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=='''''<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #660000; font-size:75%;">The Troll</div>''''' =
=='''''<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #660000; font-size:75%;">The Troll</div>''''' =
=='''''<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #660000; font-size:75%;">Armada</div>'''''==
=='''''<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #660000; font-size:75%;">Crow</div>'''''==
=='''''<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #660000; font-size:75%;">Armada</div>'''''==
=='''''<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #660000; font-size:75%;">Crow</div>'''''==
='''''<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #660000">"The Devious Ones"</div>'''''=
='''''<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #660000">"The Devious Ones"</div>'''''=

Revision as of 21:07, 15 October 2014

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here !
Click Above on the Pic to see Killer Spider and His Amazing Friends in Action
The Ultimate
Killer Spider
The Static Spider
"When the gods die, they die hard."
The Master
Player: Novasbanner.jpeg


[[File:|center|250 px]]
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Rouge Vigilantes and The Arachna Family
Real Name
Mike Peterson/Jake Howard
December 23, 1987
New York City
City Center Apartment
Tech Warehouse
WCOC Reporter,Vigilante Superhero, Detective
Legal Status
No Criminal Record
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
John Peterson (Father, Deceased) Emma Peterson (Mother, Deceased), Rick Damian A.K.A Poison (Cousin), Brian Smith (Cousin)
Physical Traits
Metahuman the perfect manimal
Apparent Age
Body Type
Brown/ Black
· Distinguishing Features ·
Spider Tattoo on right arm, attractive, and chiseled
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Venom Shock, Arachna Sense, Voltage Webs, and Omicron Super Strength
· Equipment ·
Psi Spider Bombs,Arachna Disks, Web Cape, Primus Spark Sheild, and Advanced Spider Blades
· Other Abilities ·
Mixed Martial Arts, Kung Fu, and Karate

Creators Notes

Killer Spider is a homage of Spider-Man,Deadpool, and a little bit of Batman. What's different about him is that he is pretty sensitive at times, kind, smart as In James Harmon smart, and dangerous. Lots Action, Flirting, and quips are on this page. I'm now going to make Killer a teenager. Visit my new youtube channel, its Mike Peterson, Ultimate Killer Spider and the link is here this is all when Killer was a teen. I also felt that the Miles Morales idea was genius so I made my own homage to it Jake Howard, which is basically me and miles combined. I might make a comic series for him depending on how much time I have.


Mike Peterson was born in Millennium City,little did he know that his dad had power. On Mike's birthday ,his father died. His father was the first Killer Spider. He was killed by the hands of Nightmare. The legendary Killer Spider was ripped limb from limb. His last words were "son, take care of your mother,be strong, and use your powers for good." This event was hard for Mike to accept,so he prayed to God that he would avenge his father. Growing up, the boy was successful in school. Never let any of his friends down and keep his promises. By the time Mike was 14, he decided to get a job at the WCOC. At the same time he got a job he decided to start his hero act. Now when Mike was a field trip the got to go to Dynamic Labs where they tested out a bunch of things. There were mani las, Weapons, Suits, and medicine. He got his power from the spider minimal Sample from one of the rare beast in Monster Island. So what happened? Mike tripped over something and the chemicals spilled all over him and It got into his mouth . He realized he had powers the next morning. For a while he has being using a makeshift but, he eventually made a better suit. He was a rookie at the age of 14, but he got better and improved his skills. Eight months later Red Snake studied him and wanted to train him, but Mike turned the offer down. The time came when he had met Nightmare and he broke Killer Spiders back. Sadly poor Mike wasn't ready to fight his fathers greatest enemy. There was a Service for Killer Spider to get well.While Emma Peterson was heading back home, James Oken a.k.a NightMare was in her basement, beside a dead body. Emma was terrified.

" Who are you?" Said Emma ",that's classified you know." Said James " wait a minute, you killed my son! I'm calling the cops." Said Emma "I'm afraid I can't let you do that, because I am going to kill you, just like I killed your husband." Said James, James starts to pull out his gun, and shot her.

1 months later

Mike woke up in the hospital and freaked out that he was still in the healing process. The boy urged himself to move. He made it all the way to Champions HQ in a matter of seconds but fell through a window and fell while they were having a meeting.

'"Witchcraft, use one of your magical spells to heal Killer Spider. He was a good hero, and he is needed in City Center, Downtown, and Vibora Bay."

"I shall try to heal him, but he will have some new traits."

"Hera give me the power to heal this boy"

"Very well."

A few minutes later Mike wakes up and says "where am I?"

"It's ok, your in good hands."

"What about my family?"

"We're sorry Michael they're dead."

"What! Who killed them?"

"James Oken, a.k.a Nightmare."

"Damn it, this all my fault, if I had finished him right there in that corner, they would have still been here!"

"Where's my suit, I'm going to avenge the Peterson family."

"It's in your apartment."

"Gracias Champions, wait was that Spanish?"

Mike rushed for his apartment using the grapple hook that Nighthawk lended him. I took him about one minute just to make it there. All the people that were on the building said the same thing, the classic where have you been response.

All Mike could say was "vacation, I'll pay for the bills later."

"I hope so, because you owe $1000 dollars."

"Good thing I still have the $5000 I made at the WCOC."

Ultimate Killer-Spider Comics


#173 Ultimate Killer Spider issue #173The Death

New Ultimate Killer Spider issues #1 and 2 Bank Storm

New Ultimate Killer Spider issues #3 and #4 Cryo Chill!

New Ultimate Killer Spider issues #5, 6, and 7 Arachni-Men

New Ultimate Killer Spider issues#8 and 9 Savage Arachnid!

New Ultimate Killer Spider issues #10 Hippawhat?

New Ultimate Killer Spider issues #11 Red Wasp!

New Ultimate Killer Spider issues #12 and 13 Mechanon!

New Ultimate Killer Spider issues #14 and 15 Doctor Mental

New Ultimate Killer Spider issues #16 Rise of Incognito

New Ultimate Killer Spider issues #17 and #18 Reborn!

sketch drawing of All New Killer Spider

The Amazing Killer-Spider Comics

A continued story of the ultimate story arc.

Ultimate Killer Spider

Ultimate Killer Spider1/3

It was Valentine's day, the day of love. Diana Summers, Killer Spiders' old ally. She heard the news that he was back last night, she was suprised at the news that she had heard. Today Would've been the day that Killer Spider told her how he felt about her, and of course he was in love with the woman. She was the only one other than his ex Emily Brown that he had been really close to. Then at 10:00 exact, a dark if figure started to move through the streets. The figure was chasing what seemed to be James Oken. "Who the hell are you?"
" You piece of crap! I heard what you did to my family!"
"Wait a minute, Mike, is that you?"
"yes it is me,and I'm here to put you in an asylum."
" yeah right, you and what army?"
"Only the Defenders Earths Mightiest Heroes, and don't even try to transform, because I shot you with a needle that takes away all your powers, so your finished."
He then took James' hand and venom shocked it. Sucks to be you..
"Ok guys, I'm going to pay a visit to Diana, she's probably heard the news about me."

Ultimate Killer Spider 2/3

Diana and Mike encounter some Viper soldiers on their date in the desert.
On that same night, Killer Spider made his way towards Diana's penthouse. As he made his way, PSI was invading the building.

Killer Spider: I guess James wasn't enough for tonight,So of course I swoop down to stop the raid,what are they up to?

"We are here for the one called Hareno!"

Killer Spider:"Haroeno, wait isn't that the blue haired lady?"

Psimon:"Ah, I see we have Killer Spider here. I thought you were dead."

Killer Spider:"I was until the Champions Brought me back to life."

Psimon:Amazing, I didn't know they were capable of such powers like that."

Killer Spider:"Ya Ya, less talking more fighting."

The two rushed into battle with each other, Killer Spider fought better than before. He threw a few hard punches, and then venom shocked all the henchmen. Word of advice to the people, never judge a spider by its size, it could be venomous. And of course the humorous spider wins once again.

Psimon:"You are cheering that you defeated me?"

Killer Spider:"Of course I am Psimon, I'm as giddy as a school girl, but I'm not really a girl and you get the point."

Hareono: "Hi Killer Spider!"

Killer Spider: "Hey,are you ok?"

Hareono: "Of course I am, I can heal myself plus I took down of few of them."

Killer Spider: "Remind me to team up with you sometime."

Hareono: " That would be lovely."

Killer Spider:" I'll see you soon."

Hareono: " :) ok then."

The new stick suit made of Web Cloth, Night Vision and covered with questonite.

Ultimate Killer Spider 3/3

Killer Spider:"Almost there."

You all probably know where Killer Spider is going to, Diana's place. Killer Spider is really hooked to her. She was glad to see him once he showed up.

Killer Spider:"Aola Diana, wait was that also Spanish? Pretty soon I'm going to get a Spanish college invitation, but I already finished college."

Diana Summers: "You know what's funny, I haven't seen your master degree yet."

Killer Spider: "I will give you it sometime, but the real question is, why did you retire."

Diana Summers: "It's a long story, ask the people I used to work with."

Killer Spider: "mhmm, that's what they all say."

Diana Summers: "um Killer, do you hear that? I think it's those Psi guys."

Killer Spider: "They are probably still chasing after me."

Diana Summers: "This isn't exactly wheat I'd call a lovely valentines day."

Killer Spider: "it's not mine either you know, and besides we can take these guys."

Diana Summers: "Yeah, this should be fun."

Killer Spider: "you still know how to fight right because if not I could venom shock them all at once."

Diana Summers: "Of course I do, ow! Stupid PSI henchmen."

Killer Spider: "so I'll just venom shock them all."

Using most of his power, Killer Spider venom shocked them all, but instead of yellow the venom shock turned blue. This has never happened before, but you learn something new every day. Though his valentines day isn't quite over yet he still has seven hours to make up for it. Let's hope that a Killer can make up for it, he does tend to show up late on dates and more.

Killer Spider: "Well Diana, we still have seven hours of fun left, so what should we do."

Diana Summers: "Maybe Club Caprice?"

Killer Spider: "Sounds nice, maybe the couples room with the fountain?"

Diana Summers: "Sure."

12 minutes later

Diana Summers: "Your glide control is impressive, what else are you good at?"

Mike Peterson: " Lots of other things."

Diana Summers: "Which one are you best at?"

Mike Peterson: "I'm good at kicking butt kicking, math, science, a lot more."

Diana Summers: "hmmmm, how about we see how good of a kisser you are."

Mike Peterson: Uh ok. *blushing*

They both lent in in for the kiss and then a random voice says,

Random: Get a room.

Diana Summers giggles.

Mike Peterson: Red, it's been forever."

Brian Smith: indeed it has my friend. So how are you?

Mike Peterson: I'm doing good, especially when I'm with Diana.

Brian Smith: Wait, are you guys engaged?

Mike Peterson: Nope, we're dating, but we have been together for quite sometime.

Diana Summers: And we still are, wait Killer we have more work to take care of.

Mike Peterson: Sweet! Brian wanna join?

Brian: Hell Yeah.

Mike Peterson: Let's kick it then.


Og.jpg Voice actor would be Sean Marquette

Powers and Abilities

  • Venom Shock: Mike is able to fire a bio-electric spider sting out of his body, fist, legs, and is able to paralyze,knockout, or stun a villain, thats why Mike called it "venom shock"
An example of Jake Howard's venom shock
  • Arachna Sense: Mike's enhanced senses warn him from incoming danger.
  • Voltage Webs: A electric blasts mixed with webs used to tangle the enemy, and if there are near by enemies they will jump towards the others.
  • Omicron Super Strength: Mike's strength level is powerful, before he was able to lift 3 tons, but now that he is back he can lift 52 tons now
  • Wall Crawling: Mike is able to stick to the walls without his suit. He harness all his energy to climb up the walls.
  • Superhuman Agility: Mike can move quite swiftly to dodge any incoming attacks.
  • Superhuman Durability: Jake is quite durable being able to be thrown out of windows and being able to walk it off as if it were nothing.
  • Superhuman Dodge Chance: Killer is able to increase his Arachna-Sense and Agility to dodge attacks like a gunfire.
  • Superhuman Leaping Ability: Jake and Mike have used both speed, agility, and wall-crawling to get to place to place.
  • Stun Bite: If someone that is dangerous tries something to remove Jakes mask, he will automatically bite them for self defense and they should be stunned for 3 minutes.

  • Organic Silk: Jake can make his own webs straight from his body unlike Mike who needed a bracer option for it.
Mike using his energized venom fist to strike at at an enemy.
Mike using his venom shock to paralyze the maniacs.


  • Lost Parents: Mike's parents were killed by NightMare, the villainous demon of mayhem. If Mike is reminded, he becomes very emotional.
  • Arachna-Sense Immunity: Mike's enhanced senses can be invisible from Roin'Esh aliens from a humans senses, this can only happen if the alien figure has taken control of a human.
  • Anger: Mike can be aggressive and brutal if anyone took someone special from him, like his friends or Diana.
  • Women: We've all had our experiences with women, but Killer Spider is like a magnet to them, and he can't help himself most of the time, so he talks to them for a little and gets to know them, but he doesn't ask any of them out.

Skills and Equipment

  • Arachna Disks: These disks were made by Mike for huge crowds of enemies, so when this happens he spins around like a sprinkler and hits them all at once.
  • Web Cape: His web cape is able to glide away and fly 200 miles per hour.
  • Psi Spider Bombs: These bombs are used for dealing with PSI, they some how turn them into a gassy form. When they're in that state they can't hurt anyone.
  • Stealth Spider Bike: Killer Spiders' grav bike that goes into stealth mode. It's designed to get around enemies, take out huge objects, and to get to school quicker.

Spider Savers: A device used to heal people over time. There is a glitch that gives powers to those who are bitten by it.

The powers that it gives are:

Spider Powers

Fire Bug powers

Super Strength/Might

Super highly trained Martial Arts




  • 'Energy Slingers Killer Spider did some research and decided to get an upgrade so instead of a grapple hook, he made something similar to "Energy Bracers" like Red-Arachnid and Red Spider's Energy Cuffs. The Energy Slingers sling Aerogel and it also has a cobweb option, but the cobweb option is only for combat.

Friends and Allies

Kittykat.jpg *Cat: A hero that once worked for sledge hammer, a huge pain in the butt for her and Killer Spider. She did stop working for him eventually. When Killer passed away she decided to take his advice by becoming a hero and so she did. She teamed up with the new Killer Spider.
Silver medal T.png Freeform

40 Bugg by masamundane-d7pt4sf.png Stubborn kid growing up in a world full of superheroes, James Tyler believed he was always destined for greatness, his opportunity finally came when he was stung by a Qularr firebug during the Qularr Invasion. The mutagenic venom from the firebug would soon alter Jame's DNA structure and rewrite it as 50% Qularr and later give James amazing powers which he would use to save his school from a rampaging DEMON Morbane months after the Qularr Invasion. After realizing what good he could do with his powers, James would adopt the name of Bugg and use his powers to help people, teaching crooks and criminals its not always fun to step on the little guys.
Silver medal T.png Freeform

Portrait.png After allowing genetically-altered spider DNA get into to his open wounds, Brian Smith became known as The Tremendous Spider-Kid before rehashing himself as Red-Arachnid after the death of Richard O'Reilly, the original Red-Arachnid and now believes that Richard's legacy shouldn't be left to crumble in the dust and so Brian devotes himself to living out O'Reilly's legacy as the All-New Red-Arachnid.
Silver medal T.png Freeform

Head Space.jpg
  • Head Space: A cyborg cowboy that carries dual pistols and night sticks, or metalsticks to say. He says that he is from the future and here to bring justice to our time.
Arachno Girl.jpg
  • Arachno-Girl: Not to long ago Killer meet Arachno-Girl, they don't talk all that much, but they are friends.
  • Haroeno: To be honest, she was a fantastic/wonderful woman, before Killer met Diana, he had the hots for her. Right now they are good friends, but Killer still has feelings for her.
  • Assassin X: This guy fought a bunch of Mega Destroids with me back in the day and still does. He's also good for field ops missions.
Night Spider 2014-3.jpg
  • Night Spider: The best detective that I know rather than Night Hawk. He is a role model for some heroes, he has inspired Killer Spider to become a detective, he is good at it, but not as good as Night Spider.


Jake Howard is the next person to pick up the mantle of Killer-Spider he is the third one. He got his powers from one of Killer-Spiders spider savers. This happend cause the boy got caught in the cross fire of the shooting. Now he can become flexible, He possess the power of Organic Silk somehow. He has a venom sting, blast, a bullet proof suit, stealth and venom touch. He has been the new Killer-Spider for 4 months now.

Nightmare Back in the Flesh!

I'm finished working on a comic for this story and down below is the cover so click it to read it. If it doesn't work look under the Comics section. Warning!: Things will be changed in the comics and it skips to the final fight scene. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7Ea_DvGyz0wVmhnQThOR0VYVzA/edit?usp=sharing

4:17 a.m. at Oken Inc.

"After all these years of isolation I've finally returned, but I need to feast on someone, and I know just where to find the perfect meal." The beast leaps away in what seems to look like a an aura of green fire.

Monday 12:45 p.m. at High School graduation.

Principal Calvin Bissell announces the following: "Kate Fox, Andrew Alexander, Jamie Lyons, Dean Lamar, and Jade Ling." The people clap for the graduates.

"The following valedictorians are: Brian Smith, Sam O'Brian, Gracie Brewer, Dominic Pham, and last but not least Mike Peterson."

An outburst of cheering and clapping for all of the graduates arose, it was like they all had just stopped a crime. Mike's brother, Kate, Brian, and Jake Howard all celebrated at the taco place called Taco Galaxy.

"So, where do you plan on going to college guys, I got a scholarship to go to Harmon University.

All talk at the same time "What!!!!"

Brian Speaks "Dude that's awesome."

Jake "I would go but I got 3 more years of high school I'm 14 almost 15 *starts to talk under his voice* in 10 months."

Mysterious voice "Have you guys seen my dad?"

Mike-"That voice."

All "Is that....HENRY!!!!

They all hug him

Henry Oken "Um nice to see you too."

James Oken: "Michael Peterson."

Mike and Jake: *arcana sense*

Mike: "Hello sir."

James: "I just dropped by to say hi, so I hear your close friends with Killer-Spider."

Mike: "Actually I just write reports, record videos, and blog about him at WCOC."

James: "Ah I see, have you heard about the new creature? Its deadly, Extremely Angry, and Hungry."

Mike: "Uhm, no sir I actually haven't seen it."

James: "A video of that would surely get you about 678 bucks for each clip."

Mike: "Actually, I don't know if Rob would pay me that much maybe 276 dollars."

James: *stares at him* "Right, but it will be hard to get the footage, you might killed."

Mike: "I'm willing to take that chance."

James: " I have to go to work now, my people are waiting for me." *walks away*

Mike and Jake: talk in their heads "now Arachna sense is off."

Mike: "I'd better keep an eye out, I'll see you guys soon."

Before any of them can say bye he was already gone.

Mike climbs up the building to see what was going on.

James: Now I need to make sure that I kill Mike soon a.k.a Killer Spider

Mike: He knows."

Steam starts to come up from his back and then he is engulfed in a green hell fire.

James: "RaaaaaaaaH!!!!!!

He transforms into an orange behemoth covered in fire and bones.

NightMare: I SEE YOU!!!

Mike: Oh snap.

Mike jumps off the building and NightMare leaps and follows, but NightMare has lost Mike.

NightMare: Come out Michael I'm going to kill you like I killed your father

Killer Spider: Shut Up!!!!!!!!!!

  • he gives him a good hard punch*

Killer Spider: what the heck is wrong with you James. What have you done to yourself?

NightMare: I gave my self a draysha compound mixed with that of goblin the dead heroes DNA.

Killer Spider: So what your like Hell Demon's reincarnation. His son maybe

NightMare: smart mouth. Allow me to give you the full....

Engulfs himself in fire

NightMare: John Peterson experience *chuckles with malice in his laughter and throws a fire ball at Killer*

Killer Spider: Thanks, but I kinda already had a fire ball for lunch, my girl friend bought spicy Mexican food. True story

NightMare: SHUT UP!!!

Jake Howard and Red-Arachnid jump in to Killer so back up. That tactic failed NightMare had the strength of 10 men.

Jake Howard: before you ask this is a terrible makeshift suit I know.

NightMare: ah, the legendary all new Red-Arachnid , why are you all trying to continue the legacies of those who were smarter, more amusing, and failures.

Red and Killer: That's it combo move venom shock all the way!

The impact of the Ultra Venom Shock is too much but NightMare still stands in place as if nothing happened.


NightMare: Hahaha, that was actually amusing.

Red-Arachnid: That should've knocked him out! Heck, if that was Thundrax he'd be finished

Killer Spider Supreme!

((Superior Spiderman Homage. Champions Universe 818)) Doctor Mental and Mike Peterson both fighting over the body of a male. Most of the time Mike has the Doctor locked up inside, but he comes out and trys to kill Mike for good.

The Killer Spider Supreme Suit.

Made by Mike himself only the arms where added by Doctor Mental when he had control. The arms are made of questinite a very rare kind of this crystal. The suit was made a silk that was bought from a friend Nightbeast. There are two Killer Spiders now since Doctor Mental was forced out. He made a clone and put himself in it.

Mike Inc.

This is a pretty old building that was closed after the death of John Peterson who in this universe never had powers. It was reopened when Mike turned 20 and currently has 79 to 215 people working in it.

The new hero gear room of Mike Inc.

Rogues Gallery

Threat Levels:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Not worth any action. Let the cops take care of it.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Minor threats. Usually common meta-criminals.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Could prove a personal challenge, but not much else.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Moderate threats. Worth looking into.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Dangerous. Definitely ones to look out for. Usually for low-to-moderate powered mercenaries and assassins.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Dangerous nationally and internationally.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
High-Level Threats. Capable of posing a real danger to governments, organizations and super-teams.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Worldwide threats. Must be immediately investigated. Reserved for cult leaders, terrorist organizations and the like.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
World Annihilators, must be stopped at all costs.

Black Thunderer

ElectricDude09.jpgThreat level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

John Hart older brother of Mark Hart was always bullied, pushed around, and got bad grades and never passed high school. He always hates his brother he had everything fame, popularity, and good grades. One day John was in church and climbed to the tower to kill himself. He almost jumped off the building but he didn't have the guts to. One day he was on the computer and there was an open ceiling and he was struck by Lightning. He saw what happened to him and he was afraid. His girlfriend stayed away from him and he took his anger out on anyone who he hated. He killed his own mother for beating him. One day he tried to kill his brother, but Mike the original Killer Spider stopped him by easily leading him to a park with a pool short circuiting him. Not a member of the devious 4 was kicked out after having problems with Cryo Chill. ((A side villain really)) Powers:

Electro Fight

Electro Magnetic Pulse

Tempest Form

Electrical transportation (able to teleport into any electrical devices)

Tempest Bomb

Horned Hippo

HippoSmash.jpgThreat level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Jerry Quan was poor Mexican growing up, he stole money to help his parents and dropped out of school as well to help his mom since she was dying because of some kind of disease. After his mom died he went back to school and studied about animals mostly hippos. He wanted to make actual hippo manimals. He was making a gas for his so called down of the hippos arc he was planing. He needed to start human trails soon so he used it on his lab partner and he died. Quan took the chance and used it on himself, lucky for him it was successful and turned him into a human with hippo like powers and unbreakable armor. He also designed his own suit and decided that of you wanna get something put of your way or break something, maybe I should use horns. After all this the man went out into the city controlling himself but decided to free the animals of every zoo in city center, Westside, and downtown. Killer-Spider showed up and honked his horn throwing him into stronghold. He found a way out by digging his way through the rocky floors and has caused trouble to Mike so many times and also blackmailed him at one point. A former member of the Devious 4.


Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Intellect

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman Durability

Ability to control other hippos.

Cryo Chill

Theicefaces2.jpgThreat level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Younger brother of the black thunderer. Got his powers from when his brother threw him into some kind of glacier pod and shocked the heck out of him and then he was locked up for a day. When he came out he was some kind if elemental super solider but it didn't last. The young adult became a frozen skinned maniac longing for revenge on his brother and from Jake Howard since he took him out in front of the cameras and everything. The guy then took black thunderer and sent him into a portal in another champions universe. He came back though and Jake Howard defeated thunderer but Cryo got away and decided he wants to be a villain. He is now a member of the Devious 4. He poses a great threat.

Powers:Ice Manipulation

Ice Generation

Ice Mace

Cryogenic Mist (Teleportation)

Ice slide

Cryogenic Form

Cryogenic Burn

Cryogenic Cages

Cold Fire

Cellular Disintegration (by causing frostbites that cannot be repaired in within 3 days.)

((Comic is a W.I.P))


Threat level:
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Roin'esh alien that has a host which was originally a clone that had been created to destroy Killer Spider. This alien has taken control of Rick Damian a.k.a Killer Spider clone 2.0 or Savage. It happened 5 years ago at Harmon labs, where Rick wanted to see if there was any DNA left to make him stronger, and only one was left, it was a roin'esh sample. His dream was to become the perfect Killer Spider. While he was in the lab he saw the Roin'esh alien that had been transferred from Steelhead to Harmon Labs, thats where the sample was retrieved. The alien sample was dying off, so Rick used it on himself. The man called himself Savage.

Atomic Bug

Seeitoldyahebugsme.jpgThreat level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Weird kid named Aaron Carter who is obsessed with Killer Spider and has been stalking him for a year now. He even saw Mike change into Killer. He teamed up with Killer once and asked to be his sidekick. Killer had made him his sidekick for a little till one night where the kid broke a thugs neck. Killer told him there is no more of the sidekick business for you. So he left the Den and stole one of Mikes spider savers which grant the person full health, but Mike didn't know they give powers.He became his own hero but broke to many bones and nearly beating his enemies half to death. When ever he sees Killer he attempts to kill him.

Savage Draysha Nightmare

Status:In Custody

The man who created the spider manimal on monster island. After he saw what it did to killer he tested him on himself and it failed because that was an incomplete serum with some kind if draysha inside of it. He first used his powers on the people he hated such as Mike Peterson, Henry Oken, ans Rebecca Oken. Rebecca was killed by her father when he burnt down her condo. Henry managed the escape his father when he was attacking dynamic industries. Killer Spider of course foiled his plans. James was kept in super containment in the Premiums Lunar Prison. Kept in custody for a month he planned his escape, brilliantly he thought of assembling a team, and Kurt Storm who is working with Bugg as well didn't suspect it. He named the team, "The Devious Ones". Shadow Destroyer had once teamed up with him, but James was too crazy even for him and almost killed James. NIghtmare killed Killer-Spider. He is the leader of "The Devious Ones". GoblinNight.jpgThreat level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

The Troll




"The Devious Ones"

A team of different people who envy the spider. Through the years they have been changed,replaced, or killed. Their main goal is to get rid of Killer Spider and do villain work as in robbing banks, or kidnapping. Rarely do they do hero work so part time they are anti heroes. Leader of this group is Doctor Mental, but NightMare murdered him to take control, he failed miserably.

The New Killer Spider

Spider vs Machine?

So it's been 1 month now since Killer died, his legacy must continue his legacy. I need a better costume this makeshift suit is starting to be uncomfortable.

Solider: Sir, is that rumor true about a new Killer Spider?

Commander Jason: Actually yes, his name is Jake Howard. He is my sisters son.

Solder: Selena Howard am I right.

Commander: Yes you are correct. Starting tomorrow you and your squad are going to bring in Jake for questioning. Remember don't hurt him we only want to enroll him in out Unity Teens.

Solider: And if he says no?

Commander: Shoot him with a sleep dart.

  • Back at Jake's house*

Jake Howard: Hmmm let's see I need a cape and I have the right material a cape made of organic silk from moi. Eye pieces so that no one can see me through so I'll have a questionite layers on the top and plastic at the bottom of it. At least I have two big old pieces of questionite. Now all I need is a shiny cloth well I have cloth now I need the shiny part. Ah ha I'll use shavings of questionite.

Selena Howard: Hey son are you ready for school?

Jake Howard: Mom, I still have one month of Summer left.

Selena: No, I mean the service there Matt McCormick.

Jake Howard: What happened?

Selena: Pats dad died of a heart attack.

Jake Howard: oh....uh sure I'll go tomorrow.

Selena: Ok.

  • door closes*

Jake: Man now I feel bad, anyway I gotta finish this suit.

  • One hour and thirty two minutes later."

Jake Howard: Finally, I finished. I can't believe those knitting classes paid off. Now I should put in a radio on my bracers.

Radio: There's been some kind of attack in Westside a man dressed in. Rat suit with rat like powers is terrorizing their city. Champions if you are hearing this, they need you

  • somewhere in ChinaTown*

Killer Spider: Ok, where do I find this guy? Maybe if I ask a civilian. Excuse me sir have you seen a rat guy dressed like a weirdo around?

Civilian: Uh, well he is somewhere around the Prison.

Killer Spider: Alrighty then let's glide all the way there, or I could swing. Yeah that's what Mike would do.

  • As soon as he sent his web to the nearest building the Boy web zipped there.*

Killer Spider: I just remembered Mike doesn't use webbing to swing, he only used it for combat, distractions, saving, and web zipping.

Killed Spider: I see him and a cat lady? Excuse me miss I've got this handled.

Cat: Who the hell do you think you are dressing up like that!?

Killer Spider: I'm the new Killer Spider I have the same powers except from well except the organic silk.

Cat: Meow! Let's just fight this guy.

  • The man froze and his eyes were filled with freight*

Rodent: He's coming!

Killer and Cat: Who's coming?

Rodent: Mechanon.

  • And there he was a giant metallic robot standing 60 feet tall*

BOT: Behold your new ruler approaches

Killer Spider: So that's Mechanon, yeah stick a fork in us we're done.

Cat: We have to stop him.

Killer Spider: We'd need a lot more help.

Cat: Yeah any ideas?

Killer Spider: Well...

  • right before he finished talking he was interrupted*


Killer Spider: Who are you?

Killer Spider 1899: I am Killer Spider 1899 of the past, and you are Mike Peterson?

Killer Spider: Well I um*pulls off his mask* My name is Jake Howard and I, am Killer Spider.

Killer Spider 1899: So I'm assuming that he was killed by the one who calls himself NightMare?

Cat: Yes. Wait how'd you know?

Killer Spider 1899: This might be confusing but, he's the one who hacked the Mechanon of our time.

Killer Spider: Makes total sense, so you chased NightMare of our world back here and he's probably trying to prevent Killer Spider from existing.

Killer Spider 1899: Exaclly.

Love interest and Friends

Cat: One of the three ladies who Killer has fallen in love with, she's a good dancer, and yes she is nice despite her big grapple guns, claws, and smoke bombs she uses against enemies. She's a really cool gal, if you want to talk to her, her handle is @Splaid

Hareono: The beautiful blue haired lady who has a sense of humor, and great healing. She is fun loving and she role plays. If you want to talk to her look up @haroeno.

Diana Summers: Killer Spiders first female ally to tag along with him in every adventure. Just because she doesn't have any powers doesn't mean she can't kick Killer Spiders butt. This is also @huntingrose

Red Arachnid: Killer Spiders best friend, they always team up and crack a few jokes during battle. If you want to look him up, him up his handle is @somerandomkid500.

Theme Songs

1.[1]Amazing- Kanye West ft. Young Jeezy Jake Howard's Battle Theme

1.[2]Am I wrong -Nico and Vinz Mikes Last Stand

1.[3] Becoming SpiderMan -James Horner

Main Theme

Arachhni Men a Tangled Web

About: This is basically about Jake meeting Mike again, but from a different universe. I'd say maybe from another CO earth. I'll be sure to post the story soon dunno about a comic but I'll see. Here is a list of the Characters and some of their bios that will appear.

Killer Spider Supreme (Mike Peterson/Doctor Mental) p p- Same story different universe but similar to the superior Spider-man story arc. 368px

Killer Spider(Jake Howard)- Mike Peterson is dead and NightMare is still alive andJake Howard is the next person to pick up the mantle of Killern-Spider. He is the third one. He got his powers from a blood transfer with Killer-Spider, this happend cause the oy got caught in the cross fire of the shooting. Now he can become flexible, He possess the power of Organic Silk somehow. He has a venom sting, blast, a bullet proof suit, stealth and venom touch. He has been the new Killer-Spider for 4 months now.

Killer Spider(2079)- Simon Baxter is the Killer Spider of the future of a different universe. Mike Peterson is indeed alive in this universe but uses a special a special suit. He has made a lot of appearances with Simon. Nightmare of this time is Henry Oken son of James Oken, except this NightMare is know by his main allies is Pyro Devil. The suit consist of wrist web bolters, a rocket gauntlet, and A silk swing option. ((A am working on a comic for alternate Killer Spiders, and he will be in it. If anyone wants to help let me know I've got 18 days of comic life left.))

Killer Spoker)- Obviously Killer Spider but a pig.

Killer Spidera(different universe)- Micah Peterson is a female version of Killer Spider with the same enemies except female. She had the same experience, events, and problems as Mike did. Micah has the same powers, and there is a Jake Howard of her universe which is still a guy, but never became Killer Spider. She has a Nightmare named Jamie Oken, but she uses a costume. Micah's boyfriend did die by killing himself for being one of her villains when they found out each other's secret identities.

Mike Peterson is back

Mike comes back a year later seeking information of how he was brought back. While he was swinging, he had a vision of a villain named Atomic. As he was about to try and prevent this for happening Viper was importing serums into a truck and of course Michael went to investigate . While he was investingating he didn't realize that one of the Viper soldiers went away with some radiated gas. Killer Spider didn't suspect a thin, so he went swinging off to helped the cops who were being attacked by robots. He saved them of course and they were astonished that Mike was alive. Kurt was there with them and asked Killer Spider to come in for testing and questions. He declined and jumped into the water to avoid being shot. Finding his way out of a sewer he needed a new fixed makeshift suit. He swing by Westside High right when Jake was telling his friends he really saw Mike. He lost him, but caught a glimpse of him fighting a robot. He went the same direction as Mike did. Nightmare had found out that Michael was back and Doctor Mental knew that something like this would happen so he forced triggered Savage to transform and try to take out Jake Howard only. Mike jumped in the battle on doing Savage into the bar with Agent Toxic 15 minutes later the battle was over. Mason Cole a.k.a Agent Toxic was hurt and needed surgery because of a severe deep cut. Jake then gets in an argument with Mike about how it was all his fault,and he eventually left, leaving Mike alone. He realized that Jake has to finish this all on his own, so he didn't interfere all he did was watch. Nightmare found out the address to Maryl Lee's house and kidnapped her. Jake saw him fly by and went after. Maryl Lee told NIghtmare to left go, and so he did leaving her to fall to her death. Jake tried to saved her,but his web threads missed her, and she fell cracking her skull and everyone in her body. Nightmare flying away in victory had triumphed. Jake was angry and some of the roin'esh skin that fell from Mason got into Jake suit and it sensed his hate and helped him take out Nightmare. He could've killed him, but he didn't. He sent Nightmare to physical prison therapy, moving to South America the next day not having to worry about anything. Mike had his life back, got a haircut, exercised, and did everything to make hi.self unrecognizable to most people. Others still recognized. So he continued his job as "The Amazing Killer Spider!"

Weaver Emerges

Alicia Monroe a freshman In college, a very bright student who was an apprentice to Robbie Tremain who is also known as piranha a dangerous criminal who attempted to rule all of Lemuria. Alicia was taken by mysterious men in black who Robbie Tremain was forced to call. They made Alicia take pills that were untested, illegal, and were filled with the same formula that made Killer Spider. They locked her up in a room near Argent HQ and destroyed any evidence of the experiment. 7 months now she has been tested on with simulations to see what her powers are, and she does them over and over again. She eventually got angry enough to break herself out. Mikes Arachna Sense went off allowing him to head off to Argent. She stole a hologram to disguise herself as a male argent worker. When she got out of the building she encountered Killer-Spider. She disabled the hologram and ran away from Killer by crawling up the wall and swinging away. Killer was astonished and didn't know that argent was still containing these types of illegal experiments. He went after her and found her at the Pub. Mike of course didn't want to fight her, but she thought different, she threw a few good punches, but Mike didn't attack and she was confused. Mike was telling her that he is just like her pulling his mask off. She stopped fighting and told him what happened. She said if she has powers then she has her own responsibility, she decided to be a hero. She thought to herself she is going to need a suit. She checked out Mikes suit and copied some of it a whole different color style. She also came up with a name for herself. Weaver!


((Feel free to comment this powerful arachnid!))

"That guy, man he's serious with things like team. Even i'm a bit serious, but hes a pretty nice man!" - Head Space

"To be honest when I first heard of "Killer Spider" I had my guard up ready to fight, not knowing if he was a hero or villain I mean come on with a name like Killer Spider what do you expect? Any who hes a cool guy and gets reported in Millennium City News more then me but other than that we are like best buds and can't help letting out a few wise-cracks in battle. - Red-Arachnid

Art Work
Art by @Hablaguy28777
Art by @Masamundane

v  d  e

Killer SpiderThe BlurrCaptain Paragon(John Martain)
Shrink BrawlerRed FalconArachnoScorch
Places and Things:
Infinity Universe