Talk:Page of the Month

From PRIMUS Database
Revision as of 15:56, 8 April 2014 by FrozenViolet (Talk | contribs)

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PRIMUS Database users are welcome to nominate articles found within the wiki for consideration to be featured on the top page. Page of the Month is decided by your votes, so be sure to make your voice count!

  • Nominations for each voting period close at midnight on the 7th of every month.
  • One official vote per user per month. You are allowed to change your vote during the month, but only the last one counts. Honorable mentions do not count as votes.
  • You are allowed to vote for your own page.
  • Be sure to add your comments to the bottom of the list.
  • Try to give a short reason for your nomination.
  • Make sure you sign your comments with your username!

Votes for May 2014

Theme: Magical Heroes and Villains
For the month of May, we are specifically looking for characters with a "magic" theme-- including costume, origin, powers, etc.
Special rules are in effect for this month.
*The winner for Theme Month will be determined by moderator consensus. As such, vote cutoff will take place at midnight, 1st May 2014, to allow time to deliberate.
  • One vote per user. You must sign your votes (use ~~~~ or provide a link to your user page), but a reason isn't required this time unless you want to give one.
    • As moderators will be acting as judges for this contest, they will not be allowed to place votes.
  • An article only needs one vote to be counted as a nomination. If a page is already spoken for, then you must choose another.
  • Nominating your own page is still allowed.

--Add your nomintations below.--

I would like to nominate CharmCaster. It's very detailed and makes great use of in-game screens. -Vitality

Nominating a page that's long overdue: Sterga. Her page format is absolutely beautiful and her first person view throughout lends some great humor and a great insight into her character. ---FrozenViolet (talk) 08:56, 8 April 2014 (MST)

Other Comments

Be sure to check out the Admin Blog regarding the state of PotM and put your comments and suggestions here. --Δ Epelesker (talk) 17:53, 8 October 2013 (MST)

Aside from moving the voting to here, I started cleaning up the main page. First thing I was working on is cleaning up the multitude of unnecessary section headers: finished the 2013 ones but will work on the rest ASAP. Unless someone gets to them first. --Δ Epelesker (talk) 01:27, 7 October 2013 (MST)