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== Rave's Journey To Sky Castle ==
= Rave's Journey To Sky Castle ==
Rave finds out the the internet is the first level to heaven
We need to go to Sky Castle but why? It was a tip from Luke Christian of Team Spectrum. He told them that this was where they had to go for answers.
It's like a dream.
We are waiting at the rail station in a forest and suddenly it's starts to rain heavily. Genie, Calypso, Chastity, Sai is with Rave. Genie looks at up Rave and asks,"Hey you didn't use the forcefield to shelter us?" The giant looks down at her and replies, "Sorry you say something?" She looks at the cloud as if trying to find what he was searching for. He sees droplets run down her pretty face as he looks down. "Um-Huh" she replies and opens out her arms to take it all in. They all look up to the sky. They are interupted by the black train as it enters station at and alarming speed and just full stops.
"Is this the stairway to heaven?" Sai ask the conductor with a smile. The old conductor a doesn't reply but smile and nod.
We just entered the train cart and it's nothing fancy. Some what of a hobos resting place. The girls are wet and Calypso is looking down. Rave caresses her arm to her her attention. Then he pulls on her belly button piercing and flicks it. A voop sound is made as all the water is completely force repelled off them. She smiles and moves closer towards him. He says, "It's small moment like the rain outside I appreciate." she kisses him. The conductor watches them in his mirror. A bum in the corners says, "You kids better not be doing anything back their and them pull his dirty cloak over himself. Sai whispers, "I didn't recognize any one was there." Rave stands just by the door like a complete Statue that doesn't need to move or sit. Stella stands next to him confused. Calypso and Chastity sits on a platform in the corner talking while Sai lies down. But Genie is up and about restless.
The Train shakes at it is struck by something. Rave, Chastity and Stella look outside the cart. They see something like a giant black beetle with shadow vines all over it. Chastity and Stella gasps and says together, "Hmm, A shadow vine!" Rave gears up to fly out and fight it. The bum says to Rave, "If you leave the train now you be lost forever. Sit down!" Calypso asks, "So what do we do? Nothing." The bum replies, "I said sit down! They conductor would handle it." The he turns and face the wall. The conductor reaches for some buttons and levers cannons on the roof fires back at the creatures.
The bum is cooking some beans on a kerosene stove. Genie asks, "Ist that even safe?" As she leans over the can on the fire. Rave says, "Sweet heart leave the stranger alone" as he sits in a wall stands the side not really moving. The bum says, "Nah it's fine. Have a sit. Want some?" She replies, "Ehhh nah it's okay." The food looks gross. The bum says, "Tell your giant boyfriend over their stop blocking all the light. Come and have a sit." Rave walks over and like at the dirty ground. He pulls Genie to her butt with telekenesis. Instead of falling on the ground her butt hits on an invisible force stool provided by Rave. It makes a really loud plop sound on impact and she screams, "Yaw!" Them Rave sits onto he floor next to them folding his legs on the ground. She rubs her back and Rave pulls down the back of her cape a bit so that she sits decently covered. The bum says while filing another can open as he squints with one eye open and raises his chin to to the other girls in the back, "You alright deh Romeo?" He asks Rave. Rave raises him one palm and an smiles awkwardly. The bums says, "Sure you don't want some beans? Hi bout' that one over deh?" Chastity cringes silently in the background as Calypso strokes her hair. "Be nice." Calypso says and taps her lightly on her face.
Genie explains, "...And that's why we are taking the Stairway to Heaven. We are going to Sky Castle to see the king." Rave asks, "And you what's your story? I didn't know it was possible to be a homeless in this place?" The bum replies, "Homeless? Who's homeless? That man in the engine room over their is my brother. This is my train!" Rave says, "Apologizes." And smiles awkwardly again. The bum says, "Nah. You don't apologize to me. Any man who got five ladies following him around like that have to be a boss already." The he slurps some beans.
The train starts to move so fast it looks as it the gold rails begin to come of track and leave the earth as they ascend into a background of blue and green blurs. As it slows down they see the castle gates carved into the mountain. The walls are of large stone. Green plant life and grows in it. The top of the wall is crowned in plates of gold. Blue drapes trickle down.
When arrive the bum steps out throw his dusty robes and fake beard down and salute them as the king. Rave said, "I thought you owned the train." The King Replies, "I do. King Adept. Tony over there really is my older brother. We built that thing. I asked him to retire but you can't pull and old man away from his passion. It keeps him alive." Genie comes up under Rave's aen and pulls on his shirt. Rave says, "I'm sorry my Lord. But my girls are tired. Maybe we can chat after they get some rest." Adept replies "Of course. Lord Roman, I understand that you are royalty as well." Rave says, "Not sure if I can say royalty, married a few princesses." Rave shrugs. Adept says, "Don't under sell yourself. I saw how those girls was dying to get a piece of you on the train. Clearly your doing something right. I have you stay at our best retreat."
In a a big room Chastity looks at Stella sitting by herself. She says to Rave, "Poor girl is petrified. She been biting her nails since the train stop. She's one of yours now... Do something about it." Rave replies, "Not now. I need to regenerate. You talk to her. Smooth her down if you have to I need rest." Rave disappears. Chastity says, "Ok a******." He fades he pulls her lower lip with his finger. She says, "Stella! Come hair. Let me do your hair." Stella replies, "Okay. But if you do mine. I have to do yours and your not leaving without cornrows."  As Chastity combs Stella asks, "You always lockdown so tightly when Rave ain't around?" Chastity replies, "I know. Rave is extremely cautious. But he is smart. We should always listen to him." Genie says, "Back in Santana I was being shot at. Rave caught the bullet and shoved his whole arm along with it back down the other guys throat then gave me his beating heart. That was the first time I saw him kill for me. It frightened me at first but more I thought about it, I loved it. Just to watch him fight is so exciting." As she says this she grips the mattress tight. Sai says, "See? This is why Rave always says I'm the sane one." Genie says, "Whatever. You saw how he instantly benched the king when I told him I was tired. You'll never find a better man."
Mysterious dragon slayer in background, need help with something

Revision as of 17:38, 6 July 2022


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Rave's Journey To Sky Castle =