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Silver medal T.png
"I ain't the best, but I'll always make sure I do my best."
The Specialist
Player: @waiv
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Kyle Holmes
Mr.Red /Red
December 2, 2333 (Alternate Universe date)
Chicago, Illinois
American(British American)
Millennium City
Alter Corporation HQ
Alter Corporation Vice President
Legal Status
Sent to jail once
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Benjamin Holmes, Kelly Holmes
Physical Traits
Mutant/ Superhuman
Apparent Age
Body Type
Athletic, Slim
Brownish red
· Distinguishing Features ·
Physically attractive, Handsome, when without armor the center of his chest glows with a faint aura.
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Enhanced senses, can focus on any given target with extreme detail. Can recover from injuries in mere minutes. Has some signs of super strength.
· Equipment ·
He wears a custom made bullet and fire proof jacket, a headset that is technically a miniature super computer. Weapons ranging from non-lethal weapons to lethal, for those times that they are needed.
· Other Abilities ·
Battle mastery- Technology geek- Tactics skills- Social skills

Alternate Universe #203

The universe in which Kyle Holmes originated in. It is filled with newly found alien races. The human race has colonized several planets far and near, space travel has become less complicated and is easily used for public transportation.

The Defect Generation, Year 2229

As technology improved a new evolution of humans began. They were called the "Defects", children born with powers spanning from telekinesis, to having the strength of a Giant. These people both young and old, were shunned by the unaffected population, some even murdered by those who believed them to be demons. One Defect, the one that some call the first born, had just about enough. He gathered a small group of like minded defects and proposed themselves the freedom fighter. They attacked numerous military outpost around the galaxy. As the attacks became more and more relentless and large scaled, Earth's nations took notice.

The Defect War, Year 2338

As the defects grew in numbers, their universal power grew as well. Raiding alien planets, and ravaging cities and villages, they quickly became terrorist rather then freedom fighters. As war seemed less and less avoidable, the Defects threw the first blow and attacked the US/Russia held Mars. With that they stirred up the hornets nest.

The Aftermath, Year 2339

Although the Defects were a powerful force, they lacked training and the large quantity of them did not know how to control their powers properly. After a year, the military powers of Earth jumped planet to planet ripping the Defects defenses apart. A hand full of Defects remained. Backed up in the corners of the galaxy, surrounded, they held their ground and fought until the last man. That man being the First born, who committed suicide by imploding his own brain with the power of his telekinesis. The aftermath was repulsing, the troops who were on the ground during this found that the large majority of Defect troops were Young children, and Teenagers. This made headlines everywhere causing an uproar of disapproval and regret.

Renewal, Year 2342

As the rarity of giving birth to a Defected child rose, a new law was pasted. Any child with a known defection at the age of 6 is to be sent to the UPA(Universal Protection Agency) for a total of 12 years in total to be given proper training in order to fully control their abilities.

Kyle Holmes, sent with the second wave of children was the only face aboard the ship with a smile on his face. One of the Trainers approached him....

  • Master.Sgt Hale : "Hey kid, why in the world are you so cheeky?"
  • Kyle : "Every kids dream is to ride a rocket ship one day, and I got the chance to ride one before anyone in my class!"

From then on he became a Trainer favorite, he made the job easier for the Trainers considering how badly they felt for the children who were torn apart from their families.

The Tezera War,Year 2350

A Russian space frigate named the Grigorovich, that was on a mission to help evacuate the Storm planet Cali II, was attacked by a alien race named the Tezera. From there another war commenced. Attacking several Human inhabited worlds, the Tezera was looking to conquest the entire galaxy and be rid of the Human race. Now that the Defects in the UPA were highly trained and at a legal age to join the military, they were sent to hotspots across the galaxy to support Earths fighting forces. The Tezeran had a habit of charging threw their enemies lines even though it hadn't been broken yet, so every firefight was a real pulse pounding one.

The IS Icon

The war ended six years later, the Tezera surrendered themselves after losing a large scaled battle on Saturn, waving a tattered white cloth after losing both ground and air support. The Tezera Government and Earths government held peace talks and found a way to co exist. That conflict ended, and yet some didn't get the message. Kyle was severly wounded when a group of Tezera rebels attacked a small base camp back on Earth. He was on the verge of death. While in the hospital the Vice President of Panner Industries approached him, saying he could save his life with a device that has yet to be tested. Kyle accepted his offer and was immediately sent to the Panner industries medical facility.

The device is known as the IS Icon (Internal Stem) when surgically implanted it will heal all internal and external wounds, as well as increasing the human bodies potential to a superhuman rate. Considering Kyle is already a defect with powers of his own, this stacks his concentration skills, and heightened senses to their max.

A New Man

After the surgery, Kyle returned to his home in Chicago only to find that crime covered every inch of the city. Gangs and Mafia's ran the streets like they ruled the place. Witnessing the violence first hand, Kyle wanted to help put a end to it. Building gear using materials given by the UPA and Panner Industries. Pretty soon the crime rate began to fall as the Red hero seemed to stop every crime as if he was all seeing. The criminals in jail told stories about their run in with the hero. The fact that Kyle's gear glowed a red hue made a big difference when fighting crime. It would at times induce fear among the criminals going about their illegal ways. He became infamous among criminals. He became Mr.Red.

At this time Kyle is living a better life in this universe then he was in his original universe, his knowledge of technology and never before seen tech has gotten him a job as the Vice CEO of Alter Industries. He lives in a Condo not to far away from the City Center. Just as in the alternate universe, Kyle's Alter ego is still Mr.Red, he still has yet to adapt to his new surroundings, but he fights crime the best he can.


"No I'm not rich, but I'm wealthy. Whats the difference? Don't ask.."

Anyone in Mr.Red's shoes as a child would have surely have had mental issues as a adult. But Red's a suprising break threw. He's just like any other guy on the streets, only purely warm hearted and very straight forward and honest. His humor is very over the top in some cases, and at times get him in trouble. When with teammates he try's his best to get to know each and everyone one of them. An old habit from his military days. He's virtually open to anyone he meets and doesn't give a rats ass of what someone thinks of him, other then a significant other, or a best friend.

All in all, Red is a very caring and true guy. He may hide it at times, but really he's a real softy inside.


  • Enhanced Senses - Mr.Reds birth powers that put him in the category of "Defects" Was the ability to see 10 times as far as any human being, as well as improved reflexes and speed. When he was a child, no one could touch him unless he allowed it.
  • Super Strength - One of the few enhancements given to him with the IS Icon. Make no mistake, his strength is not comparable to any Caped crusader. But it does go beyond anything a normal weightlifter could lift.
  • Regeneration - Mr.Red has the capability of recovering from lethal injures such as bullet wounds, cuts and bruises in mere seconds.
  • Weaknesses - Although Mr.Red can recover from most wounds, he still feels it like any other human being, taking too much damage at once can put him into shock which is why he wears bulletproof jackets, armor, etc.

Rogues Gallery
Rogues Gallery.png

  • Joven - Joven was the very first super villain Mr.Red has come across. The heavily armored mystical being meant business all the time every time. They have fought several times, and every time Red has been bested by being overwhelmed by Jovens goons.
  • Dr.Cycle - A madman from the Alternate Universe, he was Mr.Reds very first challenge as a super hero. After stealing the very first Alternate dimension teleporter, Dr.Cycle was confronted by Mr.Red and put down, but before the madman could be tossed into a cell. He purposely damaged the Teleporter and flung Mr.Red and himself all over several dimensions. The Dimension he is in is unknown, but hopefully he can no longer cause any trouble..
  • Cobalt Titan - A Earth controlling mutant ravaged by scientific experiments. He isn't necessarily a bad guy, but the pain he suffers from the experiments in the past by VIPER scientist, makes him go on several rampages. Mr.Red has only faced him once and took him down without a sweat.
  • Vector - Mr.Red has yet to face this woman. Who goal is not clear, but she has been watching Mr.Red for a while.


  • Alter Industries is a very low-grade company, there are very few workers and not a lot of money to use.
  • Kyle has a very strong irritation toward ducks.
  • The UPA is technically this universes UNTIL/UNITY
  • Kyle's accent is a very rapid, soft American accent
  • Kyle is a terrible cook.
  • After being teleported to this universe Kyle was spent a day in jail, after trying to "fight" a couple of security guards present at Alter Industries who wouldn't let him in.
  • Kyle's Face claim would be Chris Pine.
  • If Mr.Red had his own cartoon styled show, his voice actor would have to be Robert Downey Jr.
  • Kyles favorite music is electronic, considering that that is the only music he grew up around, he is open to any other styles of music.
  • Isn't really optimistic when it comes to beer, but he does enjoy wine.
  • Kyle is rumored to be the descendant of Sherlock Holmes. Of course, it is a mystery yet to be solved..
  • The inspiration for Mr.Red came from Iron Man, Jack Ryan, and Han Solo(Heh)
  • Kyle loves kids! Considering he hasn't had much of a childhood, he enjoys their energy, they don't have a care in the world. It's safe to say Kyle would be a awesome father.
  • The Tezera are the alternate universes version of the Roinesh, only they are more humanoid.

1. Guardian - Batman]

2. - Sherlock Holmes]

3.http:// Digger - Kanye West]

4. Grievous - Starwars]

5. Shop - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis]