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Player: @DZPlayer122
Biographical Data
Real Name:
Known Aliases:
Gender: Female
Species: Lemurian
Ethnicity: Broodmother Bloodline
Place of Birth: Lemuria
Base of Operations: Various Hideaways
Age: 28
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 275 lb.
Eyes: Purple
Hair: N/A
Complexion: Brown Scales
Physical Build: Tough
Physical Features: Fins on her body which allow her to breathe on land and underwater.
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Years Active: Less than 1
Citizenship: None
Education: 3 years of self-taught magic usage
Marital Status:
Known Powers and Abilities
Lemurian Arcane and Dark Magic
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada

The Lemurian Trickster

Cruxie was on the lowest end of the caste system which dictated Lemurian life. Instead of following the system, she took her life into her own hands and began practicing magic. Cruxie used her new powers to control those which would try to keep her down. Cruxie was eventually found out and hunted for the treachery. She wandered the depths, stealing anything to get by. Both sides of the war hated her.

Cruxie happened upon the Karkaradons, vicious shark-men from an alternate dimension. They attacked Cruxie, thinking they were going to have a meal. Cruxie proceeded to destroy what mental capacity they had before being bitten in the side. She retreated and nearly bled out before being found by Amphibian. While Amphibian couldn't do much, Cruxie was capable of siphoning the life force of others. She drained just enough from Amphibian to get herself back on the move and prevent him from tracking her down. She eventually found her way to Monster Island.

The Curse of Losing the Curse

Weary from her travel, Cruxie stopped to find some food. She was caught by surprise when a paralysis spell hit her. It wasn't long before she was taken into the mouth of the volcano and into the temple which dark rituals were being performed. The Warlord Zarn felt her power and sought to use this to his advantage. The Bleak Ones' Influence started transforming her into the form which she would have naturally been, a Broodmother. Zarn used his own magic to slow the process and eventually he found that in Cruxie's new form she could be a devastating weapon in the Lemurian Civil War. Cruxie had no control over herself, fighting between Zarn's influence and the Broodmother instincts to kill.

Zarn's magic was failing, and Cruxie was turning into a Broodmother once more. Zarn tried to reverse the effects and his spell went too far, Cruxie gained control of herself and used her own magic to snare Zarn and escape. When she finally got to a safe spot, Cruxie looked at her reflection in a small pool of water. She was a monster now. Cruxie survived on Monster Island for months in a cave before UNTIL scouts found her hideout. She didn't offer any resistance and went with them hoping that there would be some way to get off the island which was her hell.

Cruxie gave UNTIL as much information as she could, everything about the operations in Andrithal and how she got into the state she is in now. More importantly, she knew the Rastrinhafar's Recipe, a special brew that curses the lemurian's true form and changes it into that of a human. Cruxie was sent to Millennium City under the eyes of the Iron Wolves, lead by an Ex-UNTIL Coordinator named Turando. She still practices the Lemurian magics, but for defense rather than killing (although she isn't afraid of doing so if needed).

A new hope for life, shattered?

A few weeks into her stay in Millennium City, Turando gave her information which pointed her to a Lemurian Ambassador. She immediately went to the museum to talk to him but realized that in her current form she may be treated as an enemy. She asked a couple of local heroes to help her in her mission. When she entered the building, Cruxie found it overrun with hostile Lemurians. The two heroes assisted her in fighting into the main room where a shocking surprise was waiting for her.

Warlord Zarn had not forgotten about her, as he sent a Bloodhunter by the name of Garza after her. Bloodhunters are the most ruthless of lemurians, much like a Bloodhound, they take the scent of their target and follow it until they successfully eliminate their target. The two heroes fended off other lemurians while Cruxie contended with the Bloodhunter. They were successful in repelling the attackers and Cruxie turned to ask the Lemurian Ambassador to be forgiven for her crimes back home and was answered with the crowd of patrons cheering for the the new heroine.

Cruxie had no time to spare as she had to track down the Bloodhunter before things got worse. She found him at WCOC, where she proceeded to attack him. Garza had escaped once again, but before Cruxie could go after him the news crew begged her to join them in a special news report. After she received all the praise from WCOC, Cruxie followed the messy trail which the Bloodhunter left behind. She found him in a warehouse making a deal with an unknown villain to construct a WMD. She wasn't going to let Garza escape again. Cruxie nearly killed him before Defender arrived to prevent the final blow. While Garza was imprisoned, the weapons dealer had gotten away.

Cruxie knows now that she must return to Monster Island to finish the job and to Lemuria to finally bring peace to the nation before the Civil War goes too far and tears it apart.

Combat Style and Role (OOC)

Cruxie is classified as Supportive. Her power lies in the ability to disrupt enemy strength, reducing the damage they deal to herself and allies. Siphoning life to empower nearby allies and inciting fear in combat allows her to dominate the battlefield with ease. While most of her abilities are capable of being used at a distance, Cruxie will stand next to an ally in the fray to improve their survivability as she desires.