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Talon on SHAFT watch duty

Name: Talon

A sentient robot, a refugee from a distant galaxy. Talon crashed his escape pod in northern europe during the era of viking conquest. The pods engines were irrepairable but he was able to scavenge the wreckage of his pod and make wings based on local avian species to ease travel around this new world.

Often mistaken by the local human populace as a troll, Talon did little to disuade them of this misconception going as far as covering himself in bearskins and local black iron to enhance the look

As he travelled eastwards he found another crashed pod from his home world in china, it's occupant long since gone. Availing himself of the unique metal of the craft he was able to again fashion a helmet that gave him the appearance of one of the local dragon legends. This kept the locals at bay.

Talon is after his time on Earth, relatively good at disguising his outward appearance. At least to the untrained eye or from a distance he can pass himself off as something he isn't by strategic addition of armor and color to his frame.

He actually enjoy's this method of disguise and often uses it to imitate favourite heroes from Earth's past and media.
