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Revision as of 09:56, 15 November 2020 by Shadowldragon (Talk | contribs)

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Player: @ShadowlDragon
Character Build
Class Focus: Support
Power Level: 14
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Junkman
Known Aliases: Bob Johnson
Gender: Male
Species: Scrapper
Ethnicity: Alien
Place of Birth: Planet Tragnut
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: None
Age: 26
Height: 5'8
Weight: 175/ with cybernetics and gear 200
Eyes: Brown, Green
Hair: Lime Green
Complexion: Pale with spots
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Three eyes, cybernetic eye
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Known
Years Active: 5
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Waste Management
Education: Off world
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Environmental Adaptability
Equipment and Paraphernalia
A laser gun, low level power armor, robots, utility belt
ReldinBox Template


Crash landed on earth after his old home planet exploded. All he has is the tools he brought with him and a duffle bag full of clothing. A year on earth Junkman now takes the name of Bob Johnson and wishes to help out on his new home being a hero. Glory the great Repurposer and glory to the recyclers.


OOC Information...

The 'Scrapper' race, as they are commonly referred to by space-faring species abroad, are naturally able to adapt to their environment. They have lived on planets that actively tried to kill them they are naturally paranoid due to this also fearful of other races. Junkman is no different added into the list of issues is his fear of heights, clowns, mimes there is a long list of phobias and fears. He will actively avoid combat he wishes to solve things like civilized people.

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