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Jormun is a small rogue nation on the western edge of Somalia along the Giuba river. It is about 175 square miles, but has access to a critical seaport and is believed to be at the center of a global terrorist operation.

The nation is ruled by the ruthless Chancellor Brom and is steeped in arcane magic, mystical artifacts and deep committment to fascist rule.

It also fund radical super-science, widely considered both dangerous and lethal.

The nation is insulated and protected by a powerful wing of VIPER known as VENOM. This particular wing rejects much of the rule of the Council of 30, and is a highly religious cult, deeply loyal to the desires of Nama and the lesser snake gods.

The nation is also obsessed with Sarrik, an avatar of Nama, that apparently stole a fragment of the great snake god's power long ago.

Agents such as Six and 2-Bit have sworn allegiance to Jormun.

The nation was formed on October 10, 2010, during a ceremony that was ratified by several lawyers and ambassadors at the United Nations. Although the UN represenatives were all kidnapped, held against their will and drugged into signing the legal documents to make Jormun a legal nation - international courts have since ruled the documents are still legal and binding, giving Jormun all the legal protection of a legitimate nation. The ambassadors were saved Genesis League but the rescue was too late, the treaties and declarations had already been signed.

Many experts at the UN and at Primus now worry that Jormun is actively trying to acquire nuclear weapons.

The nation rose out of the VIPER civil war of 2010, where rebels that were loyal to the religious side of VIPER (led by Lord Venom, openly fought with loyalists in VIPER. Much of the dispute was over an expensive and costly dig in Africa to locate the Librus Blasphemare, a tome that allegedly contained the secrets of immortality.