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Player: @BlazeSMD
Character Build
Class Focus: Strength (Melee)
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Fighting Styles
Biographical Data
Real Name: James Tobias Bang
Known Aliases: Jimmy, Rumble, Rumbley, Grond-face.
Gender: Male
Species: (Meta) Human (Irradiated)
Ethnicity: Caucasian / Asian
Place of Birth: England
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: [X]
Age: 33
Height: 6'2"/8'5
Weight: 179lbs./878lbs.
Eyes: Blue / Glowing yellow
Hair: Black
Complexion: Pale / Tomato
Physical Build: Atheletic / Bulky
Physical Features: N/A
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Known
Years Active: 2009-Currently active
Occupation: UNTIL Soldier.
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Super Strength, Super Durablity, Radiation/Heat generation.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Wears UNTIL uniforms, and comes equipped with Support Drones.
ReldinBox Template


"Do I feel differant?! I put on four hundred pounds! I've turned the color of a tomato! My skin is so tight I feel like I'm gonna burst! YEAH I FEEL DIFFERANT!"
-Rumble to Doctor Song.


James joined the British military as a starry eyed little girly-man at twenty two years old. He was fast on his feet, good with his hands, and pretty smart, but military training was hard on him, and it took him a while to get good at any of the physical activities. Stripping down his weapon, he nearly set fire to the place with the speed he did it, (Not really) and was quickly shown to be a skilled hand at maintaining anything with solid moving parts. Excelling in his feild, James requested to join PRIMUS, an organization who seemed to handle more global matters of public safty. Having grown up with stories of VIPER and their terrible deeds, James though not the boldest man, was eager to do his part to change the world. His application accepted,[Records of James' involvement with PRIMUS are blanked].

James, did not have any idea he was a mutant, however during an illness where James was forced to give blood, at the age of twenty seven, having served as a military mechanic and being an established 'good little trooper' the blood test showed he was indeed a mutant. Assuming he'd been hiding this, James was called in for questioning, and much to his surprise, he was subjected to a very intense interrogation as to the nature of his being here. James went onto explain he doesn't -have- any powers, and the debate raged for days. Eventually, a specialist was brought in, a mind-reading specialist from America, and was able to convince both James that he was a mutant, and his superiors that he had no idea. Being unable to make any kind of power exhibit itself, James was taken in for further and more indepth testing.

Disaster struck, the rampaging monster know as Grond started to show itself, and unbeknownst to James his blood sample that had landed him in trouble all those years ago, started being tested along with most others, for its reaction to irradiate-exposure, and unlike all other tests, James got positive results. Called back infor testing yet again, James was informed soldiers like himself were required for duty in the Desert, in a place known as Project Greenskin. He served as a mechanic and soldier there, somehow immune to the harmful radiation of the place, James' blood was used to devise cures for the irradiates!

Being radioactive-resistant, James was sent to investigate high levels of radiation from inside a strange cave. Not all was well, and his squad was captured by irradiates and malformed grondlings. Luckily, [Your Hero] came along, saving most of James' squad. James however, had been trapped under a large rockfall in the cave, toward the rear chamber where Gigaton was at his radioactive peak. Subjected to more radiation than even his body could handle, he fell ill and was unable to even call out for help. As [Your Hero] defeated Gigaton, the villain overloaded, causing a massive radioactive fallout, leaving James trapped in the caved cave, presumed dead.

Less than an hour later, Rumble, wearing tatters of James' old clothes, smashed his way out of the cave, with all the fury of a wild animal and all the control of a run-away-train. Huffing and puffing, weapons were raised and trained on the still mutating form of Rumble. Luckily a sciencist stationed at greenskin, one Professor Song, instantly started treating him to hault the process of mutation, locking him in his current state, stopping it progressing any further. This, combined with James' natural odd mutation toward radioactive conamination, caused him to store up radioactive energy in his body, reverting to a human form, and release it along with adrenaline, transforming him into Rumble when put under stress.

Rumble/James, a size comparison between the man and his alter ego.

Now a metahuman, and having been prounounced dead by PRIMUS anyway, with his new 'condition' and lack of true mental health being that Rumble and him presented seperate cognative attributes, Rumble, and James, were denied entry back into PRIMUS. Ashamed and diss-illusioned, Rumble returned to what home he had. James, ontop of being seperate to Rumble, had developed post traumatic stress syndrome from the events leading to his transformation. Due to the volatile nature of his new power, and this stress, PRIMUS checked up on James, to make sure he wasn't a threat to those around him. On finding him more a danger to himself than those around him, he was concluded harmless, and Rumble became dormant.



Rumble is exenteric, happy, and outgoing. Why? Because James is not. Rumble, and James, are seperate personalities in the same way a coin has two sides. Every way James feels like he fails, or isn't good enough, or is small or untalented, or shy, Rumble is not. Rumble is a loud, proud, spirited man, who likes to sing loudly to Lady Gaga and doesn't give half a damn about anyone that looks at him funny for it, where as James is introvert and unable to sing, even when alone. James is a strong but silent military engineer. That is to say, he fixes anything in the military that is broken, and does so silently, and without argument. He likes to work alone, and if working with people does his best to just keep his head down and follow orders. James hates, hates hates conflict, that isn't to say he doesn't have a temper, he just hates it when he's either the cause or center of a problem. James is unable to hold a grudge, or more accurately unable to ever act on one. He tries his level best to forgive and forget, to fix things only and to shy away from anything that borders on conflict. Rumble will throw a boulder at someone for insulting his shoes. Rumble is like a textbook case of split personality disorder, everything that makes James feel small or unable to cope with life, Rumble kicks in the f'ing face.


James has employed a device built by him by Doctor Song to administer sedatives into his blood stream when his heart rate starts to climb too high. These countermesures are designed to limit his body and stop him from transforming when stressed from his post traumatic stress disorder. This device doesn't however supress adrenaline and he can still be forced to transform. When transformed however, the device can be used to chemically fool his body to thinking it is relaxed enough to let the transformation reverse, as without such chemical help he has proven unable to do so without sleeping.


James found himself seriously limited by his reclusive lifestyle. Eventually, he ventured out, finding the VIP area's of Club Caprice to be a good 'escape' outside, where he encountered limited amounts of people. There, he met Staci Boer, also known as Psyfire, who offered him help with his post traumatic stress syndrome. James neglected to mention his transformations to her, at first, but after a second meeting he revealed his problem. Shocked that she did not run screaming, James started to find solice with his condition, allowing Rumble to come out more, to meet Staci properly. James, and Rumble, started to attend group meetings that Staci held, learning to cope with being two differant people. This caused some difficulties, as more and more Rumble became the dominant personality, causing James to almost panick.

As time progressed, Staci was able to stabalize Rumble and James, through various means, until he was stable enough to re-apply to military duty, as Rumble. Joining UNTIL, he became a proud serving citizen again, donning his uniform with an incredible sense of pride, though he does tend to lose his beret. Working as a hero, James and Rumble have come leaps and bounds, getting stronger and more confident in both personas. To this end, and with his new job, Rumble has been working as a full time UNTIL agent, taking roles in 'The Serpant Lantern', Having held the line during 'Operation Demonflame' and having been posted as a guard during Harmon Industries teleporter demonstration, where [Your Hero] apparently saved an alternate reality and met Doctor Destroyer. It's not like Rumble is bitter about having to stand there for nine hours while the hero got to do all the cool stuff.

During the Aftershock of 'Operation Demonflame' Rumble took on a turncoat VIPER operative named 'Bob Agent of Viper'. At least, Rumble continually calls him that, even in his offical reports. After approaching the agent himself, it was revealed his name was Robert Saito, and since surviving a trip to the quipothic realm and back together, Rumble has taken on 'Bob Agent of VIPER' as his sidekick, or so he continually writes in his reports.

More and more recently, Rumble and James are not only stable as people, but are showing traits from each other. To the point where James and Rumble are now for all intensive purposes the same person, the divide between them being a placebo, as neither 'side' of him has realized they have merged as the process was slow and gradual, they still think of themselves as separate, and only to this end exhibit traits as if they are. Rumble has been told he needs to realize this on his own, but being unable to fully submit to the idea as a whole, he's still classed as separate, and therefore genuinely limited in situations requiring mental strength.

Along with Robert Saito, Rumble has started an active crusade against VIPER. Using his mad strength and Robert's knowlage of VIPER and their tactics, not to mention Robert's incredible capablities considering his previous rank, Rumble and 'Bob' have been stirring the serpant. PRIMUS have know information on their current battles against VIPER, but if snakes had backsides, Rumble was making sure to be a pain in them.

Powers and Abilites

Meta Gene

The only reason Rumble survived, rather than died from his slow, painful irradiation, is that he is indeed a metahuman. His meta power is a distinct invulerablity to the negative effects of radioactive particles. It is as simple as his cells do not 'break' when a radioactive particle is shot through them, they aren't damaged by said particles. This also renders him mostly resistant to being damaged by heat (This does not apply to the biological laws that say over a certain temperature, your bodies functions stop being able to work, I.E unable to digest food and such) it just means he could put his hand on a heated frying pan, or slap a boiled kettle and get away with it.

Rumble holding a titanic weight in the Power House, concluding to himself that he is the 'strongest there is'.

Physical Mutation

Increased size from six foot, to almost nine. Increased size is proportionate, making him bigger all around. He is not as large as the other Grondlings though he gains significant size, bone mass, and muscle, they're left in proportion, meaning he doesn't bulk out, he simply becomes bigger over all. Like most with this condition, Rumble's skin pigment changes color, for him to red. Rumble's eyes become purely yellow, the visiblity of his pupils and irises dissapear, though they don't go away. His hair also becomes thicker, and black with the occasional red streak in it. Rumble's upper strength limits are difficult to define, as he hasn't been given anything he can't lift, yet. He's no godbeing, but is convinced he is the strongest biological life form there is. Most attacks seem to deflect off his tough hide, and attacks that do get through heal rapidly, though he cannot 'regenerate' lost limbs, he heals at a rate that would suggest regenerative healing, he cannot regrow limbs or replace lost organs, though if his eyes are damaged he has been shown to repair them.

Spoiler Warning
The following details are about a player-created storyline, or is information currently unrevealed about a character.
Please do not use this information ICly unless given permission to do so.


Rumble generates heat, when angry, at increasing levels. This heat, he cannot control. He lacks a cooling mechanism to counteract all that heat. Though he technically has the endurance to extert himself for days, this heat build up can eventually render him unconcious. As his own heat is a weakness, heat based attacks will slow him down and make him feel sluggish and dizzy, faster than if he was just angry, this does not count for when he's in an entirely calm state, however it is a culmative effect. Bladed weapons. Though bullets lack the weight to peirce his skin, blades can blind him or bleed him, and though he does gain healing abilites, damaging vital organs like his heart is an instant put-down (if you can get past his iron-tough ribcage) he can be blinded by a blade to the eye. He will take damage from things like knives and shrapnel, however while a grenade would blow a man apart, to Rumble it'd be a small scold wound and some scratches, that would probably rapidly heal. If he hasn't changed yet, you can kill him with a knife or a gun, or hell a hard slap if you're strong enough, anything that kills your normal, average-ass human. His meta gene. No, its not a weakness, but switch it off, and instead of being a happy-go-lucky, grond turning, radiation charged, superpower, he's just a man with radiation poisoning. Turn off his meta gene, and his cells stop being able to hold a charge, and start showing signs of radiation poisoning. Turn his meta gene off for long enough, and he'll die one of the most slow and painful, horrible deaths, mankind has available. To this end, 'curing' him of this gene, would completely destroy him.