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Revision as of 08:43, 27 September 2013

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PRIMUS Heading.png
Silver medal T.png
The Silvern Mage
Ice Queen of Vibora
"One cannot dance with the devil without stepping on its tail."
Warrior-Mage, Alchemist, and Blacksmith
Player: @IonutRO
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Trismegistus Council
Real Name
Juanita Valerio
The Silvern Mage
Ice Queen of Vibora
Bitch Queen of Narnia (To Viboran Gangbangers)
Snowsage (Amongst the elves of Faerie)
J (To her friends and loved ones)
Aunt J (To the Parker Family)
U.S. Citizen
Vibora Bay, FL
Her Mansion
Alchemist and Blacksmith
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Physical Traits
Magically Altered
Caucasian, Catalan
Apparent Age
Body Type
Thin, fine, and completely devoid of melanine.
Aged and paled, but no longer visible due to magical augmentation.
Smooth and without blemishes, covered in healed scars here and there.
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Read Below.
· Equipment ·
Read Below.
· Other Abilities ·
Read Below.

Basic Description

Juanita appears to be an average woman in her early 30s with the following exceptions: the first thing one might notice is that her hair is thin, fine, and completely bleached, followed by the plethora of scars covering and her body, and lastly the fact that her eyes are glowing permanently with an eldritch blue glow, a side effect of an arcane sight spell. (telescopic vision and the ability to see partly into Astral Earth)

Powers and Skills

Juanita is a skilled fighter, smith, enchanter, and alchemist and quite a powerful thaumaturge -transformation magic, either of self, of others, or of objects, assuming animal forms, turning copper into gold, etc- and warrior-sorcerer, specializing in frost and defensive magics.

Most of her skills come from centuries of training, obviously, but others come from more... unorthodox means. As some of you might know, there are only two certain ways of killing an imaginal being, one is a very complex and dangerous ritual... and the other is devouring them; devouring an imaginal will grant whomever ate it a portion of their power -and I imagine their weaknesses as well-, but this power is only temporary, unless you are a mystic, which Juanita is. The latter is certainly a lot easier, especially for a thaumaturge.

Over the centuries she has encountered and eaten her share of imaginal beings, mostly demons, exactly one angel and several fae. Whilst granting her exotic powers and characteristics, such as a collapsible ribcage, this has also lead her to becoming allergic to cold iron (iron forced into shape instead of melted and forged), causing it to burn her skin rather easily, and share an extreme aversion to holy objects just as a demon would.

Unlike most modern mystics, Juanita still uses chants, motions, and foci for most of her spells, still following the traditions and rituals she was taught in her early days.


For one, Juanita is rather hard to shock, she has seen and done many things that would horrify or disgust most people over the centuries and has grown jaded because of it. She is not emotionless, but when you've seen your share of battlefield filled with blood and excrement covered corpses, you tend to stop flinching when you see someone mutilated in a ditch.

She is adamant and rigid in her views and ways, slow to change and adapt to the world around her advancing as fast as it does.

Due to her long life, she has seen many spunky artists, courageous heroes, struggling students, ambitious entrepreneurs, charming coquettes, bashful bookworms, and just about every other type of person you can imagine passing by; because of this, she has become quite difficult to impress, seeming even cynical at times. She has also learned long ago what she likes or doesn't in a person, leading to her being able to easily form an opinion on someone.

However, she is not unpleasant -unless you annoy or grate her-, in fact, she is quite friendly and a conversationalist; though the subjects of her conversations can become philosophical in nature at times, which tends to push away some people.


Juanita is rather versatile, whilst she can't change her spell loadout on a whim, she could easily fill any roll in combat if she has time to prepare beforehand (8 hours before the battle) from front line fighter or field healer to magical artillery or infiltrator; she is also a decent tactician and leader, though she really shouldn't be your first choice of squad leader. When not prepared for a specific scenario, she uses a mix loadout of defensive and offensive spells.

Basic Backstory

Juanita's earliest memory is from 1538, when she woke up naked on the bank of the Ebro river in Spain, she appeared to be in her late teens, judging by her appearance.

She wandered aimlessly though the woods for a full day before collapsing on the steps of a monastery that night. The monks, taking pity on her, dragged her inside and gave her food, water, and something to cover herself with. When inquired who she was and being unable to recall, one of the older monks, a man named Miguel, named her Juana, after a local folk tale (which I made up).

The monks however, were not ordinary monks, but a reclusive group of hermetic mystics, in hiding from the Inquisition. This meant that they were not not actually following the decrees of the Catholic Church, and that they knew of the Sephiroths and the existence of multiple gods, demons and angels.

The men, having nowhere to take the girl, decided it would be best to hide her amongst themselves, ending up training her in hermetic mysticism; over time Miguel became like a father to the girl.

As the mystics grew older and closer to their ends, young Juana grew older, wiser, and more skilled, and by 1560, she was as good as any of her teachers. By 1570 all of them had died of old age, leaving Juana alone in the world. Having been taught by the mystics everything they knew about geography, philosophy, politics and mathematics, she set out for Barcelona to see if she could make something with her life.

Over the centuries she came to fight in several Russo-Turkish conflicts, the American Civil war and both World Wars. She became a guardian angel of sorts to the Parker Family, and a member of the Trismegistus Council.

Today she lives in a Vibora Bay, not to far from the Council building, owning an apothecary and souvenir shop run by PRIMUS agent Autumn@LordWisp, which is currently on post-natal leave; the shops sells junk to tourists and various magical products to the mystics of the city.

Random Factoids

Her sword has a forward-curved, single-edged silver blade aprox. 2'6" long and a carved ivory hilt shaped like a snarling dragon's head.

Her flesh seems to have the consistancy of rubber.

Her gift shop is a cover for an alchemical ingredient and magical item shop.

Has a calming and soothing aura emanating from her. It appears fae in origin to aura readers.

She has pissed off the Netherworld, several powerful Fae, and Elysium in her lifetime.

Many demons hate her and want her dead, all divine beings find her repulsive and will generally want to cleanse her from the earth, Fae regard her on a case by case basis, and Babylonians are neutral towards her.

To demons and people that deal in souls: Her soul is decadent and decayed, making it very low quality/value.