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Yay Snookii! ^_^ --FrozenViolet (talk) 06:11, 18 September 2013 (MST)

Clone bios for reference. D: H:

K: Snookums Model Clone: K-956X
Designation: "K"
Clone K, like most of her sisters, used to work for the Brutal Legion. She has an unhealthy obsession with PBJ sandwiches.

L: Snookums Model Clone: L-156T
Designation: L
L is mildly obsessed with Surfing. Once bitten by a shark while on vacation in Hawa'ii, she promptly bit it to death. Her sisters were quite amused and took it home as a trophy. Occasionally she "borrows" the East Briar Institute Anti-grav sleds for moving heavy furniture around the school, and goes on a joyride through town.
She's known among her clone-sisters for being hyper and prefering knives to guns.

M: R: S: V: Snookums Model Clone: V-423L
Designation: V
V likes to help. She's open, giving and unusually patient... compared to her sisters, anyway. She'll do what she can for you. Though.... like all of her clone-sisters her "help" is sometimes less then beneficial, even if it is well ment.
She dresses a little "nicer" then some of her sisters who tend to "run over by a car" clothing ideas, but they share everything.
She's partial to cinnamon gum, minilights, blue shoelaces and jingly bangle bracelets. She hasn't picked a favorite song yet...... and don't let her try to cook.