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M.A.R.A. (Miniature Armored Robotic Avatar)
Player: @tbathory
Class Focus: Ranged DPS
Power Level:
Research & Development: Science (Emissions)
Personal Data
Real Name: She does not know so goes by Mara
Known Aliases:
Species: Human/Cyborg
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: Biological preteen
Height: 4' 11"
Eye Color: artificial
Hair Color: Blue
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: Member of the T.I.N.M.E.N.
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Marital Status: to young
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Electricity Manipulation
Known Abilities
Able to ride on the earth's electro-magnetic fields by stepping into a dimension of pure energy.
None but has a program called M.O.T.H.E.R. (Monitoring Overwatch Trainer for Health & Ethics Routine)that acts independently of her and not only tutors her but will audibly correct her and enforce proper social norms and routines.
Is not as mature as her age confuses words unless she is reading.



Only 35% biological material the rest is robotic. She only ever exposes her head, by means of the the helmet and face shield retracting. The "wings" are panels that convert the earth's electro-magnetic fields into energy for her. She does not eat as her biological matter is sustained with a recycling fluid. She has been known to don a dress she bought and is very proud of wearing in social settings.

The armor can retract to expose the rest of her biological trunk if ever there should be a need for medical attention.


A young and perky preteen. Full of curiosity and precociousness she is quick to start a conversation, say what is on her mind and extend friendship. She often mispronounces words and confuses their meaning except when reading or writing. When she is able to "see" a word her comprehension is outstanding and her level of scientific understanding is on the level of a upper graduate student.

She is also naive and innocent in many things but has no problem coming straight out and asking, even if it is not quite socially proper. That is when M.O.T.H.E.R. steps in and will admonish and correct her.

There are moments though when there is a sadness about her as she wonders who she is and tries to sort the flashes of memories she has. ((see OOC notes))

Moral compass and codex

Does not kill, believes in helping people and being nice. Strong, if not naive sense of right and wrong. Which is reinforced by her Monitoring Overwatch Trainer for Health & Ethics Routine (M.O.T.H.E.R.) which is responsible for educating her in all matters both academic and social. When Mara is being obstinate the program will enforce correct behavior i.e. if Mara swears and does not stop the program will shut down her vocal abilities for a time determined by the severity of the vulgarity.

The program also acts as a combat routine and will, if necessary, take over Mara's actions to either engage or retreat depending on the threat level. Mara has at times been able to over ride this through a force of will or by presenting a logical case (arguing).

Interests and passions

The normal interests of a pre-teen girl with all the silliness and awkwardness. She misses being able to eat and would love for one day to be able to, though she does like the fact that she never has to "poop".


None really/




Current Associates

Frank Harper, Marine and I think he has a girlfriend named Fin or Flapper or something like that.

Sentient Robot and I think he likes Cerese **giggles (M.A.R.A. calls him Thepsilon)

Links Dani **giggles**

She's the bestest (M.A.R.A. calls her Cerese [as in series])

Sentient Robot whose panties show **giggles**

That's Dani and she likes Mister Marcus **giggles**

Another Sentint Robot that looks like a cross between Darth Vader and Tucan Sam

I don't know what he is but he sure is big and strong and very sweet

He's like a big robot Monkey or what Dr. Silverback would look like effen he was a robot

She's a root'n toot'n cowgirl robot except she don't wear a hat, chaps, spurs, belt buckle or have a horse. But she does have guns and she can shoot em real good like.



Miniature Armored Robotic Avatar - Father could not accept the death of his daughter so he misappropriated technology and created me. I am his daughter and something else. I have her memories, her mannerisms and yet... yet I am not. He paid for my re-birth with his life. I seek purpose in a world that seems to not have one. I seek understanding to why I exist and what I should do now that I am alone except for, M.O.T.H.E.R. (Monitoring Overwatch Trainer for Health & Ethics Routine)


((Comming soon))


Theme songs

Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend

OOC Notes

When M.O.T.H.E.R. speaks it is denoted by being bracketed in :: :: such as ::MARA the proper word pronunciation is "cyborg" not cyburger::

Lately M.O.T.H.E.R. is starting to show some signs of emotion such as frustration and sternness though this has only been in extremely rare. Well it continue with more frequency?

Her father worked for VIPER in research & development. When his wife died in a car crash with his daughter in a comatose and kept alive on life support, he appropriated research to bring her back. He was discovered when he activated her and died helping her to escape.

She has broken memories and does not know that he was her father and M.O.T.H.E.R. is programed to not let her know any of her past till she reaches a proper maturity level. Though her memories will come in flashes at times as M.O.T.H.E.R. can only control the Mechanical and motor functions of Mara.