The Spoon

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Stainless Steel
Utensil Avenger
SpoonProfile Pic.jpg
"Feeding Justice to Criminals by the Spoonful."
Player: @ghosthost.png
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Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Marvin "Marv" Wilkins
Mister Fork
January 23nd
Hollywood, California
United States of America
178th West Pine, Millennium City
The Drawer
HERO! ... (Unemployed)
Legal Status
Three Unpaid Parking Tickets
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Henry Wilkins (Father, Deceased), Jannet Wilkins (Mother, Deceased), Kimberly Wilkins (Sister), Brianna Wilkins (Sister), Jami Wilkins (Sister), Rachael Wilkins (Sister)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Early Twenties
Body Type
Light Tan
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Above Average Silverware Skills
· Equipment ·
Hero Costume - Spoon Lined Coat - Spring Loaded Spoon Launcher - Spoon-Hook - Pho'oon
· Other Abilities ·
CPR and First Aid Certified


The Spoon wasn't always the utensil wielding crime fighter that we all know and love today! No! Marvin Wilkins was once an ordinary man, living an ordinary life... but it was not to be. Even in childhood, Marvin had an unnatural affinity for cutlery of all types. In middle school, his science fair project was a diagram featuring the many uses of various silverware. Much to his surprise, he didn't even place in the contest.

If there was anything that Marvin loved more than utensils, it was comics and the rea-life superheroes that he got to hear about everyday growing up; Defender, Witchcraft, and the other Champions. He swore from a young age that he too would join those heroes and fight crime, making the world a better place! So he starting saving all his lunch money, all his allowance, and everything he could scrounge from between seat cushions. He saved for thirteen years straight! And when the time came- he broke open his piggy banks and went on a shopping spree, buying everything he could that a hero would need. But what to do for a name?... Well, what better name than that of MISTER FORK - The Pronged Presucutor of Justice!... Turned out that name was taken already, so he became... THE SPOON. Stainless Steel Silverware Sentry of Freedom!

The real story of Marvin Wilkins is much less fantasy filled. Marvin wasn't gifted in anyway, much less including the use of utensils. He was just an average kid, a little on the chubby side, that cruised through the early years of his schooling, nether failing nor succeeding in any way. The only bright part of his life consisted of his computer and the artwork he created in his spare time. Sure, he liked the idea of superheroes and the wonderful things they did, but that wasn't the life for him. He knew the likelyhood of a meteor striking him, or being transformed in some industrial plant by toxic waste was extremely slim to none. He didn't save people, he just delivered pizza for a meager living.

The turning point in his life was when his faithful computer of seven years finally kicked the virtual bucket. With a single blank screen, Marvin's world came crashing down around him. His computer was his best friend and unfortunately he didn't make enough to repair or replace it. He didn't know why, but he spiraled into a dark place. With the only anchor in his life gone, he pretty much lost interest in everything. His work suffered too and eventually he was fired. Marvin had officially hit rock bottom.

He locked himself away in his apartment, away from the world. It wasn't until one of his few real life friends decided to step in that everything started to change for the better. He invited Marvin to join him and another friend of his to come to Club Caprice. They were going as the Silverware Sentinels, a group of Utensil-Themed heroes. Marvin agreed and the friend gave him the purple outfit of The Spoon. When the day came around, Marvin dressed in the provided gear - becoming The Spoon for the first time. Adjusting his fedora, he made his way out to Club Caprice.

Once inside, he waited for his friends to show up, but they never did. Feeling quite awkward being surrounded by these real heroes, he made his way to the bar for a drink to calm his nerves. He was minding his own business when someone tapped him on the shoulder, asking for him to step to the side and make room. Of course, it was a girl. Carmen Cadaver, Necromancer Extraordinare. Marvin was never much with the ladies, but tonight he wasn't Marvin... he was The Spoon. Filled a confidence he'd never felt before, he shared a drink with Carmen, as she asked about his outfit, his name, and what he did. This is where to story of The Spoon was born; in the attempts to impress a girl.

Since that day, Marvin has been branching out more- mingling with other capes and helping out when he can under his Spoon persona. And that is the true Origin story of The Spoon


Proin gravida massa ac libero pretium dictum. Pellentesque ultrices egestas semper. Integer tellus arcu, venenatis in odio a, varius semper nibh. Vivamus sit amet magna vel ipsum tincidunt consequat et eget leo. Phasellus ac vehicula lectus. Sed turpis lacus, luctus sed eros et, ultrices tristique mi. Maecenas at felis iaculis, faucibus ligula a, egestas sem. Nullam condimentum eros non justo blandit, sed consectetur lorem facilisis. In fermentum, magna eget venenatis laoreet, massa erat suscipit nulla, ultrices commodo mauris urna et ipsum. Duis risus nisl, iaculis sed nisl et, interdum sagittis lacus. Nunc fermentum mi vel ipsum volutpat gravida. Maecenas cursus justo sapien, et efficitur magna tincidunt vitae. Morbi porta nulla non nibh viverra scelerisque. Ut malesuada posuere tortor, a cursus eros faucibus in. Phasellus venenatis vulputate mollis. Donec finibus dictum ipsum, at suscipit elit lobortis at.

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  • Hero Costume: A Simple in appearence costume consisting of a dress shirt, tie, and pants covered by a long purple overcoat. The Spoon hides his features using a mask and purple fedora.
  • Spoon Lined Coat: The Spoon's Coat's lining is a housing place for many different spoons.
  • Spring Loaded Spoon Launcher: A wrist mounted launcher that flings out... spoons.
  • Spoon-Hook: A grappling hook in the style of a spoon.
  • Pho'oon: Spoon Shaped Phone


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  • Currently... None.


Feel free to leave an In-Character comment above on what you think of The Spoon!


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