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Player: @shanemagi13
Class Focus: Confidential
Power Level: Confidential
Research & Development: Arms
Personal Data
Real Name: Jack Devito
Known Aliases: The Booty Hunter, The Gabbing Gunner, Gulag Fugitive #0420
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: 27
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: 'MURICA!
Occupation: Mercenary
Place of Birth: Los Angeles
Base of Operations: Millenium City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Superdurable skin; can block bullets and combat knives, but not lasers or other non-conventional weaponry
Known Abilities
Expert marksman and assassin, proficient in boxing and karate, expert in handling and defusing explosives, self-proclaimed god of Texas Hold 'Em
Infrared Goggles, Hand-pistol nicknamed "Yoko", tulpa/imaginary friend named 'Black', a crap ton of shooty things


Abilities, Powers, Weaknesses, and Equipment


Blackjack is very proficient in boxing and karate, the former more so. He's an expert marksman and assassin, and under the terms of a drunken bet, once shot the gold tooth off a smiling man from a rooftop 3 blocks away. He's one of the best mercenaries in the business, with a 96% success rate, only tarnished with contracts he walked off of due to personal morals.


Superdurable skin is arguably his greatest asset. It will block most bullet-wounds and knife-stabs, as his skin is now tougher than a bolt of 4 inch thick cowhide leather. However, this also has the disability of making him unable to recognize minor pain, and his wounds can accumulate without him realizing it. Another thing to note is that his skin, while incredibly tough, is not invincible. It will not hold up against lasers or other non-conventional weaponry. If it's made with regular steel, it'll probably bounce off. Questionite or lasers? Not so much.


As skilled of a fighter as Blackjack may be, he does have many weaknesses. The first and foremost would be his weak mind. Described by telepaths as somewhere between insanity and sanity, he's sometimes rational and strategic, but can verge onto unpredictability and insanity on the stop of a dime. He also has periods where he argues with his imaginary friend turned tulpa, Black, sometimes even in the heat of battle. To him, Black is a separate person that only he can see, but to others, it just comes off as him yelling at himself.


Due to his skin acting as armor in its own right, Blackjack tends to dress light. He's armed to the teeth with grenades, guns, pistols, and seems to have a small mastery over hammerspace, though it may just be him pulling an AK-47 out of his trousers. His preferred style mostly involves guns and the occasional throwing knife, but will avoid melee if possible due to claustrophobia.

Personality, Feats, and Affiliations


Jack is borderline unpredictable. One moment, he could be shaking your hand and inviting you for a drink at Sherrera's Bar. The next, he could be trying to shove a shotglass in your eye because you said something he didn't like. That being said, he does have a heart. He refuses to take hits on people who are completely innocent, are fighting for what he considers a more 'righteous' cause, and children. In fact, threaten a child in front of him and watch him flip out. He does NOT like children in peril, as he had a rough upbringing that he does not wish upon any growing boy or girl. Jack has an unhealthy obsession of three things - gambling, which he takes his motif from, outdated pop songs, which he will sometimes play in the middle of battle to 'feel the awesome', and Danny DeVito, whom he has a restraining order with after 72 creepy fan-letters, some of which claiming that him and the celebrity were separated at birth, or that him and Danny should 'flee the border as Nuns, and start a new life together in Ireland'. Whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure - Jack is always an interesting person to be around.


Jack has survived quite a lot in his day. Before he even became a mercenary, he had to deal with his alcoholic father who abused him and his mother on a daily basis. He solved that by sending in forged documents to the United Nations to believe that his father was an escaped convict from a Russian Gulag, and he got to spend a happy childhood from 11 onward with his mother. At the age of 21, Jack had just started the mercenary business and proved himself to a crime lord by killing all of his rivals' lieutenants under a 40 minute period and presenting the crime boss with their severed ears. At the age of 23, Jack's father came back to bite him, and he was incarcerated in the same gulag. However, that didn't last as he created a mass prisoner break by the end of the week, his father being among the unlucky prisoners to be recaptured. By the age of 25, Jack had been doing contracts at a 100% success rate for larger and larger clients, some of which even came from United States Senators and CEOs of mega-corporations. At the age of 26, he had successfully escaped from being marooned on a desert island, and proceeded to get revenge on the third world dictator who put him there. Inadvertently, the dictator's death caused more civil unrest in the country, but Jack was satisfied with his victory and moved on with his life.


Jack, while originally a solo mercenary, works alongside the mercenary group The Brigadiers as a founding member.


(Straight from his in-game bio)

Jack Devito was an ex-mercenary who worked multiple hit jobs for various clients. Skilled, quick to the point, and efficient, he was one day approached by a third world dictator to assassinate the leader of a fair and just protest for reform. When it came down to pointing the gun, he couldn't bring himself to do it and refused. In reponse, he was left for dead on an uncharted South Pacific island.

The heat and initial lack of food drove him half-insane, which still lingers today, and he was on the verge of starvation. However, fate was fortunate when he discovered mutagenic fruits on the island that mutated and thickened his skin and made him more survivable.

Food now squared away, he bid his time playing card games and talking to an imaginary friend named 'Black' for several months until he was discovered by a traveling cargo ship that rescued him. Adopting the codename Blackjack, he continued the merc business under his new hidden alias, and he only has one thing on his mind - bounties and payment, hooyah!