Miri the Zealot

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Miri the Zealot
Player: @kenndar
Sometimes, all you need is a laugh!
Class Focus: Laughter!
Power Level: Infinity
Research & Development: Tech
Personal Data
Real Name: Miranda Friedberg
Known Aliases: Miri, Accursed clown, Miri In Black, Private Miri, ect...
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Causcasian
Age: 25
Height:  ???
Weight:  ???
Eye Color:  ???
Hair Color: Blond/Black & Blue
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Part-time inventor / Being rich
Place of Birth: MC
Base of Operations: MC
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Ronna Friedberg (Mother), Frank Friedberg (uncle), a buttload of distant relatives
Known Powers
None whatsoever!
Known Abilities
Acrobatic training, Technological 'savantness'
MiriSpace Belt, Piezooka, grappling hook, tickle-rayguns, laugh gas pellets, ect...
Jingle, jangle!

The totally not known origin of Miri (unless you're cheating!)

Miranda Friedberg was your textbook 'rich bitch' in the making : She inherited a huge fortune from her father, and major stocks in her daddy's company (Friedberg Toilet Seats : the finest thing you've ever befouled!), making sure that she'll always -be- rich. A life of decadent luxury awaited her!

Thing was, she didn't really fancy being the next Paris Hilton. The parties, the drugs....It just didn't appeal to her. She liked her (relatively) simple life (much to her father's relief) of exercising, attending charities and surfing the Internet's many vices (comic books, webcomics, movies, ect...). So instead, she set her sights towards her hometown, and it's many horrors and grim defenders. Like that Mr. Blank fellow! One thought kept returning to her, time after time:

'Sheesh. These people could use some cheering up!'

After all, there are a LOT of dark heroes and even darker villains. Folks -need- a more chipper hero! And Miranda had the time, means and motivation. So why not her?

And so, Miranda became Miri, the zealot of Laughter!

Well. Obviously, she didn't become a fully fledged Batman overnight. It took her close to 5 years of training. It would've been more, if she hadn't worked out constantly before her decision.

But she (almost) never wavered in her desire to become a hero, and now...She's ready.

Backed by a trust-fund the size of Columbia, her army of personal trainers & instructors and her own 'savant' understanding in tech and engineering, she got to work on becoming a hero that would brighten up the days of victims everywhere!

...Not that she's been a 100% successful, but hey, she's trying! That counts for something, right?

Miri's Funkadelic Arsenal!

Gadgets of DOOOOM!!

Okay, maybe not DOOOOM!! Though they do spell it for criminals. Kinda. Okay, okay!


There we go.


Have you ever seen -any- cartoon? Have you ever wondered where they pull their stuff from? They didn't have pockets or anything!

Miri skipped that question and went straight for ' OH MY GOD, I WANT TO DO THAT4 WIP