Sister Shaman

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Sister Shaman
Player: @Stylinator8
Character Build
Class Focus: Support/Healer
Power Level: 33
Research & Development: Mysticism
Biographical Data
Real Name: Ana Gineau
Known Aliases:
Gender: Female
Species: Magically-Trained Human
Ethnicity: African-American
Place of Birth: Vibora Bay, Florida
Base of Operations: Mobile
Relatives: Father, Mother
Age: 24
Height: 5'5
Weight: 140
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Complexion: Dark brown
Physical Build: Fit and healthy
Physical Features:
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Secret to friends and relatives, known to UNTIL and to Trismegistus Council
Years Active: 3 (Began heroics in 2017)
Citizenship: American-Haitian Dual Citizenship
Occupation: Part-Time environmental activist, Part-Time library assistant, In-Training Mage and Voodoo Priestess
Education: College Graduate
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Voodoo magic and hexes, Necromancy, Ritualism
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Spellbooks and mages' equipment, voodoo dolls and totems
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