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Nocturnals City 2.jpg

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The Nocturnals could be described - both in and out of character - as a spiritual successor of the defunct Moonlighters. They're a street-level supergroup that emphasise on smarts and sleuthing as much as straightforward fisticuffs. Of course, that's not to say there isn't plenty of the latter - at the end of a long night of stakeouts and schemes, there's nothing quite so satisfying as delivering your archnemesis a good, old-fashioned knuckle sandwich. It's also important to note that the tone of the Nocturnals may be a shade darker than your regular four-colour superhero team but it's not bleak, hopeless or - dare we say - grimdark. The Nocturnals may be at times brutal and uncompromising, harbour shaky relations with the authorities and be all too willing to break a few eggs to make an omelette, they most assuredly aren't rampaging psychopaths. Sure, others might question their methods, their legality, maybe even their sanity - but in the end, they're are fundamentally the good guys.

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Nocturnals Synopsis.png

A motley band of vigilantes hailing from all walks of life; of varied temperments, tactics and philosophies, united in a single-minded pursuit of justice. Theirs is the world that lies in the shadow of Millennium City's skyscrapers; a world of bullets, blades and brutal beatdowns. A world where quick wits, tactical foresight and hard-boiled detective skills are just as invaluable as science and superpowers. Cloaked in darkness, they stalk the looming rooftops and shady alleyways. However hard you look, you'll never find them. But dare to go peddling vice and sin in the dingy backstreets of Westside, they'll find you. The Nocturnals may not be the invincible, bulletproof Champions, but they're not about to let their city go to the dogs. Not tonight.

Nocturnals History.png

No fanfare proclaimed their arrival, no sweeping statements. They didn't even bother to make a brief announcement over the CRP network. No, they were content to let others do the talking for them - often with mouths full of blood and broken teeth. Knowledge of their existence simply trickled in over time - from the criminals, ordinary and metahuman, unfortunate enough to find themselves at the recieving end of the group's particular brand of justice. No deaths have thus far been reported, but their activities and lack of oversight have not endeared the group to the authorities. Police aren't overfond of wildcards.

Nocturnals Who.png

A loose-knit network of vigilantes - all the better to stay under the radar. They all have their solo agendas, their one-man crusades, their vendettas. But they share; info, resources, tactics - it all goes on the table. And when the big threats strike, they band together. And together they're unstoppable.

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Ghost Owl

Ghost Owl Noir.png
"Every dirty secret, every little wrong you thought you'd buried for good. No matter how hard you try, how far you run - karma catches up in the end. And me? I'm the delivery man."

Specialities: Close Combat and Sleuthing.

Information: A veteran vigilante and the Nocturnals' rumoured leader. This mysterious avian detective is frequently out of sight - but seldom out of mind.

Violet Mask

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"Every day is a fight. A struggle. You meet it head on, you fight tooth and nail. Or you give up. I refuse to let them win."

Specialities: Close Combat and Infiltration.

Information: The adopted daughter of the villainous Golden Dragonfly, Violet is a dangerous vigilante that feels she has something to prove.


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Information: Stuff


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Information: Stuff

Ms. Optics

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Information: Stuff


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Information: Stuff

Professor Seer

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Information: Stuff