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Player: @handle (Player Name)
Focus: Support
Level: 10
Personal Data
Real Name: Imuch'rapinik
Known Aliases: None
Legal Alignment: Unknown
Internal Alignment: Unknown
Species: Camazotz
Blood Type: Confidential
Date of Birth: Unknown
Age: 1.7 (20 months)
Height: 5'10
Weight: 140
Eye Color: Dark Yellow
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Skin Color: Confidential
Biographical Data
Nationality: Camazotz Refugee
Ethnicity: Confidential
Education: Confidential
Occupation: Messenger In Training (Rogue)
Place of Birth: Deep Umbra Cavern
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives
Known Alternates
Known Powers
Shapeshifting (Camazotz),
Spirit Gifts (Messenger, Shadows, Blood)
Known Abilities
Other Notes





Darkflight has the abliity to echo-locate even in homid form.

Private Whispers

By covering his mouth, Darkflight can whisper to anyone he can see without being overheard.

Umbra's Refugee

Darkflight can manipulate the shadows to cause pain, fear, paralysis, and even physical harm. He can also use this gift to feed off the life energies of others, but this does not feed his hunger.

Shadow Skin

Darkflight can wrap semi-solid shadows around himself to mute his colors and muffle his sounds.


Unless he is in a brightly lit area or an area of significant industrialization, Darkflight can push through the Gauntlet at will.


Messenger's Quill

This black quill allows Darkflight to read and write any language Darkflight is aware of.

Heirloom of Camazotz

With this bone, Darkwing is immune to all blood diseases, though his blood still carries them. He's also immune to control via blood. His blood cannot be used as a sympathetic link and he cannot be ghouled. Blood magic is required to break through this protection.