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Liath SODLAG 4848.png

Liath Breeze Profile.jpg
“The night crackled ... Everything had turned to static electricity in the heat. I combed my hair to watch the sparks fly from the ends.”
Player: @Liath
Liath SODLAG 130130.png
Super Group
Society of Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Malorie Monroe
March 4th, 2000
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Hidden Cave
Parker Mill County Park
High School Student
Legal Status
Registered Heroine
Secret Identity
Marital Status
Single (Not Dating)
· Known Relatives ·
James Monroe (Father)
Margaret Monroe (Mother)
Physical Traits
African American
Apparent Age
90 lbs.
Body Type
· Distinguishing Features ·
White Hair
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Electrical Charge Generation
Kinetik Atmospheric Control
· Equipment ·
· Other Abilities ·

Liath Breeze Origin.png
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While visiting nearby Millenium City on a school trip Malorie and her schoolmates were trapped inside the museum in Memorial Park, when a large robot decided to stage an attack outside.

Peering around the door to try and see which of her favourite heroes had turned up to battle the mechanical fiend, Malorie was struck by a blast of electricity from the robot and thrown backwards into the museum, landing awkwardly amongst the exhibits.

Waking up later in Mercy Hospital, Malorie found herself without any serious injuries, however her hair had turned pure white. Released home a few days later, Malorie returned to her normal life and school work.

About a month later and purely by accident Malorie discovered that she could generate small electrical charges. Taking herself to a secluded wood near her home she began to practice and eventually learned to control the electricity and through doing this also affect the air around her. She found she was able to create gusts of wind strong enough to carry her into the air or push her forward at great speed.

Being quite a precocious child and having always been a super hero fangirl, Malorie decided to take the plunge and become a hero herself. She fashioned a home made costume and secretly took to the streets of MC. Eventually some of the older heroes took her under their wing and gave her proper training and access to better equipment. Since then life for Malorie has been a Breeze.

Liath Breeze Look.png
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Before & After Incident.
Malorie's most striking feature is now her white hair, unusual enough but for someone of African American heritage it is particularly startling. Despite the efforts of her mother Maggie to dye it to a more natural shade, Malorie has found that color preparations just won't stay in her hair for any more than a couple of hours at a time. Prior to the attack in Millenium City, Malorie's hair was a more natural shade of brown.

Standing 4’8’’ tall, at a weight of around 90 pounds, Malorie is perhaps a little small for someone her age. Due however to her athletic and gymnastic training at school in Ann Arbor, Malorie has a high muscle tone and body strength which combined with her size often puts opponents on the back foot when she comes out fighting.

Malorie generally wears relaxed clothing when not fighting crime and is sometimes mistaken for a young boy due to her fondness for baggy attire and sportswear.

Liath Breeze Power.png
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur cursus, lacus sit amet lacinia dictum, risus arcu lacinia justo, eget rhoncus est massa eget est. Sed luctus at libero et facilisis. Etiam consequat porttitor felis, sed porttitor tortor auctor id. Suspendisse eu vehicula eros. Phasellus imperdiet, neque eu pharetra elementum, ligula justo pharetra risus, quis ultrices dolor nibh ut velit. Phasellus dolor velit, dapibus in condimentum in, commodo ultricies diam. In consectetur laoreet imperdiet. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas aliquam nibh vel odio hendrerit aliquet. Ut fermentum imperdiet mollis. Maecenas libero nulla, dapibus a nisl et, tempor bibendum nunc. Nullam a libero varius tortor aliquam elementum vulputate vitae odio. Cras tincidunt elit quis nibh dictum, eu gravida dui sodales. Donec interdum laoreet diam, eget ornare urna volutpat sit amet. Donec ac posuere ante. Integer feugiat lorem sit amet velit fermentum mollis.

Cras vitae tellus gravida, lobortis dolor porttitor, aliquet est. Donec vel porttitor mauris. Nulla congue elit non purus scelerisque cursus. Vestibulum cursus risus at libero commodo, vitae porta lacus eleifend. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras ultrices nisl eget ullamcorper consectetur. Sed et eros eu dolor dapibus ornare. Nulla interdum nisl varius dolor tristique, nec tempus libero congue. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla eget justo porta, malesuada lorem ultrices, ultrices elit. Maecenas lobortis hendrerit nibh nec varius. Quisque viverra bibendum consequat. Sed rutrum nunc faucibus diam laoreet, ut laoreet eros vestibulum. Maecenas imperdiet adipiscing pellentesque. Aliquam fringilla nisl et purus pretium aliquam.

Liath Breeze Gear.png
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  • Uniform: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur cursus, lacus sit amet lacinia dictum, risus arcu lacinia justo, eget rhoncus est massa eget est. Sed luctus at libero et facilisis. Etiam consequat porttitor felis, sed porttitor tortor auctor id. Suspendisse eu vehicula eros. Phasellus imperdiet, neque eu pharetra elementum, ligula justo pharetra risus, quis ultrices dolor nibh ut velit. Phasellus dolor velit, dapibus in condimentum in, commodo ultricies diam. In consectetur laoreet imperdiet. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas aliquam nibh vel odio hendrerit aliquet. Ut fermentum imperdiet mollis. Maecenas libero nulla, dapibus a nisl et, tempor bibendum nunc. Nullam a libero varius tortor aliquam elementum vulputate vitae odio. Cras tincidunt elit quis nibh dictum, eu gravida dui sodales. Donec interdum laoreet diam, eget ornare urna volutpat sit amet. Donec ac posuere ante. Integer feugiat lorem sit amet velit fermentum mollis.

Liath Breeze Gallery.png
Liath Breeze Twister.png

In Borrowed Scuba Gear off Monster Island


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