Talk:Page of the Month

From PRIMUS Database
Revision as of 18:48, 9 November 2013 by Jarnefeldt (Talk | contribs)

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PRIMUS Database users are welcome to nominate articles found within the wiki for consideration to be featured on the top page. Page of the Month is decided by your votes, so be sure to make your voice count!

  • Nominations for each voting period close at midnight on the 7th of every month.
  • One official vote per user per month. You are allowed to change your vote during the month, but only the last one counts. Honorable mentions do not count as votes.
  • You are allowed to vote for your own page.
  • Be sure to add your comments to the bottom of the list.
  • Try to give a short reason for your nomination.
  • Make sure you sign your comments with your username!

Votes for December 2013

Black Harrier. Nuff said. - Swixer

Let's mix things up a bit! I'm nominating Mister Fifth for this month's Page of the Month. It has style, flair. It has amazing artwork. It tells a great story that kept me and many others interested. It all flows and matches the character well. Everything is right for the page. Again, Mister Fifth for Page of the Month." - @leroyswish

Dang it, @leroyswish, you stole my thunder again lol. My vote goes to Mister Fifth. The player has created a very stylized page that compliments a very unique character. Months ago before I even met Mister Fifth, this page caught my eye and has tickled my hero fandom bone to this day. This page deserves the nod for Page of the Month. Hands down. - @MrMirage

Black Harrier Thats how you do it right there, page gets my vote. - @Cucho5000

This month I have to toss my vote in for Mister Fifth. The page is really creative and well organized. I love that he has balanced out his strengths and weaknesses. Well rounded characters always seem so much more interesting to me. ~ @littlegirlrai

Voting for Mister Fifth as well, and have to recommend his origin comic. awesome stuff. - @whitequeen

Black Harrier Look at how slick that looks. Good stuff. - @darkblade98

Voting for Mentella just for lolz, I've never done this before. Anyways, I've tried to connect Mentella's past to CO lore in some respects and have been told it's a good read! I always like to a read pages information, I view that as a primary factor with visuals coming second. She was the first of several pages I have on the PRIMUS Database! - @Ravenforce

Despite it being rather unfinished on this version of the site, my vote for December is going all the way back to Binary Man. (You can still see what it's supposed to look like on the MSR archive). I've always thought @Otherworlder's characters to be well thought out, even if he doesn't poke by the game as much as he used to. --Δ Epelesker (talk) 19:55, 8 November 2013 (MST)

I've got to go with Black Harrier, myself. It really stands apart from the norm with its design. - Witty

I'm going to echo what some of the others have said so far and put down my first vote ever for Black Harrier. The design isn't something you see everyday, and you can tell a lot of work went into it. -@jarnefeldt

Other Comments

Be sure to check out the Admin Blog regarding the state of PotM and put your comments and suggestions here. --Δ Epelesker (talk) 17:53, 8 October 2013 (MST)

Aside from moving the voting to here, I started cleaning up the main page. First thing I was working on is cleaning up the multitude of unnecessary section headers: finished the 2013 ones but will work on the rest ASAP. Unless someone gets to them first. --Δ Epelesker (talk) 01:27, 7 October 2013 (MST)