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(( Mature RP ))

*Those who have a feel for auras will feel a high concentration of Chi around her
*Is protected from mental intrusion by a fount of emptiness, those who try to pry will often be confused at finding nothing.
*Has a number of ancient relics she wields that have been passed down through her family. Relics Described Below

Primus Database Info:
Real Name:Koga Sukishi
Known Alias':The Bladed Veil, The Shadow Savior, The Guide
Age: 31
Height: 5'6"
Eye Color: Blue
Nationality: Japanese American
Marital Status: Single

Sukishi grew up in the Chinatown district of Westside Millenium City, raised by her Uncle Koga Satou who was a martial arts teacher at one of the local dojos. As such, she grew up learning martial arts and learned to harness her chi from a very early age. At the age of 18, she decided to enlist as a hero, and has participated in multiple operations with MARS and PRIMUS. Her style mirrors that of her uncle, to stick to the shadows, and strike the enemy at their weakest point, and for this reason she especially was put in a MARS Unit early on that specialized in taking apart hostage situations, before the hostage is killed, or worse.

Relics She Protects:
1. Totsuka Blade - it appears as an ordinary wine bottle strapped to her hip, but is actually an ancient blade, made of a mysterious fluid with the same consistency as wine, that can not only slash through anything, but what it hits is sealed inside the hilt. Indeed it is a sealing blade, in the past her ancestor who made it would use the blade to slash and seal powerful demons within, and they say their souls remain inside even today. To be clear, the cork on the bottle is the hilt of the sword, the liquid contained within is the blade itself.... and the bottle hilt is where those it seals are trapped.
2. Yata Barrier: A barrier created by a much later ancestor who valued defense above all else, this shield is enchanted to block any attack by altering it's own nature to match that of the incoming attack, thus it can block anything, physical or non. Indeed this shield is capable of transforming it's own nature to meet a strike or blow.
3. Monkey King Staff: Not the original, but a perfect duplicate created by her late grandfather, that had all the same qualities as the original staff wielded by Sun Wukong in A Journey To The West. On command, the staff could extend it's length to any form and strike an enemy from a great distance, and unlike the original, this one does not weigh a whole lot, but still has plenty of striking power.

*She only protects the relics, to protect her family's legacy. She wont use them, for fear of breaking them. They are too sacred.

Family Heritage
Indeed it has been a long tradition for her family, the Koga family, to create powerful relics, but these are not the only things she has inheritted. She has also inheritted the blood of her ancestors, and that is much more important than any of the trinkets she may carry with her. It has been her family's legacy to hunt dangerous monsters, and the Kogas are characterized by their sheer tenacity when faced with a dangerous monster. Indeed, they are in effect, a monster-slaying family, an ancient tradition that had not been given up even when her family moved to America in the 1960's. The call of the wild hunt, as she often calls it, the call to slay monsters, that her very being calls her to do. To be compelled to protect the weak and innocent by taking down that which would endanger them, as her family has for centuries. That is her inherittance. An obligation to protect, an obligation to slay, whatever you may call it. Just by bearing the Koga family name, she signed an unwritten contract at birth with the Shinto Gods.

Hero Appearance

Normal Appearance