Sanctum Ordinem

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The Sanctum Ordinem (Holy Order) is a religious cult that was formed in the early 1800's; their deity is a Goddess known as "Aeral'Ith". It is currently unknown whether this deity actually exists, but the Order's members claim that she is watching the Earth, waiting for the "Time of Descent".

The "Time of Descent" is the event that the Order hopes to bring about - they wish to grant Aeral'Ith physical access to the Earth by means of a large magical portal that links the universe to the "Oculus Gurges"; They believe that by doing this, Aeral'Ith will be able to shape the Earth into the "Perfect World"; a world in which suffering, disease, and war are non-existent.

Aeral'Ith The Redeemer

Although the Sanctum Ordinem was not formed until the early 1800's, Aeral'Ith was still worshipped as a deity by small groups of unestablished individuals; it was originally believed that to worship Aeral'Ith was to gain a place in the "Perfect World" - and this belief carries on through to the present day.