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Revision as of 15:56, 22 April 2014


Badge Leader.png
The Amazing
Member of Sub Naribus
Equinox by EWG.jpg
"A Light Unto the World"
Player: @amontillado
Super Group
Sub Naribus
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Scott Granger
Nov 2nd
Panama City Beach Florida
Millennium City
St. Thomas Catholic School's basement
Legal Status
No Criminal Record
Marital Status
Not Married
· Known Relatives ·
XXXX(Father), XXX (Mother), XXX (Sister) XXX (Sister)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Body Type
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Flight, Illumination, Blinding Aura, Blinding Beam, Laser Beam, Spotlight, Solar Punch, Light Immunity, Enhanced Vision, Solar Blast, Hard Light.
· Equipment ·
Globe Com, Sol Saivo Suit.
· Other Abilities ·
Rock Climbing, Surfing, Motorcross.

"Cursed" by an ancient magic, Scott has been granted the powers of the sun.


Scott Granger aka Equinox.

Scott is five foot eight inches and a very fit and trim athletic looking 165 lbs. He has blonde hair, blue eyes, and golden complexion. Scott doesn't spend a lot of time on his appearance, but he is clean and well groomed where it counts.

Given the choice, Scott prefers to dress in simple jeans and either t-shirts or polo shirts, but Millennium City is often too cool for him and he layers up with a sweater and / or a jacket. Most often though, Scott does not have a choice and is instead found in the St. Thomas school uniform of khaki pants and blue blazer.

Early in his heroing career Scott donned black sweatpants and a black t-shirt with a star emblem on it as his crime fighting costume. Selena quickly designed a more proper costume (and one that she was not horrified by) and, working with Sol Saivo, was able to provide Scott with his current black, white, and golden Equinox costume.



Panama City Beach.

Scott Granger has spent all of his early years growing up in Panama City Beach Florida. His father, Daniel Edward Granger, is a retired Air Force pharmacist who continued his career as a civilian, finding a job as a pharmacists at the local AllMart, near to his final assignment. Scott's mother,Deborah Susan Brown Granger, is a Dental Hygienist. He grew up with two older sisters, Shannon Elizabeth, and Danielle Meghan. His childhood pet, a parrot named named Polly, died when he was 12.

The Silver Guard


Strings were pulled, suggestions whispered in the right ears, projects suddenly funded. Through various background maneuverings, Viran assisted in the creation of the Silver Guard and placed Jeremy into it as one of it's founding officers. His efforts were rewarded as Jeremy found himself with more and more responsibility, eventually taking on a leadership role. Today, nearly four years later, Strobe is the leader of the group and the only one of the original founding members to be considered active.

The Silver Guard is a collection of people that believe that they can, through the use of their own extraordinary abilities, protect society from the many threats that it would not otherwise be able to handle. To do this they work within society, partnering with UNTIL, PRIMUS, and other like minded organizations and individuals. Their motto reflects this purpose and mindset.

Protection, Respect, Unity, and Trust.

The need to protect society is the reason the Silver Guard exists. To do so, the Guard must earn and keep society's trust. Mankind is right to be wary of the immensely powerful individuals walking and flying through their midst, and Jeremy preaches that the Guard must always strive to offset this tendency if it is to do it's job. To earn that trust the Silver Guard must respect the society that it serves, obey their laws, and remain themselves respectable. They must be unified and consistent in this effort.

Recently the Silver Guard has formed two new wings, the Silver Crew, and the Silver Corps. The Crew are a small group of metahumans trained and dedicated to disaster response with heroes such as Hardhat, Riverbend, and Powerline. The Corps are a Search and Rescue team. Included in their ranks are Eco and Dakota Rayne.

For Jeremy, officership in and then leadership of the Silver Guard has profoundly changed him. Gone are the days of living for the moment and focusing on fun. Today he takes his responsibilities seriously. lives and reputations depend on it.


Jeremy started off his heroing career as a carefree, fun loving everybody's friend sort of guy. Circumstances led to responsibilities, and responsibilities to a much more serious attitude. Today Jeremy tries to live up to the role model image that he believes he owes society. He knows he represents himself, the Champions of the Shon-Khar, the Silver Guard, and metahumans in general. As a result, Jeremy's personality has taken on a more professional and considered aspect. In short, he's grown up.

Jeremy had dreams of becoming a professional singer/songwriter/guitarist before his transformation into Strobe. His love of music hasn't subsided and he still pursues it as a hobby as he is able. His other recreational passtime is ice hockey.


Strobe's superhuman abilities are based upon the Lyhavi foundational force, meaning, his powers are centered on air, light, and sound.

  • Flight - Subsonic flight in mid to low atmosphere is nearly effortless for Strobe. Supersonic flight is possible but does tire him out. His longest supersonic trip to date has been 3400 miles. Stratospheric flight has been proven possible, but difficult for him.
  • Laser Beams - Strobe is able to project high energy concentrated light beams from his eyes and hands.
  • Sonic Blasts - A cone of sonic energy can be directed and sustained, pummeling his target with vibrational waves.
  • Wind Gusts - Strobe can create anything from a gentle breeze to a small tornado able to lift hundreds of pounds. It's an excellent non lethal attack for him.
  • Illusion - Visual and audible illusions can be created and controlled by Strobe. He's even able to render himself invisible using this ability, but it all requires serious concentration. A luxury he can not often afford.

When push comes to shove, Strobe combines concentrated air, light, and sound into a powerful ranged blast.

Facilities & Equipment

The Chantry

The SilverTower


The SilverTower is the public headquarters of the SilverGuard and is situated in Millenium City's city center.


The SilverJet


As leader of the SilverGuard, Strobe has access to the team's supersonic transport jet. Jason Ingram, the team's professional pilot lives at the SilverTower and is a moment's notice away should the jet be needed.

The jet seats 14 and has cargo room and a holding cell aboard.


Silver Guard space suit

Strobe abilities are severely limited in the vacuum of space. With the aid of his Silver Guard space suit, he is able to function if only at a reduced capacity. The suit is hardened for combat and has an ingenious mechanism for converting expended CO2 back into oxygen. The estimated supply of air works out to about three years. It does not have a food supply however.

Combat Armor


There are simply too many friends and allies made throughout his years as a hero to list them all here. Below are a highlighted few.



"A Firecracker in every sense of the word."

Blaze is one of Strobe's five teammates in the Champions of the Shon-Khar. She's like family to him. She has been teammate, housemate, and romantic insterest. Today she's simply one of his closest friends. Strobe's time in the Silver Guard has led him to assume a leadership role in the Shon-Khar as well. Blaze is the teamate quickest to remind him that she is not his subordinate.

She's also reminds him how to have fun. He sometimes envies the fiery speedster as she's still able to seize the day and fully embrace the enjoyment of the moment. More than one night has Kelly O'Duff dragged a protesting Jeremy out on the town, only to prove it's just what he needed. He values her more than she knows.




"An inspiration on how to not sweat the small stuff."

Forge, a teammate in the Champions of the Shon-Khar, is Strobe's buddy. There's not a guy that's easier to hang with, nor as relaxing when Jeremy needs to unwind from a stressful day. Forge is steady, calm, and perhaps even a bit lazy. When the a job truly needs to be done though, he's there, dependable, and strong.

Forge isn't much good for advice or answers to questions, but he's invaluable as a companion to kick back with and forget about life for awhile. So long as you don't mind the football and beer.

Strobe's combat armor was a gift from Forge.



Got something to say about him?

XXX: "Whatevah!."

XXX: "NEver met him."