superhero abilities originate from his self made Nano Emitter, which produces the majority of his on the fly creations. The emitter itself is distributed throughout resolve's suit, meaning that if his armor is penetrated and Resolve's suit is damaged, the emitter should usually be intact, allowing it to self repair and for Resolve to continue using it. The Nano Emitter works by creating a cloud of nanoparticles that can take on a variety of properties and forms. On its own, the cloud does three things for Resolve and his teammates.

Armor - Resolve's armor

Armor - Feel free to use this section to name and describe the gear that your character uses, if any. Be, again, as lengthy as you like.

Gadget - If this section does not apply to your character, feel free to delete it. Also feel free to add more sub-headers as they apply, such as for a vehicle, perhaps, and that vehicle's statistics.



This section is specifically for a spouse, lover, or some other form of paramour. Feel free to use any of the formatting from 'Friends/Allies' below.


Put any friends or allies your character may have in here. You may give them descriptions or simply list them. To make a numbered list, simply place a # at the beginning of each new line:

  1. This guy
  2. That guy
  3. Some chick

For a non-numbered list, put an asterisk instead (the lines are optional. Simply remove the HR tags if you wish to remove them):

  • This guy

  • That guy

  • Some chick

Or, you could even use a smaller sub-header for each person, effectively creating a small section on them, like this:

That Guy I Know

Put info on the friend here.

That Chick I Met

And here.

Some Dude at the Bar

Don't forget this one.


Put any rivals or enemies here. You can give descriptions, or simply list them. Same idea as the Allies and Friends.

General Perception

Put here the way your character would be perceived by the general public. This means, the things that the general public would know, how the media would portray them, things people might know without ever having met the character.

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