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Dr. Ya'Telis
Player: @Tyrannocopter
Character Build
Class Focus: Healer
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Ya'Telis
Known Aliases: Telis, Doctor, 'Nurse Space Eel'
Gender: Identifies as male.
Species: Unknown alien hybrid.
Ethnicity: Space Pirate.
Place of Birth: Unknown pirate den, Sol system
Base of Operations: Earth
Relatives: Nonexistant
Age: Calculated about 50 years in human measurement
Height: 7'3
Weight: Unknown, but reportedly lightweight
Eyes: Five, glowing milky green
Hair: Bristly azure spines
Complexion: Blue, smooth and slimy. Resembles eel or salamander skin.
Physical Build: Lanky but with well defined muscles.
Physical Features: Mechanical limbs.
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Chaotic Neutral

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 3
Citizenship: Given U.S. Citizenship a year ago.
Occupation: Doctor on Metahuman biology and biochemistry. Engineer. Metahuman and alien first responder.
Education: Advanced genetics and engineering training (Space Pirates). Lacks formal Earth education.
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Ambient energy absorption and channeling (for healing and damage). Great technical knowledge. Above human strenght and agility.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Arm shields/energy reserves, holoscreen, limb enhancers.
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