Grey Osprey

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The Grey Osprey
Infobox osp ewg.png
Archer • Martial Artist • Hacker
Player: @gijoespouse2
Personal Data
Real Name: Elise Andrews
Known Aliases:
Species: Human
Age: ~6 months (looks to be in her mid 20s)
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 135lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Pale Green
Occupation: Clone
Place of Birth: Nicaragua
Relationship Status: Single
Known Relatives: None


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam interdum venenatis mi id efficitur. Suspendisse rutrum orci nec odio tincidunt dictum. Duis sed magna id justo bibendum finibus eget vel augue. Donec euismod diam in fermentum facilisis. Aenean sagittis nunc arcu, a tempor purus tincidunt quis. Nunc aliquam dapibus posuere. Maecenas vehicula, augue in ornare blandit, dolor neque eleifend velit, eget feugiat felis lorem ut elit. Quisque et sem urna. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas faucibus lacus at sagittis interdum. Pellentesque a molestie dolor. Aliquam faucibus arcu ac ultrices tristique.

    Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam eu aliquet enim, vel suscipit sem. Donec rhoncus urna tellus, in gravida nunc rutrum non. Mauris ligula neque, commodo ac dictum a, dapibus suscipit neque. Sed porttitor erat ac fermentum posuere. Praesent iaculis elit eget urna aliquet, id dignissim urna maximus. Maecenas mattis velit at justo pulvinar, non ultricies metus euismod. Morbi at mattis quam.


Osprey's uncanny knack and talent with a bow is a by-product of the source material (ie person) she was cloned from. She is able to draw, fire and redraw rapidly and efficiently, even allowing her to fire off quickshots at close range.

Enhanced Vision
Osprey has enhanced vision, which allows her to see further and in greater detail than the average person. This, coupled with her bow proficiency, makes for amazing accuracy even when taking incredibly long shots. She still has the same blind spots that a normal person would have. She also can't spot people who are completely invisible, unless they're making use of some sort of lightbending technique/technology while in motion (she'd be able to see the ripple).

Adoptive Muscle Memory
Osprey is able to copy any movement or action after seeing it performed once. This would include acrobatic feats, martial arts, essentially any sort of physical stunt. She is able to recall these forms and movements later, even using them in conjunction with one another. While this certainly is an asset, especially in a combat situation, there are a couple of drawbacks. For one thing, she can't mimic super powers. No suddenly shooting fireballs! The other is that she has to be able to see the action to mimic it.

Enhanced Balance
Osprey has an extremely well developed sense of balance. This allows her to maintain her footing when an adversary attempts to knock her of balance. In the offchance that she is knocked off her feet, she has an intuitive sense of how to position her limbs and regain her center of balance. She's able to turn most falls into a tumble or roll to get back up. She can also maintain perfect balance even when on narrow or unstable objects.

Osprey has extraordinary reflexes that are entirely involuntary. This makes it incredibly difficult to land a blow on her. Because she doesn't have to actually think about how to move her body, she is better able to strategize and counter the attacks of her opponents. This also alows her to continue dodging a wider variety of attacks when weakened or when her judgement's impaired (ie drunk, drugged, etc etc). She also has the added benefit of moving purely on reflex instead of reaction, so feints and illusions are basically useless against her. As fast as her body can react, those who possess enhanced speed move too quickly for her to evade.


Human Frailty
While Osprey's body was genetically programmed to be hard as hell to hit, she was not gifted with powers that resist damage. This means when she does get hit, she suffers just like any other human would. It means she's susceptible to poisons, sickness, etc etc.

Osprey's auto reflexes might save her from being duped by illusions and feints, but they don't save her from telepathy or mental domination. Her mind has no resistances to psychic intrusion.

Social Skills Are Hard
Osprey may look like she's a young adult, but she's only 6 months old, and much of that time was spent unconscious in a clone vat. The cloning process programmed her with basic skills, so she's not ENTIRELY inept in the social arena. She has not, however, mastered tact, and can be brutally honest at times when a gentler tone would be needed. She also becomes easily frustrated at socially complex situations.


Tactical Suit
Curabitur porttitor hendrerit nunc nec maximus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc accumsan facilisis enim non commodo. Pellentesque posuere non est et finibus. Donec in diam sollicitudin, porttitor elit et, semper orci. Quisque risus enim, ultricies vel nisl ac, mollis tempor odio. Nulla pulvinar lorem purus, ut iaculis libero vehicula ac. Phasellus posuere augue id consectetur semper. Fusce fermentum eros non justo pellentesque semper. Cras eget magna libero. Donec sed erat eget mauris congue posuere eu rutrum quam. Vestibulum aliquet posuere risus, ac convallis nulla dignissim eget. Pellentesque congue tortor sit amet lorem tincidunt laoreet. Nullam non tellus non eros tincidunt finibus. Nunc fermentum porttitor lorem, et elementum ex suscipit id. Duis a turpis dolor.

Osprey prefers to use carbon weave arrows. While they look pretty much the same as any other off the shelf, her arrows are specially manufactured in her home dimension, thus allowing for some subtle differences in make up. The shafts of the arrows feature two different carbon materials that create 2 spines in 1 arrow, thus creating better energy management. Arrows recover faster, spin 20% sooner, and retain more speed in flight. The back shaft section features carbon weave construction that provides spine consistency, strength and durability. Every one of these arrows feature a precision nock to deliver a controlled release, better shaft alignment, and more consistent accuracy.

Trick Arrowheads
Osp can, and does, use regular arrow heads, but she also makes use of trick arrowheads to level the playing field in her favor. The following is a list of the different types she has at her disposal, though she may not always be carrying every single one of these on her person:

• Flashbang
• Adhesive
• Taser
• Cryo
• Flammable
• Acid
• Sonic Disruptor
• Oil Slick
• Explosive

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam id sodales elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus dictum magna id nisl pretium, in pretium mi ultrices. Vivamus et consequat neque, ut sollicitudin justo. Vivamus lectus purus, tristique et pretium ut, porttitor ut lorem. Nulla ut urna lacus. In efficitur, lectus eget sagittis volutpat, mi justo porta enim, in malesuada nisl quam consectetur tellus. Ut malesuada blandit urna vitae posuere. In gravida libero vitae gravida dapibus. In in sem metus. Vestibulum pharetra mauris sed nisi aliquam viverra. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

• Function 2
• Function 2
• Function 2

Utility Belt
While Osp does have extra pockets in the BDU style pants she wears, not everything fits in a pocket. She wears a utility belt as extra storage on her person. It's made of durable material, with a heavy duty clasp that prevents it from being easily snatched off her person. Her Persona-Slide teleportation rig is built into it (see further below for more info). The belt has 6 compartments. Some common items that can be found in these compartments, or in the pockets of her BDUs:

• Zip ties
• Smoke pellets
• Solvent (for dissolving adhesives)
• Tracking beacons
• Small evidence bags
• Tissues

• Small first aid items


Forever A Clone

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam id sodales elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus dictum magna id nisl pretium, in pretium mi ultrices. Vivamus et consequat neque, ut sollicitudin justo. Vivamus lectus purus, tristique et pretium ut, porttitor ut lorem. Nulla ut urna lacus. In efficitur, lectus eget sagittis volutpat, mi justo porta enim, in malesuada nisl quam consectetur tellus. Ut malesuada blandit urna vitae posuere. In gravida libero vitae gravida dapibus. In in sem metus. Vestibulum pharetra mauris sed nisi aliquam viverra. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

    Etiam at risus vestibulum, vulputate tortor et, placerat enim. Morbi interdum posuere nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer id dapibus magna. Cras nec finibus enim, ut tempus ligula. Curabitur sit amet faucibus ante. Aenean quis tempus ligula.

    Curabitur porttitor hendrerit nunc nec maximus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc accumsan facilisis enim non commodo. Pellentesque posuere non est et finibus. Donec in diam sollicitudin, porttitor elit et, semper orci. Quisque risus enim, ultricies vel nisl ac, mollis tempor odio. Nulla pulvinar lorem purus, ut iaculis libero vehicula ac. Phasellus posuere augue id consectetur semper. Fusce fermentum eros non justo pellentesque semper. Cras eget magna libero. Donec sed erat eget mauris congue posuere eu rutrum quam. Vestibulum aliquet posuere risus, ac convallis nulla dignissim eget. Pellentesque congue tortor sit amet lorem tincidunt laoreet. Nullam non tellus non eros tincidunt finibus. Nunc fermentum porttitor lorem, et elementum ex suscipit id. Duis a turpis dolor.

    Nam maximus vel dui et facilisis. Morbi eu porta risus, nec auctor turpis. Nam sit amet enim tincidunt, rhoncus nisi a, dignissim magna. Quisque sollicitudin, est nec egestas mollis, purus turpis tempus purus, sit amet volutpat sapien nulla a quam. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec risus ligula, fringilla a nunc non, fringilla vulputate urna. Donec maximus auctor scelerisque. Vestibulum imperdiet aliquet risus consectetur posuere. Aenean mollis nisi vitae arcu finibus eleifend. Quisque rutrum, diam non efficitur finibus, nulla purus volutpat velit, vel commodo lacus sapien sed quam. Maecenas sed eros in risus aliquam ultrices a ac neque. Etiam congue fermentum erat. Vestibulum fringilla ante vitae pellentesque imperdiet. Nullam dictum elementum consequat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut metus turpis, cursus sit amet vehicula ut, lobortis a arcu.

    Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut nec molestie sapien. Donec sit amet scelerisque elit. Suspendisse nec nulla eu augue maximus rhoncus a vitae elit. Pellentesque at velit lobortis, convallis lacus quis, viverra neque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin pellentesque tristique ligula, eu malesuada purus ullamcorper sodales. Pellentesque id diam eget lacus pellentesque lacinia finibus eget purus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec ut pellentesque magna. Pellentesque iaculis gravida rutrum. Ut posuere, nisl vitae egestas volutpat, nibh felis hendrerit dui, sit amet blandit purus leo vitae lacus. Cras a laoreet leo. Cras sed leo ullamcorper, suscipit dolor id, pretium risus. Nullam sed egestas lacus, eget porttitor nulla.



    Lorem Ipsum: Curabitur porttitor hendrerit nunc nec maximus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc accumsan facilisis enim non commodo. Pellentesque posuere non est et finibus. Donec in diam sollicitudin, porttitor elit et, semper orci. Quisque risus enim, ultricies vel nisl ac, mollis tempor odio. Nulla pulvinar lorem purus, ut iaculis libero vehicula ac. Phasellus posuere augue id consectetur semper. Fusce fermentum eros non justo pellentesque semper. Cras eget magna libero. Donec sed erat eget mauris congue posuere eu rutrum quam. Vestibulum aliquet posuere risus, ac convallis nulla dignissim eget. Pellentesque congue tortor sit amet lorem tincidunt laoreet. Nullam non tellus non eros tincidunt finibus. Nunc fermentum porttitor lorem, et elementum ex suscipit id. Duis a turpis dolor.


    Lorem Ipsum: Curabitur porttitor hendrerit nunc nec maximus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc accumsan facilisis enim non commodo. Pellentesque posuere non est et finibus. Donec in diam sollicitudin, porttitor elit et, semper orci. Quisque risus enim, ultricies vel nisl ac, mollis tempor odio. Nulla pulvinar lorem purus, ut iaculis libero vehicula ac. Phasellus posuere augue id consectetur semper. Fusce fermentum eros non justo pellentesque semper. Cras eget magna libero. Donec sed erat eget mauris congue posuere eu rutrum quam. Vestibulum aliquet posuere risus, ac convallis nulla dignissim eget. Pellentesque congue tortor sit amet lorem tincidunt laoreet. Nullam non tellus non eros tincidunt finibus. Nunc fermentum porttitor lorem, et elementum ex suscipit id. Duis a turpis dolor.


Lorem Ipsum
Name: Nam Maxiums

Abilities: Prognostication
Occupation: Talking

Status: Who knows
    Etiam at risus vestibulum, vulputate tortor et, placerat enim. Morbi interdum posuere nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer id dapibus magna. Cras nec finibus enim, ut tempus ligula. Curabitur sit amet faucibus ante. Aenean quis tempus ligula.





• This version of Osprey is a clone of another character that was brought over from City of Heroes. Information on the original Osprey can be found here on Primus Database and on Virtueverse.

• Osprey's casting choice is Adrianne Palicki.


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