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[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CulturedBadass Cultured Badass]<br>
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CulturedBadass Cultured Badass]<br>
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheCynic The Cynic]<br>
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheCynic The Cynic]<br>
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DarkAndTroubledPast Dark and Troubled Past] / Very much so. <br>
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DarkAndTroubledPast Dark and Troubled Past] / Sort of. His exact origins are a bit more humble. <br>
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeadpanSnarker Deadpan Snarker]<br>
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeadpanSnarker Deadpan Snarker]<br>
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DidYouJustPunchOutCthulu Did You Just Punch Out Cthulu?] / His reaction when he gets defeated.<br>
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DidYouJustPunchOutCthulu Did You Just Punch Out Cthulu?] / His reaction when he gets defeated.<br>
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*'''Is an overpowered character, and not designed for direct roleplay.'''
*'''Is an overpowered character, and not designed for direct roleplay.'''
*Ask @ZydrateAnatomy if you are interested in interacting with this character.
*Ask @ZydrateAnatomy if you are interested in interacting with this character.
*He can, however, be occasionally found sitting in a corner in Club Caprice. It's a hub of demonic presence, he likes to get a read on their threat levels for future "use".
==Theme Song(s?)==
==Theme Song(s?)==
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[[Category:Alternate Universe]]
[[Category:Alternate Earth]]

Latest revision as of 16:12, 22 April 2014

Madgod Matthias
Player: @ZydrateAnatomy
Biographical Data
Real Name: Matthias Swan
Known Aliases: None
Gender: Male
Species: Alien
Ethnicity: Alien
Place of Birth: Xantoa
Base of Operations: Extensive
Relatives: None
Age: Incalculable
Height: Varies
Weight: Varies
Eyes: Red
Hair: Varies
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features:
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Identity: Known
Years Active: ~5
Citizenship: None
Occupation: Battlemage
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada


M's look is relatively straightforward. Those who are unfamiliar will be able to immediately peg him as some kind of spellcaster - and they would not be entirely incorrect. He is still a standard combatant however, as there is a hefty axe on his back and a simple blade sheathed on his side. He may have some vials strapped to his arms, their function is not readily known.

His eyes glow, giving a mystical smoke that can be better seen when he moves his head. When he smiles, glowing red sharklike teeth can be seen, it's a wonder how the man can even speak at all. When he does, it's distorted and darkly, but understandable.

He speaks plainly but may have a dark sense of humor depending on his mood. As is his element, his personality can be all over the place, but one thing is for certain; He wears his emotions on his sleeves. If his speech is quick and witty, he's in a decent mood. If it's slow, low, and dark, he's impatient or angry. He's very easy to read in that regard but his face is completely hidden by a black veil, so one cannot see any facial expressions.

Recent Affairs

M has come to this timeline and survey its potential of invading with his Vanguard to see if they are either worthy of his presence, or require the repairs he offers.
This is unlikely due to the high concentration of super-powered heroes that may prove to be a resistance to his armies. Kyna is surveying alongside him, however she already believes it is a no-go.

His actions have been incredibly visible. His lack of innocent life being taken is the only thing allowing him not to be marked as a Villain (Also thanks to Kyna's interference and in some cases... bribery). As a battlemage, his "help" usually results in hefty property damage and a lot of dead criminals, which is looked down upon with Champions. As a result he has not been given access to hero-related systems and communications. He doesn't seem to care, and a large trail of bodies continue to follow in his wake.

Personality and Lifestyle

Like anyone else, he encompasses a wide variety of emotions. But given his nature of Madness, they can switch between anything at the drop of a hat. The only emotion he seems to lack is Sadness, due to anything that would have made him sad is now long gone. He's not made of stone, however... His main emotion is apathy, with a hint of dark humor when the mood strikes him.

He has always been difficult to diagnose for humans. He's not a psychopath because he does encompass empathy. He's not a sociopath because he is aware of his actions and their consequences. He's a mixture of it all, and it leaks into his personality. People who meet him one day may find him jovial and joke-making. Two days later they may find him grim and angry. He is two sides of every coin.

Conversely to his partner in the universe, M prefers to live in squalor. Usually basements where the floor cannot even be seen as it's usually covered with odd, failed experiments and machinations of varying severity. He does not seem to care about his own body, which makes sense considering his indestructible nature. He knows nothing can harm or change it, so he does not waste a lot of time changing or washing. (Though he does lack general body odor, his dirtiness is mostly visual).


Not easily noted. Light/Holy energy can weaken him to an extent but probably not a decent lasting strategy.
Oddly enough, his vanity can be taken advantage of. Being challenged to a direct "duel" of sorts will stop him from doing major area damage, and take on the challenge from one individual at a time. He's no joke with a blade, however, and is an effective martial artist even in heavy, mystic armor.
Still, someone clever and skilled enough may cause him to back down.
Primary strike spots would probably be his face or legs. The back of the knee is lesser armored, but the face is probably the best place to strike. If his physical form is damaged too much, he'll flee to his Madrealm where his body is repaired, giving heroes or groups of heroes time to make their way elsewhere.

Generally, headshots are the most reliable. While this may enrage him and cause him to be more destructive, get enough hits and he may flee in order to regenerate what is left of his face.


Matthias has a habit of murdering anyone who may pose even a vague threat. Budding heroes, hostile politicians, targeted Vampire Lords... Nobody really seems to live long enough to be branded as a "Nemesis" to him. They do however come in the form of the more intelligent battlemages and vampire lords.

Battlemagi are among the few types magic-users that can hold their own against Matthias, given the hostile and offensive nature of Battle-magic. Vampire Lords tend to crop out of Matthias' past due to him wiping out entire clans. These lords were probably just soldiers or servants of their previously killed leaders, but rose against Matthias and formed their own clan to fight against him.

But then, there's the more obvious Alistair, but is more of a nuisance than a Nemesis.



A God Am I
Affably Evil / When in his more "civilian" form, he's rather polite.
Archetypal Character / His concept isn't necessarily new.
Arms Dealer / The Vanguard does peddle its tech.
Anti Hero
Anti Villain
Berserk Button / Slavery and rape, two things he absolutely despises. Despite being a bit hypocritical to the first (One arguement is that the Vanguard practically enslaves demons and vampires to keep them in line.)
Cultured Badass
The Cynic
Dark and Troubled Past / Sort of. His exact origins are a bit more humble.
Deadpan Snarker
Did You Just Punch Out Cthulu? / His reaction when he gets defeated.
Eccentric Millionaire
The Engineer / He tinkers.
Evil Overlord List / He practically has the newsletter.
Glowing Eyes of Doom / LOOK AT HIM.
Handsome Devil / Civilian form.
Hyper Awareness
Judge Jury and Executioner / Generally with his own employees.
Knowledge Broker / When put in the position.
Magnificent Bastard / ICly only. I'm not personally clever enough to RP this accurately.
Mysterious Employer / Himself
What Have I Done
Mysterious Past / Hooo boy.
Offstage Villainy / Mostly because he's not seen in common RP.
The Stoic / In Battlemage form.
Sliding Scale of Villain Effectiveness / High, his plans are often successful. The only problem is they usually take years to take effect.
Trickster / Sometimes.
Well Intentioned Extremist / As a Paladin once stated, "His goals are just... his methods are not."
Xanatos Gambit / Some of his plans are convoluted, but successful.
X Meets Y / In the form of "Albert Wesker meets Sheogorath".

RP Hooks

  • Is an overpowered character, and not designed for direct roleplay.
  • Ask @ZydrateAnatomy if you are interested in interacting with this character.
  • He can, however, be occasionally found sitting in a corner in Club Caprice. It's a hub of demonic presence, he likes to get a read on their threat levels for future "use".

Theme Song(s?)


Matthias Building.png


OOC Trivia

  • This character is an overly complicated being I've had since a young age, built for my imaginative mind to help defend against nightmares. He'd combat everything that would be dubbed as a Nightmare, and thus I haven't ever lost sleep due to them. Due to my adolescent innocence, his original concept was an Angel. He's morphed into the being you see here, a sign of my growing cynicism and otherwise mental degradation.
  • The Statistics listed vary on mood and scenario.

@ZydrateAnatomy Userspace v  d  e
Userspace: HomeLoreRoleplaying 101
Heroes: KynaLexisDJ ZydrateArchonAllein
Anti-Heroes: EstealKiurLivia
Villains: The HeadmasterLady MechromeAlistair
Anti Villains: The MatriarchMira
P-NPC's: Madgod Matthias
Organizations: Gnosis GenealogiaThe Vanguard