"The Exchange" - Project: OnCall Event

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Deep underneath Millennium City underlies where the old ruins of the original Detroit still remain to this day. Along the long stretch of Woodward Ave. in the midtown section was where this exchange was about to go down, namely within the DIA Center. The Detroit Institute of Art was once famous and renowed for the many accomplishments and displays of various artwork that gave the crumbling city a sense of hope. Now, it was to be used to auction off weapons of potential mass destruction to a number of seedy organizations, gangs, and affiliates. Tonight, however, there would be several superheroes there to intercept. But a few blocks over was a two story pub-and-grill named, "Mr. Z's"; this would be the meeting place for the heroes to meet up before the exchange went down. SoulStar was one step past the screen doors, standing head-to-toe in red armor with a white mask in hand. He was standing before a holographic display of a city, presumably the city itself.