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Revision as of 06:07, 3 March 2014

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The Infinity Prophets Banner 4.png


Imperial Codex Mythos #1: Formation of the Prophets

The secretive society inside of the Infinity Core were purposed to protecting the species genetic information, in the event that the planet is attacked. It is protocol that members of the Imperial Codex remain inside there armor at all times. This enchanted mystic armor were handpicked and chosen from the king himself.

This would be considered the highest of honors, due to the importance of the armor. Very high ranking prophets would be wearing this armor but it is considered treason against the king if a bound user leaves the Kings residence wearing this armor.

The armor is deployed similar to standard issue prophet armor. A single touch to the artifact bound will trigger the DNA synchronization, forming the armor in a matter of seconds. Due to the armors importance it is deployed quicker, users are able to move faster and it greatly enhances physical strength.

Imperial Codex Mythos #2: Sterlisation and a Codex

400 years before the Purge, The grounds of the Imperial Codex. The idea was to preserve a complete DNA construct from a single sample of skin. After many decades of trying to perfect this, the king at the time, “Alexander the Mighty” was one of the most ruthless kings which the Ja’uris people have ever had the misfortune for being ruled over, this trait would be passed on to his newly born son ‘Zeon’.

When the great minds of the planet had finally cracked how to store DNA onto a hard storage device. They called it, ‘The Codex’. A vessel to contain all the samples the race would need to survive. Templates of each other, the Ja’uris people had no idea that their ruler had been infecting their ecosystem with sterilisation crystals. This would prevent any reproduction for hundreds of years to come. The very use for the Codex would be to ensure the Ja’uris people would never again have to biologically reproduce to ensure the planets survival.

Imperial Codex Mythos #3: Diplomatic Hierarchy

One hundred years after the Ja’uris people had discovered there own king, a man both feared and respected by the planet and neighbouring star systems had been infecting their water with a crystal with would cause new-borns to die and to completely eliminate biological conception came to light. The entire planet was up in arms, betrayed that their leader could commit such an act.

After the King Alexander attempted to calm and reassure the people, he was assassinated by a member of the Imperial Codex, this was not considered a shock nor a surprise as his actions had been leading up to that moment. With the king dead, there was no other choice for the 5 year ago Zeon. To become king, Zeon grew up with a tainted and corrupted heart. His ministers had him right underneath their fingertips.

King Zeon Mythos: The Early years (100 Years Before The Purge)

In the early years of the planet Jaro'h, life was chaotic. Criminal activity filled the streets. Innocent bystanders were being attacked for simply supporting different ideas to their peers. The wise King Zeon had seen enough. It was by his rule that the entire planet required discipline.

King Zeon put the entire planet into a state of panicked frenzy and lockdown. He had locked every port and began mass abducting people from the streets to be put in an immediate trial for crimes which they might not have even been involved in. On the other side of the planet the Ja'uris parliament had been discussing the advantages and disadvantages to having a rule, free of a king. Unfortunately King Zeon had finished sealing all ports; the planet was under lockdown and the separate nations how no means of transporting materials and trading goods to one another.

King Zeon considered himself a fair and civil king, but the people of Jaro'h were thinking otherwise. Since the lockdown, crime only rose to obscene levels, the people were afraid to step out into the streets. Bodies piled up by the roadside. Out of fear and desperation. Before the chaos which the King had pursued. The planet was peaceful; every inhabitant lived to serve the king.

King Zeon Mythos: The War (75 Years Before The Purge)

Many years after the lockdown was established civil war broke out among the nations “J’ok” and “Mod’ao”. This could be compared to the civil war in the Americas, but the bloodshed was in the millions. This was regarded as “Char’icho deok.” (Bloody war). The war had been kick-started by the lack of supplies which weren’t getting to the separate nations. Once friends, brothers in blood fought each other for the freedom which they rightly deserved.

The situation was only made worse by the order of King Zeon to send death squads to patrol the nations, eliminating any troublesome faction leaders in a desperate attempt to restore order to the planet. Towards the end of “Char’icho deok”, the nations agreed on a stale mate against each other. But to team up against the king. Utilizing the people of “J’ok” for engineering war machines and the people of “Mod’ao” for their ingenious plantations, capable of fertilizing an entire planet. The Firestorm that followed was brutal. The king deployed thermal devices over the two nations. Rendering the land inhospitable for the remaining life of the planet.

From this unspeakable event the people of Jaro'h feared for their lives, the king had proven how dangerous he was, but forces were plotting against him. In the shadows lived a movement, to be translated into English means: “Lambs of the new world” The very purpose of this organization was to dethrone the king to save the planet before it falls into chaos.

King Zeon Mythos: The Infinity Core (40 Years Before The Purge)

35 years had passed. The King Zeon had become the most hated being in the history of the Ja’uris people and in the entire galaxy luckily for the inhabitants of Jaro'h, his life was reaching an end. The Lambs of the new world were trying to fight a lost cause, instead of trying to bring the planet to peace, it brought it into even more chaos. His empire was built upon greed, corruption and consumption of power. On his 150th birthday, he was presented with an army of imperfect soldiers. Throughout his rule, King Zeon had learnt the difficult way how he lost the will of his people.

With his death approaching, he asked every citizen for two things. Forgiveness and redemption. For the king sat upon a great vault. Filled with wondrous objects, some objects that the universe had never even seen. He swore an Oath on his death bed, “Any being who can prove themselves worthy, may wield an artifact of old.” As the king sank into a deep unending sleep, hundreds of thousands of artifacts rose from the ancient vault. Each artifact was different, unique. Every artifact told a story, unlike any other. Every citizen of Jaro'h was given two tests.

These were the Strength of the Mind and the Strength of the Body. Both tests were simple and required before a being could take on the responsibility of the artifacts. With this gift to the people of Jaro'h. The very grounds for the Infinity Core, was founded. To serve, Protect and Enforce peace throughout the Universe. So no race should live like the Ja’uris people.

King Zeon Mythos: The Purge!

The end of days was approaching. The planet was already leaving its orbit and heading on a collision course with another planet. On top of this there were many "Anti-phasic" bombings through the planets core, making it difficult for the planet to continue to sustain life. This was orchestrated by the rebels opposing the King and his prophets. After many attempts at trying to stop the planet from meeting certain demise the Prophets agreed to rebuild the Infinity Core in a safer galaxy. One where the very existence of their race isn't being threatened.

The planet ended up colliding into its sister planet "Fro'lana". As a knock on effect, all Prophets were cut off from the telepathic web, known only as "The Shroud".