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Latest revision as of 22:30, 11 January 2021

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Player: @Nosyu
"Let's talk money"
Character Build
Class Focus: Melee DPS
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Arms
Biographical Data
Real Name: Keith Ignatius Bartholomew Alexander
Known Aliases:
Gender: Male
Species: Human(Mutant)
Ethnicity: American Caucasian
Place of Birth: Ft. Levenworth, Kansas
Base of Operations:
Relatives: Skye Alexander (Daughter)
Age: Appears in mid Twenties
Height: 7ft
Weight: 325lbs
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Sandy Blonde
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: Pronounced Hair, sharpened teeth, and noticeable claws
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Identity: Public
Years Active: Unknown
Citizenship: American Citizen
Occupation: Mercenary
Education: Highschool Diploma, Military Training
Marital Status: Single (Widower)
Known Powers and Abilities
Questionite Infused claws, teeth and skeleton. Superhuman Regeneration. Superhuman Strength. Natural Nightvision, and Natural Superior Olfactory (Smell) senses.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBox Template


Not much is known about the early life of the bestial mutant Keith Alexander, although it is believed he suffered an abusive childhood at the hands of his father who believed his son's mutant nature was sinful.

Keith's mother signed the papers to get him emancipated so he could join the army at a young age. Starting out as a grunt, Keith proved his worth by working hard, and excelling in the military. During his first deployment, his still evolving mutant abilities made him invaluable at tracking the enemy, detecting traps and ambushes. Kieth had found the home and the family that had be denied to him, and a purpose in life. After being highly decorated Kieth went to Fort Brag to begin Special Forces training.

After completing his 4 years, Kieth was going to re-enlist and continue with the job he excelled at when another opportunity came his way. CIA handler “Cartwright” first approached Kieth with the promise of money, adventure, and doing the -real- work that'd change the world. As a member of a small but elite team, Kieth gained incredible experience as an operator under the tutelage of Kane Macready aka The Wendigo, and met the woman who would later become his wife, a meta-human named Alondra.

After 6 years of traversing the globe doing off-books black bag operations Keith and Alondra abruptly retired from working for the government and attempted to integrate back in to the civilian world. Alondra was pregnant, and the combination of her meta-human traits and Kieths were causing a great number of complications. Treatments, specialist were expensive, and good work was difficult for Kieth to find. Out of desperation to save his wife and child, Fang returned to “Cartwright” for work.

“Cartwright” was no longer a member of the CIA, but instead the CEO of his own company. Still doing defense contracting and intelligence services. Fang became an assassin. Eliminating targets, expanding Cartwright's business by eliminating competition.

While away on frequent deployments “Cartwright” spent a lot of time with the pregnant Alondra. Wanting the woman that could never be his, “Cartwright” betrayed Kieth. Blowing his cover while he was on assignment and leaving him to be a prisoner for 7 long brutal years. In that time Keith ceased to be, the psychological stress, pain, abuse, living conditions pushed his mutation to it's fullest potential and the vicious “Fang” was born...


Despite a rough exterior Fang has taken to his new assignment working black ops again for the crime fighting group NEX.U.S with vigor. Leading some to believe money may be less of a motivator than suspecting. Fang seeks redemption for the wrongs of his brutal past.

Fang's personality is rough and abrasive. He's slow to accept anyone new, slower to trust. Those who pass his test and make it to his inner circle enjoy protection and loyalty. Those who breech his trust are rarely heard from again.


"Subject noted have a greater cunning than initially assumed during first impression, demonstrating complex problem solving, tactics and manipulation. Subject is unbelievably resilient to psycho-analyzing. Full diagnosis impossible at this time. Subject is best described as a skilled hunter with enhanced senses, hearing, smell & night sight. Retractable claws. Regeneration; even from devastating injury. Super strength. 'Fang' exhibits several traits consistent with a typical Borderline Anti-social personality disorder patient, however these characteristics are likely exacerbated by apparent abandonment of common 'human' values in favor of feral instincts. Attempts to appeal to subjects 'better nature' have proven to be a waste of time. Subject appears fixated on demonstrating his physical and mental superiority over his victims. Hubris, instinct or perhaps just perverse pleasure. Subject should be considered extremely dangerous and a poor candidate for the Direct Action Initiative, recommend constant sedation and incarceration." -Dr. Tully Lincon.

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