Captain Fisticuffs

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Cpt Fisticuffs Title.png

Captain Fisticuffs
Player: @Shadowclaw17
Fist Portrait.jpg
"Strength, through adversity."
Character Build
Class Focus: Tank (Behemoth Archetype)
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Arms
Biographical Data
Real Name: Jaedrick Steelheart
Known Aliases: Any variant of Captain Fisticuffs
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: None
Age: 37
Height: 8'01"
Weight: 768lbs
Eyes: Sky Blue (Glowing)
Hair: Dark Brown
Complexion: Typical
Physical Build: Extremely muscular, but still athletic
Physical Features: Vertical scar across left eye; Left eye lacks pupil; Tribal tattoos cover both arms
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Lawful Good

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Identity: Publicly known
Years Active: 2
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Local blacksmith & custom metalwork
Education: Traditional levels of his homeland
Marital Status: Single; Unmarried
Known Powers and Abilities
Super-strength, Enhanced durability, Super-jumping
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Constantly seen in a suit of medieval plate armor
ReldinBox Template

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Creator's Notes

Captain Fisticuff, as he appeared in Dark Souls 1

There's just as much of a story around Fisticuffs' actual creation as there is his origin.
On December 25th, 2013 I was given DARK SOULS (the first one) as a gift from a friend. Fast forward a month, and you have an incident. In a hurry through a low level area, I made the mistake of punching something with a Pyromancy Flame instead of swinging my actual weapon. My friend saw me do this over a livestream, and after much joking around a serious question was asked:
Why don't you play through the game by only punching things?
It was on. "Sir Fisticuff" was made (missing the "s" due exclusively to a lack of character space), as a heavily armored knight that punched everything to death. Strangely, I took to the idea well.

On March 14, the original Captain Fisticuffs was made on Champions Online. At the time, he wasn't a very well-developed character. Just a Behemoth that looked like a knight with really big hands. It was actually quite some time before I acquired all of the parts for his outfit.
And then there was Dungeons & Dragons. I found out that one of my friends was interested in tabletop Dungeons & Dragons, and I asked to join in on the new campaign they were starting. It was there that I decided on Fisticuffs' personality, and I honestly don't believe he would be so developed without that.

Fisticuffs remains my favorite character to this day, and it took a lot of research and many moments of random inspiration for him to become what he is now.

Origin Story

Somewhere in an unnamed realm a plague was ravaging kingdoms, slowly spreading across the globe. Kingdom after kingdom fell as mages and alchemists alike scrambled, trying to find a cure. Eventually, as hope began to fade, rumors started. There were hushed whispers of a cure, somewhere in the deepest regions of the Blackmist Swamp, miles away from one of the last surviving kingdoms...

But the journey there was treacherous, and few would volunteer to even attempt to make such a journey. The few that returned from their failed journeys alive told tales of the horrors that lay on the road there; sentient oozes, drakes, and even the living dead. The experienced knight Jaedrick Steelheart didn't care. He had a kingdom - and a world - to save. He gathered supplies and set off alone, on a trip to obtain the rare herb from which a cure could be extracted.

Over the course of his difficult journey he fought all manner of beasts and horrors and emerged victorious after every encounter. Jaedrick eventually arrived at Drakewing Canyon, the last region before he reached the Swamp itself. The "canyon" was actually a ravine with a ledge along the cliff side, hardly wide enough to fit a horse on. As he began making his way through he looked upwards, keeping an eye out for the sapphire drakes that gave the canyon its name. As long as he was quiet, he should be able to pass through without trouble...

...Except for that rock he'd kicked onto a drake that was sleeping near the bottom.

The entire ravine lit up with shrieks and screams of angry drakes. He broke into a run, hoping to get some distance before they arrived. It wasn't much, but he managed to get several feet before the first drake pounced. It was massive, angry, and already rearing up to attack. The knight bounced off the beast as its head dropped low and sprayed a violent stream of electrical sparks. He bypassed the first one successfully, but no sooner did he finish landing on the ground past the first drake then did another crawl up the cliff-side. This one attempted to bite him, though he managed to roll underneath it. But it would not be so easily foiled, and it slammed its tail into the knight's back, rendering him unconscious as he fell down the seemingly bottomless ravine...

He woke up in a daze, surrounded by unfamiliar noises. Birds chirping songs he had never heard before... Screeching and blaring beeps, echoing off in the distance... Where in the world was he? He forced himself to inspect his surroundings; he was sitting up in the middle of a small crater somewhere in a wooded area, surrounded by strange, towering buildings that were seemingly made more of glass than anything else.

He was a knight lost in Millennium City and had no idea where to turn.

Jaedrick opted to wander, strolling down the streets. Eventually, he spotted a group of strangely dressed men sternly talking to a crying woman. Whatever they were doing, she didn't appreciate it. He would not have it! He stepped in, and the men turned on him. A fast brawl broke out, with Jaedrick and the woman emerging unscathed, and the three men ending up hospitalized due to blunt trauma. A passing hero witnessed the end of the event, and showed him the way to Champions HQ, where he was more thoroughly educated in the ways of this new world.


<Incomplete Area>

Powers Summary

The following is a list of signature abilities that Captain Fisticuffs commonly uses. It should be noted, however, that there is mounting evidence that not all of his abilities are fully observed or explained.

Enhanced Strength
Fisticuffs possesses strength far beyond that of any typical human, thanks to his increased size and muscle density. He's been seen performing various feats of incredible strength such as knocking foes through walls and lifting freight containers and semi trucks. His strength has been estimated to be upwards of fifty tons, though this is unconfirmed. He does have full control of his strength, however, and rarely does he seem to use too much.

Enhanced Durability
While still human, his increased muscle density and bone mass both help to greatly improve his natural durability, though not to extreme levels. Low caliber bullets don't seem to pass through his body, though he himself does not possess invulnerability. It is also believed that this quality is what enables his body to be able to withstand such weights from his super-strength.

Unlimited Endurance
It seems that no matter how long he fights for, Fisticuffs does not appear to exhibit any signs of physical exhaustion. He claims to never require sleep unless he needs to recover from injuries. He appears to feel pain, however he is capable of pushing past it to keep fighting.

Heightened Agility
His enhanced strength also significantly bolsters his agility, when partnered with his past training. He's able to react much faster than ordinary people, though this does not extend to prediction. His reaction times are exceptional, and are definitely noteworthy. These qualities combined allow him to travel incredible distances by jumping alone, and he's been estimated to jump several hundred feet laterally, and just under one hundred feet vertically.