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Player: @Suntear11
Biographical Data
Real Name: Koji Kato
Known Aliases: Novatear, Novacore, Sunstorm
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Ethnicity: Japanese/American
Place of Birth: New York Ciry
Base of Operations: Millennium City, MI (currently), Japan (formerly)
Relatives: Johjima Kato (father), Elise Kato (Mother), Suntear (cousin)
Age: 24
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Confidential
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Confidential
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Lawful Good

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 6 years
Citizenship: American/Japanese
Occupation: Pizza delivery/Freelance Comic Book Artist
Education: High school
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Solar radiation absorption, redistribution.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Solar containment suit.
ReldinBoxMini Template

The Day Life Changed

His head felt fuzzy, he could taste the salt on his lips and smell it in his nose. Lifting his head his hair dripping from the water. His vision came back slowly and he blinked a few times, head still feeling like it was spinning. Looking down he could see his hands firmly placed in the water, waves crashing against his body. His eyes continued blinking rapidly as he tried to regain his bearings. Turning his head to the side he could see the action to his right, then to his left. It seemed to be going on all around him. The oddity of it all, besides not remembering what was going on, was the fact that he could hear nothing.

He could see his teammates, Suntear and Torrent attacking the large beast. A reptile with a long tail and plates along it's back. It's snout was open and he was sure there was a deafening roar to be heard, however still, he heard nothing. Suntear flying about the bright sky, a streak of flames behind him as he launched fireballs at the creature. Downpour floating on the air current, the storm witch bringing down bolts of lightning from the sky to light the beast up.

Pushing himself up even further, his hands lifting from the ocean as he knelt within the crashing waves. Looking down at his hands before turning to his left towards the shore. He could see the cybernetic ninja Shinobi throwing stars at the creature, next to him was the lost soul Midnight Outlaw firing his demon cursed colt 45s. Once again his eyes blinked and he looked at his hands. Suddenly he could hear muffled sounds. Looking up and back towards the beast, he spotted the heroine Siberia out of the corner of his eye. She was obviously yelling at him, but still her words were muffled. Again she yelled and he just stared at her. The third time he could finally make out her words.

"Nova! Get up! We need you!" She shouted.

He rose to his feet, his legs wobbled a bit, but only for a moment before he got his balance under him. He looked back to the battle, then back to her. In his ear comm he could hear the orders from his field leader Suntear.

"Nova, we need our heavy hitter. Hit him up front and we will hit him from behind. We need to take him down before he does any more damage."

His eyes still blinked periodically as he continued to clear his mind. The creature stood four stories tall and was moving towards the shore. Buildings and people littering it's path, something he had to prevent from it getting to. Clenching his fists and flexing his arms out at his sides. His body ignited, skin turned pitch black as little solar globules began emitting from his body. His own physique grew in size and muscle mass, eyes glowing golden hue. Taking in one last deep breath before he charged the creature, water parting as he moved, waves crashing against his skins as he went. The beast turned as he approached only to have Nova's shoulder charge into it's thigh. The beast rocked back from the hit, and let out a deep roar. Before it could make it's move, Nova hit it in the gut forcing it back on it's heels. It staggered back only to be hit from behind from the rest of the team. Stumbling forward as the creature began loosing it's balance with each hit, Nova lifted his hands and caught it. Struggling for a moment to lift it's weight before finally hoisting it above his head. He tossed it to the ground, waves crashing about it's large frame.

Siberia didn't take any time to make her move, freezing the waves crashing around it. She locked it into a frozen cage of tides, her powers continuing to freeze as the beast struggled and the ice cracked. Nova leapt into the air, coming feet first down onto it's chest. First with a right, then a left, then another right, he pummeled the monster's jaw. The loud crack of bones breaking under his super powered fists. The beast freed it's tail, swatting Siberia when she got close, knocking her into the waves. It then freed itself and knocked Nova from it's chest. He flew across the breach and slammed into the stone wall, falling to the sand. He tried to stand and fell to one knee and his hand. He then tried gathering himself again but before he could stand he fell face to sand. His vision went black as he passed out.

His eyes opened, everything was a bright haze. He moved a hand to his head, holding it there with a wince. He felt drugged, mostly out of it but slowly his vision came back to him. He let out a slightly audible groan before he heard a familiar voice.

"Koji? Wow, I didn't think you were ever going to wake up."

He still couldn't see clearly, but the voice was that of his cousin and field leader. They grew up together and the familiar sound of Suntear's voice was something he would never forget. He struggled to sit up, his back felt stiff as did his legs. He was surely slow moving and pulling himself to sit was not an easy task.

"Hiro, how long have I been out?" he asked.

"You took a good hit, it's been almost a week. Your body just kind of shut down and we have been feeding it solar energy the whole time, hoping that it would help you heal. Seems to have done the trick. Listen Koji, we need to talk..."

At that moment he could hear that someone had entered the room. Why was it so bright? He could feel the suns rays washing over his body, it made most of the pains go away. At the same time though the brightness of the room hurt his eyes. He continued blinking rapidly, trying to clear his vision. He could clearly hear but he wanted to see as well.

"Nice to see you awake Koji, however we have some business to attend to. As Hiro was about to inform you, the destruction of the last Kaiju attack was beyond extensive. As you know, we have been investigating for months, these attacks. Something has never set right with the government and they wanted to know why."

He knew that voice as well, it was detective Lau of the Japanese Super Hero Defense Force. For years he had been the liaison between the HotRS and the government. Over the years they had all grown close, and Lau had come to know many of the group personally. Even the government didn't know their identities, just their code names. However with the new findings all that had changed.

His vision was coming back and he was starting to finally see the people before him. Hiro....Lau and two armed guards at the door. The look on Lau's face didn't bode well for this conversation that they were about to have, he could see it already.

"What Lau is trying to say Koji is that they found a signal....coming from the Lighthouse. This signal has been found to be on the same frequency of the kaiju. It's been calling them to it." said Hiro before Lau could continue.

The Lighthouse was the base of operations for the Heroes of the Rising Sun. The government had it build just for them fifteen miles off the coast of Japan. It's where they met, where they would deploy from and where they would monitor the constant kaiju attacks. They started out small and infrequent, but over time the beasts grew and their attacks became more abundant.

"Hiro, none of that makes any sense. Who would do such a thing?"

"We don't have those answers yet." replied Lau. "As I have told Hiro, I don't believe that it was the team, but it was someone that set the signal. I believe the team is being set up. However the powers that be have already made a decision on the matter." He looked sideways at Hiro.

"Wait....what do you mean a decision?" asked Koji.

"They have voted and decided that they can no longer take the chance of us being in the country," replied Hiro. "We have been deemed a threat to national security and they want us out."

"The council has taken into consideration, your groups past adventures to save the country time and again. Because of this they have chosen no jail time for any members," said Lau. "However they have instead banished any active member from stepping foot within Japan until further notice. An investigation is ongoing at this time. Hiro has been allowed to stay until you recovered. As soon as you are medically cleared...they want you both gone as well. I am deeply sorry to you both, and it has been the greatest pleasure of my life serving along side you both." Lau nodded to both of them before turning on his heel and leaving the room. Once he was gone, Hiro spoke again.

"It's been tough on Lau, he went to bat for us and fought vigorously to keep us out of prison. They decided that they can't send us all, because not all of us are guilty. However someone is. Siberia went home to Russia, Torrent is some place in France. Outlaw it is believed headed to Mexico and no one knows where Shinobi is. The two of them both vanished shortly after the last kaiju attack. Obviously it looks suspicious, but they are still our teammates. Take some time to process it all Koji, when you are cleared we will get our things and head out. I contacted grandma back in the U.S. and she said that we can stay there. I will be back in the morning."

Days went by until the medical clearance came. No matter where he went, Koji was followed by armed guards. Even using the bathroom or showering, they stood nearby. When they boarded the place Koji felt like a part of himself was dying. He was born in America, but had lived in Japan since the age of 2, it was all that he knew. His life was not supposed to turn out like this, he was a national hero and now felt like a criminal.

Former member of the super hero group, Rising Sun Six. After many successful kaiju battles a mission that went wrong and resulted in loss of lives resulted in the japaneese government to ban the team. As a result the heroes went their seperate ways. Nova ended up in America to further his hero career.

Solar Radiation Absorption: Nova absorbs solar energy and can utilize it for physically super human strength, endurance, speed. This solar absorption allows him to fly as well.