The Immortal Legion

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Bolt Thrower



The Immortal Legion turned out to be a lot nastier than Rave expected.

In the future they turn to large scale intergalactic warfare using resurrection technology.

Chain of Command


Roman Rave Our Lord

King and Savoir of Humanity. Roman is not King but good of the people.

Mistress Priestesses

Foundation of our legion. The sacred mistresses devoted their being to serving Lord Roman. They are the highest in command because the carry pieces of Roman's soul within thyn womb.

Holy Law Keepers

Holy is the High Priest of Law keeping. They keep records of the time. They are the pillars of which the books are kept for our future generations.

Legion Admirals

Highest in command of the army. They are the father's of our children. They command large fleets.

Legion Captains

Captains control their vessels of crew mates. Each ship is a mother of beasts thyn womb us.

Legion Soldiers

They are the steel within the walls of your building.

Legion Civilians

They are the steps of our civilization. In turn the new generation my climb to even new heights.

Other Information