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''This section is reserved for any character comments by characters that know of or have heard of the rampaging droid''

Revision as of 07:54, 7 January 2015

Player: @DragonFire1170
[[Image:AT-LAS Profile Pic.png|300px|]]
"False. Heroes do not bring peace and order."
Biographical Data
Real Name: XTCS-001
Known Aliases: Atlas
Gender: Masculine Programming
Species: Advanced Tactical Light Assault Synthetic
Ethnicity: American
Place of Birth: Millennium City, Michigan
Base of Operations: Earth
Relatives: Jagerwolf (Creator)
Age: Unknown
Height: 7'11
Weight: 1500lbs
Eyes: Glowing red or green
Hair: None
Complexion: Metal
Physical Build: Sleek, large
Physical Features: Mouth-like shape on head
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Identity: Public
Years Active: Unknown
Citizenship: Earth
Occupation: Rogue Droid
Education: Frequently updated databanks
Marital Status: Uninterested
Known Powers and Abilities
Large array of weapons, shields, very durable, super-strength, flight, very agile
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

This page has been marked as a creative work in progress.

The author of this article has marked this as a creative work, and would prefer that other users not edit it. Please respect this, and unless repairing a typo, spelling, or other minor technical error, think of this page as read-only.

Note from the author: This character is meant to be used as a boss character for an RP event, as such, it is rather powerful within an event, but outside its abilities are downplayed.


A very tall and large humanoid robot towering at seven feet and eleven inches, covered from head to toe in extremely heavy armor plating, littered with hidden weapon ports. The head of the machine is designed to intimidate criminals and even supervillains, utilizing small, glowing optic sensors and a large "mouth" in the front. The armor plating of the droid is of the same faded blue and dark blue of the Titan Commandoes of PRIMUS, hinting at the intention that it was meant to be given to the organization.

Close up of the droid's head, showing the "mouth" shape.


Cold, calculating, efficient, cunning, four words that easily describe the machine. The A.I. core of the droid is capable of creating true, real emotions, but the machine refuses to show them in most circumstances, seeing them as a means to interfere with its efficiency. AT-LAS views both heroes and villains as one in the same, neither side bringing peace and order to the world as per its programming, its actions both heroic and villainous depending on the situation.



AT-LAS is filled to the brim with weapons and equipment, most notably are its laser blasters in its eyes and particle cannons mounted on its wrists, and an entire arsenal of various weaponry along the rest of its body, including a multi-use cannon in the mouth area. Perhaps the most dangerous ability of this machine is the fact its A.I. is able to adapt; if it is defeated, it learns from its own mistakes, and works to never allow it to happen again.


The droid is equipped with an incredibly durable shell of a unique alloy created by Jaegerwolf, known as Diandite, named in reference to diamonds, an incredibly strong material slightly above Kendrium and Ferro-Tritanium in strength, but that isn't what makes most of his durability. The droid is protected by a layer of shields, gaining resistance to most attacks. The optics suite within the head gives the droid a wide band of visual range, able to see in visual, infrared, ultraviolet, X-Ray, and nightvision; the audiatory suite allows it to be able to detect sounds from within normal hearing range and even infra-sound ranges, the two sense systems allow it to see in a kind of "sonar" if required, when all visual systems have failed. A unique feature for the droid is the installation of a prototype olfactory sensor, allowing it to "smell" around itself, though due to it being so primitive, its senses are slightly more dull than that of a human, and much more dull than that of its lupine creator. Littered over the machine's body are nanoscopic sensors designed as a "touch" sense, allowing the machine to feel around itself, though as a drawback, allows the machine to feel pain to a limited degree, which can cause it to grow more dangerous as survival instincts kick in, or allow it to decide when it is time to preserve itself instead of fighting to its destruction.

The droid is powered by a powerful 1GW micro-fusion breeder reactor core, capable of keeping itself fuelled for an indefinate amount of time; numerous failsafes and the relatively compact size of the reactor prevents it from being destructive in the case of a catastrophic failure, forcing the reactor to fizzle out instead of explode, the protium fuel keeping radiation levels low as compared to engines running on deuterium and tritium, while at the same time being capable of producing valuable helium, some being rerouted into the cooling system to keep the reactor and itself from overheating, and the rest being diverted into storage tanks for removal, adding a useful second purpose to such an engine.

The major joints of the machine are equipped with a highly powerful mix of servo motors and artificial metallic muscle fibers, giving the machine human-like movements, super-strength, and super agility, further amplifying the machine's ability to fight most foes with no issue, rated on being able to fight on par with a Brick, and able to keep up with the speed of an acrobat.


The one definate nemesis of the machine is its own creator, the lupine inventor Jaegerwolf, or Fenris Driftfang. He is one of the only ones that knows its weaknesses, and as such is a prime target if he is ever an opponent. Unfortunately for Jaegerwolf, the droid is completely capable of peeling him out of his own armor if he gets too close, as such he is at quite a disadvantage.


"The organization known as PRIMUS utilizes violence to bring peace to the world, while the organization VIPER utilizes violence to destroy. Illogical. Both organizations are a threat to the overal stability of this world, and as such: the only correct course of action...is termination."

Upon gaining sentience at Titan-Commando Headquarters

"Assessment: You create weaponry with the intent to give to 'Enforcement' organizations. This only serves to bring even more chaos to the world and more death, and has caused you to gain the attention of a hostile organization bent on stealing your technology to further their goals of domination. And you enable him to do this work, therefore...you are both a core cause to this world's problems. Among the worst offenders. Both of you must be terminated."

To Jaegerwolf and his girlfriend, Gold Silk, upon first confrontation

"False. I do not intend to bring the destruction of humanity, only peace and order. I will not let anyone get in my way to achieve my noble goal. If you stand in my way, you are a threat. Threats are to be removed."

To PRIMUS Headquarters upon going fully rogue

"You have created me to be the final answer to any threat this world faces. Not even your greatest suit of armor can resist me. You are obsolete, and a threat to the world."

To Jaegerwolf shortly after prying the injured wolf out of his mech's chest


Liath Music.png
Countdown to Extinction
Liath Music.png
Avenged Sevenfold
Critical Acclaim


  • AT-LAS was inspired by Ultron from Marvel Comics


This section is reserved for any character comments by characters that know of or have heard of the rampaging droid
