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Player: @Darkstar24
Biographical Data
Real Name: Alexia Blackwell
Known Aliases: Alex, Lia, Blondie, The Blonde Witch
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Vibora Bay, Florida
Base of Operations: Millenium City, Michigan
Relatives: Maxis Blackwell (Father, Deceased), Eliza Blackwell (Mother, Deceased)
Age: 26
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140lbs
Eyes: Light Blue
Hair: Blonde
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Thin, Athletic
Physical Features: Small birthmark above right eyebrow
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 3
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Psychiatrist
Education: BSc Psychology, Counselling Psychology MD, PhD's in Forensic and Clinical Psychology. Extensive Knowledge of Magic, Expert Knowledge of Alchemy.
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Sorcery, Flight, Teleportation, Telekinesis, Empathy, Astral Projection, Aura Reading, and Magic Detection.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Necklace that protects against dark magic and small pouch filled with medicinal herbs.
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Personal Quote

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”


Alexia was born to Maxis and Eliza Blackwell who were both members of a coven called the Circle of the Silver Crescent a group of good witches who battled the forces of darkness. Their biggest adversaries being the Circle of the Scarlet Moon a group of dark witches. One day while practicing a simple healing spell on a patch of dead flowers she met a girl named Bethany Duquesne. The girls quickly became best friends after noticing how much they had in common personality wise. When the girls were both 16 they found out that their families belonged to rival covens. Alexia put off at first quickly saw the good in Bethany and the girls decided to keep their identities a secret from eachothers families. When Bethany fled from her family on her 18 birthday Alexia quickly decided to help her and set out along side her with a blessing from Alexia's parents. Alexia and Bethany spent a long time using magic to survive which quickly caught the eyes of the Trismegistus Council, a group of wizards dedicated to helping mankind. The council took the girls in and under the tutiledge of the council elders taught them more about magic and how to control their powers. Soon after Bethany joined the champions as Witchcraft. Alexia decided to become a superhero as well helping out the champions whenever she could with her vast knowledge of sorcery and now 3 years later Alexia fights on the side of good helping out anyone in need. After Talisman killed Alexia's parents, Alexia vowed to her bestfriend Bethany that she would help to defeat her evil twin sister as the dual spellcasters Witchcraft and Wiccan!

Powers & Abilities

  • Sorcery: A practitioner of the arcane arts, Wiccan is versed in various schools of magic, including elemental, abjuration, conjuration, evocation, illusion, scrying, and healing.
  • Elemental Control: Wiccan has the limited ability to manipulate the four elements of nature: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.
  • Divination: She has the ability to divine the future, past, and present events based off extrasensory perception.
  • Alchemy: Wiccan has extensive knowledge of alchemy and create a number of potions and elixers for a number of different situations.
  • Herbalism: She has extensive knowledge of herbalism which she uses for both medicinal and magical purposes.
  • Telekinesis: She has the ability to move objects with the her mind. Through the use of her telekinetic abilities she can achieve a form of flight.
  • Empathy: Wiccan was born with the ability to sense and to some extent manipulate the feelings and emotions of other people.
  • Aura Reading: Wiccan can perceive auras, normally invisible fields of energy that surround every living thing. She uses this to sense emotions, health, power levels, or the targets moral alignment. She is sometimes able to sense auras surrounding inanimate objects under special circumstances.
  • Magic Detection: Wiccan can sense the presence and source of magical energies. She can inherently feel magical energy in her vicinity regardless of where it may be present.
  • Astral Projection: She can project her astral form from her body onto astral planes or the physical planes. In the physical plane she can travel in astral form over vast distances. In the astral plane, she can mentally create psionic objects and manipulate the aspects of her environment. She can communicate with others astrally through her own will, or through contact with the thoughts and memories of others.
  • Teleportation: Wiccan has the ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between. This power however, is very exhausting to use.
  • Flight: Through the use of her telekinetic abilities she can achieve a form of flight and when pushing her limits has been able to break the sound barrier.


  • Mortality: Based off the fact that Wiccan is still human, she shares many of the same weaknesses as non-supernatural beings.