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* He is mutual nemeses' with [[The Secretary]].
* He is mutual nemeses' with [[The Secretary]].
[[Category:Character]][[Category:Male]][[Category:Human]][[Category:Heavy Weapon]][[Category:Roosevelt City]][[Category:Hero]]
[[Category:Character]][[Category:Male]][[Category:Human]][[Category:Heavy Weapon]][[Category:Roosevelt City]][[Category:Hero]]][[Category:Priest]]

Revision as of 18:46, 3 October 2013

Player: @Bluhman
"You will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you." HONK.png
Character Build
Class Focus: High-Damage Melee Tank (CON/Sentry/Protector)
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Arms
Biographical Data
Real Name: Isaac Lee
Known Aliases: The Paladin, Redemption
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Revenant
Ethnicity: Anglo-American
Place of Birth: Albany, New York
Base of Operations: Roosevelt City, New Jersey
Relatives: Mother: Patricia Lee

Father: Kensington Lee

3 siblings

Age: 31
Height: 6'0
Weight: 196 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Medium-White
Physical Build: Broad-Shouldered, Wiry
Physical Features: Preference for older clothing
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Lawful Good

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Identity: Unknown
Years Active: 2
Citizenship: US Citizen
Occupation: Priest
Education: College Graduate
Marital Status: Married
Known Powers and Abilities
Enhanced Strength, Body Reconstruction, Swordfighting expertise.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Silver and steel broadsword, Paladin's armor, Paladin's shield.
ReldinBox Template

Paladin is a Pastor turned superhero after being accidentally chosen for death, and killed by members of the DEMON cult. Now having been sent back to the world of the living, he has been granted heavenly powers in order to ensure that such cosmic injustices do not go unnoticed.


Early Life and Priesthood

Pastor Isaac Lee looking through his library.
Isaac Lee was born to a fairly large family of farmers in upstate New York. Isaac, having grown up in a devoutly christian community, did not exactly have a pleasant time, but regardless remained straight-edge and obeyed his parents and his teachers. Most of his other siblings followed suit, but one stood in direct contrast; Cecil was constantly repromanded by the teachers at the christian school for his refusal to dress properly or properly memorize the words of the good book. Regardless, Isaac grew up over time, determined to follow the lord's ways in fear that he might be turned down or punished if he ever erred in his ways, while Cecil stoically continued to endure the punishment of his teachers. This eventually changed by the time Isaac became 12, when the Lee family began to run out of funds, and had no choice but to send Isaac to a public school instead of keeping him in the christian schools.

Now, instead of learning the words of the holy book, he had to entirely shift gears, focusing now on arithmetic and science. Isaac's prim and proper approach was appreciated by his teachers, but also resulted in him becoming a laughing-stock for the rest of the school. Isaac remained patient and diligent, confident that his classmates would get what was coming to them. Soon, Isaac could take it no more, and turned to the aid of the teachers. By now, the students responsible for Isaac's strife had already been in detention several times. Isaac was told that he would have to stand up for himself now if he was to overcome the challenge, and perhaps even loosen up a bit.

Soon, Isaac brought the issue up with his siblings. Most of them had suffered the same problems, but Cecil, on the other hand, had managed to adapt quite nicely. Now that Cecil wasn't constantly being curbed at every other moment, he was now free to wear the clothes he chose, talk with the people he wished to, and engage in lively discussion with his classmates. After all, why would a merciful god smite those who wished to dress comfortably and congregate? The discussion left Isaac with deep questions about what lay beyond what the human eye could see, and by the next day, Isaac had decided to turn his life around.

Despite his shift of paradigm, he still decided that he would pursue a path of priesthood. Applying to Iona College, Isaac continued his studies, broadening his knowledge to understand the writings and beliefs of other religions, and by his graduation, had put his plan into action: Isaac set out east to Roosevelty City and set up the Roosevelt City Interfaith Chapel on the west outskirts of the metropolis. Even in the bustling metropolis that placed greater value on scientific and economic advancement, Isaac's temple was a well-respected institution, drawing in its own fair share of newcomers to the city. After his chapel had expanded sufficiently and he had gathered other monks and priests to help maintain and speak for the chapel, Isaac returned to working mostly with Christian literature.

Of course, funding for such an advanced project didn't come from nowhere. During his time in Roosevelt City, Isaac also worked as a part-time anthropology professor in the city's university. It was at the university he found his current wife, Jenna Lee.

Unjustified Death

On one June evening, Isaac was attacked by members of the DEMON cult in his own chapel. These cultists had been sent by the Devil's right hand woman, The Secretary, in order to quickly end his life for the sins he had committed. DEMON wasted no time, using dark magic to rip Isaac's very soul from his body, leaving a lifeless husk with which DEMON was free to use as sacrifice.

Meanwhile, Isaac's soul began its ascent to judgement, where his soul would be sent to either heaven, hell, or left to wander in purgatory. At this point, Isaac began to have doubts; traditional Christian ideology had preached the idea that there was only one true faith and one true god. Had he been wrong? Is this why he had been so unabashedly offed in an instant? Had Cecil driven him down the wrong path this whole time?

Even if Isaac had such questions, his judgement passed quickly and without issue. Secretary was unable to mount a proper prosecution to deem Isaac a sinner, and he continued his way up to heaven. Back on earth, Isaac's body laid motionless, stowed away in DEMON's lair in Millennium City for future use.

His time in heaven apparently gave Isaac ample time to have detailed dialogue with God. It's unknown what words the two really exchanged, but regardless, there time was cut short when a report from The Devil came in for God, informing that Isaac's death had been a fluke. Having seemingly been sufficiently impressed by Isaac's state of mind, he made a special deal with him: Either let himself stay deceased and safe in heaven, or return to life in order to spread good word of virtues and fight evil, in order to prevent such injustices and wrongful deaths from happening to anyone else. Isaac didn't need to think twice to come up with the answer to that one.

Thus, Isaac's soul was returned to his body; the decay that had ravaged the corpse now reversing as the body reconstructed itself to peak form. Isaac was now an immortal superhuman, with greatly boosted strength. Isaac was unarmed and had no combat training, however, but this still did not prevent him from safely fleeing from DEMON's clutches.

The Paladin

Isaac Lee donning his armor for the first time.
Returning to Roosevelt City, he found most of what he had left behind already was in shambles. Only a year after his death, the majority of the Christian members of his chapel had left, now that there was no pastor. His wife had also left him for dead, selling the house for a 1-person apartment in downtown. When Isaac had returned to his wife to reconcile, he was harshly turned down in what Jenna had believed was a rash and selfish attempt to try and abandon her. Still, after delicate negotiations, Isaac was able to get the money that she had made from selling the old house and his furniture. In turn, Isaac spent it to get furnishings for a shelter he set up in the undercroft of the chapel.

Isaac began to do research on what he could do with his newfound power, as well as seeing what limits there were to them. After some (admittedly painful) testing, Isaac found out he was one of few Revenants in the world; people who had been brought back to life as immortal beings, capable of great feats, and using specialized, unbreakable equipment that had been properly prepared by mages. Further research determined that Isaac would be able to find a Revenant suit of armor and sword within the Roosevelt City museum. Using his Anthropology credentials, Isaac was able to get the equipment "for safe keeping".

Donning the armor, and wielding the sword and shield, Isaac became The Paladin, Roosevelt City's knight in shining armor. Despite not having any government sanctioning or support, his tendency for non-violence and his seeming unstoppability proved to make him a valuable ally for many other heroes. He has been considered an 'honorary member' of The Alpha Force, Roosevelt City's main superhero group, and has even caught the eye of the Tresmigestus Council, who have now given him advanced training in how to use his blade most effectively.

Detailed Information


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Paladin's an extremely devout christian. A good Samaritan to the heart, he almost always goes out of his way to help out anyone who asks for it. He has a sincere belief that good exists in any given person, and will always give enemies a chance at mercy. This sort of modus operandi has a tendency to make Paladin seem quite gullible, but if he is ever slandered, he will not hesitate to smite his foes with righteous fury. Even if driven to his extremes, he will always try to find some way to subdue his foe non-lethally.

Despite having apparently met God face-to-face, he still remains open-minded and accepting towards non-christian ideologies. In that way, he somehow manages to be a very lax christian who still promotes good citizenship and neighborly habits. As a result, many other Christians have accused Paladin of being "wishy-washy", "two-faced", and even "a heretic". One statement Paladin made in an interview gives an insight to what he might have discovered while in Heaven:

"I tell no lies about what I saw in heaven. Yes, I now know that the Lord and the Devil are truly tangible beings - in the afterlife at least - but there still is nothing confirming if such a realm has influence beyond just our mortality, or even if it has influence beyond the simple purview of faith."

Combat Specifications

His blade, his shield, his armor, and his being; all unbreakable.
Being a Revenant, Paladin's physical abilities are well above that of mere mortals. He can haul up to 800 pounds, and has enough vigor to keep up a battle for 14 hours. Though his running speed is unimpressive, he does have the ability to fly at around 13 miles per hour, and is a deft enough combatant to weave his way through melee combat.

Paladin's main power that makes him so impressive is his body reconstruction. Constantly, his form is able to repair itself from nothing, reattaching severed limbs, melding broken bones, and closing all wounds. Unlike regeneration, the tissue is not regrowing, instead simply re-attaching and maintaining life. This trait also makes it impossible for Paladin to be poisoned or rendered sick, and also stops him from aging. Despite all these benefits, however, Paladin still can feel pain, and is comparatively vulnerable to consistent damage, psionic assault, and any attacks that can render him unconscious.

Paladin's loadout is quite heavy, but also very simple. He is fully clad in Paladin's armor; tough, gold-plated armor that does not dent or break. This armor serves to make Paladin practically bulletproof and can easily deflect blows. His Shield further augments this, and can be used to stop almost any force if Paladin can position his shield arm correctly. On the offense, Paladin's Silver and Steel Broadsword is crafted using the same Revenant magic that is used to craft his armor. The Blade, unyielding, also is always in tip-top shape and keenness. Combined with Paladin's great strength, the sword can slice 2 feet into sheer rock. When taking Paladin's expertise in swordsmanship into account, he can put this power not only to great destructive use, but can also finely control his power in order to prevent fatal strikes.

Out of Chocolate

First Draft of Paladin's design: A derpy helmet and an axe.
Demon's Redemption on the right, next to a CO reimiagining of his outfit.
  • Despite being a "tank", with constitution superstats and specializations, he uses an offensive passive and tries his damned hardest to stack a ton of Dodge and Heal effects.
  • He is a partial adaptation of another City of Heroes character I had: Demon's Redemption
  • He is mutual nemeses' with The Secretary.]