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Brandur “Malikar” Ros
Player: @bernard_the_beast
Biographical Data
Real Name: Brandur Ros
Known Aliases: "Malikar" (Transmogrificated), Loremaster (Title), Elementalist (Title) Summoner (Title)
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Faerie
Place of Birth: Faerie Realm
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: N/A
Age: 30
Height: 6' 4" (1.9m)
Weight: 231 lbs (104 kg)
Eyes: Amber
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Strong
Physical Features: Heavy build, athletic and lean-muscled. Long brown hair, often worn in a ponytail
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Identity: N/A
Years Active: 1+
Citizenship: N/A
Occupation: Magus
Education: Arcane Studies (College Equivalent)
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Magical Abilities including Elemental Fire Manipulation and Extraplanar Creature Summoning
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada


Paragraph Indent.pngStanding at normal adult height, with a somewhat abnormally brawny form, Brandur looks every bit as human as any other individual within 21st century Earth society. His long brown hair is usually seen done in a ponytail, updo, or left hanging in a neat, stylized manner. His eyebrows are bushy above his amber eyes, and he usually keeps a full beard. His face is equal parts strong refined, with somewhat high cheekbones and a wide jaw. As for the rest of his body, his broad form is clearly muscular, but lacks the definition and tone of the modern day bodybuilder. Usually dressed in casual attire, there are occasions when Brandur will wear robes of arcane design, or wraps of Nordic fashion. Often these modes of attire are worn in places far less populated than Millennium City, usually when traveling abroad, seeking places of seclusion to practice more powerful spells. When speaking, his accent mirror's that of the posh British variety, and his vocabulary somewhat reflects that of a well-refined scholar. About him hangs a faint odor of burnt wood, though it is hardly overpowering to those with an average olfactory sense.

Paragraph Indent.pngPsychologically, Brandur is a thoughtful, sensible, rational, logical, critically thinking individual who is polite in conversation and adaptive to whatever social climate he finds himself a part of. Friendly to those who are friendly in return, he will purposefully avoid those whom he senses are hostile or carry some kind of animosity. Approving of those who are forthright and confident in themselves, he will spend little time offering sympathy to others, as he only empathizes with individuals who he develops strong bonds with.

Powers, Skills and Abilities

Paragraph Indent.pngThrough his education in both the mystical and the mundane, Brandur has gained skills primarily focusing on the arcane and nature, particularly within the fields of Elemental Fire magicks, and Zoology. His magical knowledge primarily allows him to manipulate and conjure fire, though he also possesses a great enough understanding of Conjuration to procure other such objects as might be considered useful in survival, such as food, water, and clothing on limited scale. He possesses knowledge of animals from both Earth kingdoms and creatures found within the Faerie Realm, particularly specializing in Ethology: the study of animal nature. By utilizing the combined power of his magical arts, and the wisdom gained through observation of beasts, Brandur's greater magical powers include the ability to summon creatures from both realms, as well as take on the form of a greater beast himself.

Paragraph Indent.pngThis “greater beast” form is obtained using Transmogrification magicks, to shape himself as and then become, for a time, a creature representative of both his primary skills. Wielding his mastery of Fire Magicks in combination with the strength and ferocity of a mythical and monstrous Daemon, this magical form is similar to a Bale—a creature most recognized as being a demonic entity summoned by DEMON. The differently spelled “Daemon” is however, according to the Bestiary which Brandur himself has helped compose, a supernatural being of a nature between the mundane and an arcane Eidolon (a manifestation of arcane power). Despite this form's essence being primarily Brandur's own, the transformation does carry with it some slight change in personality and psychology.


Early Years

Paragraph Indent.pngBrandur Ros was born and raised in a small village within the rugged woodlands of an archetypal medieval fantasy world within the Faerie Realm. As with most children within the province in which he resided, Brandur received a simple education, beginning to help his community early in his youth as a laborer. Whether helping the village hunters, tending to farm animals, gathering food, farming, arranging goods or crafting supplies to sell to adventurers, Brandur always had something to do, and learn. Upon reaching fourteen years of age, he fell into many a trap designed to detect magical aptitude. Such traps were placed by the elders within the village, who did so only at the request of the Tai'Anomainen Arcane Seminary, which was the premiere academy of choice for those seeking magical attainment. Such a selection process was performed only to ensure those with magical ability did not go unrecognized, as those who developed magical skills on their own without such trials usually did not understand their powers, and thus performed often irresponsible acts of magick that might have harmed themselves and others. His magical aptitude thus revealed, Brandur was chosen to become a student of magick, and he soon after left to reside and study in an isolated castle high among the mountains.

Paragraph Indent.pngBeginning his studies at the Novice Level, Brandur's aptitude area was determined to be within the elemental realm of Fire Magick. Thus he was enrolled in first level courses for both Elemental Fire Comprehension and Arcane Comprehension. Continuing in this way for the next three years, Brandur supplemented his natural talent with understanding, eventually completing his curriculum with insight in Elemental Manipulation and Conjuration, the latter which required him to have a mentor to continue his studies. He was studious, though not exemplary, and came to theoretical understandings about other magical aptitudes while pursuing his goals. By his forth year he was accepted into the Elementalism Mentorship program, which enabled him to expand his focus to a second discipline, while still practicing his Fiery magicks. Ponderous of the lives of adventurers whom he had met in his village during his childhood, he enrolled in a Bestiary Studies course which took him beyond the castle in which he resided. Accompanied by an experienced professor and Loremaster, as well as a few other Adepts-in-training, Brandur found a second passion, and invested himself fully into the study of creatures both mystical and mundane. After completing his Elementalism Mentorship, Brandur devoted himself to completing the Bestiary Studies course, in which he learned Pursuit and Recognition, Cataloging, and Lorekeeping of monsters.

Further Studies and Departure

Paragraph Indent.pngBy the time he was twenty-four years of age, Brandur had achieved Expert recognition in Fire Elementalism and Creature Handling. Upon reaching the Expert level of any magical discipline, the next step was generally finding a position of employment outside the Arcane Seminary, however Brandur opted to continue his studies. By doing so, he had access to higher tiers of magical learning, and was able to enroll in a Summoning course. An advanced branch of magic, Summoning dealt with the fabrication or outright abduction of magical entities, whose prerequisites included Elementalism and Creature Handling. Thus qualified, Brandur began his studies in the new field, learning Dispelling, Subordination and lastly, Transmogrification.

Paragraph Indent.pngAt twenty-nine years old, Brandur had been a student all of his young-adult life, and began to feel a desire to leave the Arcane Seminary. Yet as his want for adventure and independence continued to grow, he no longer simply wished to live outside of the castle—rather, he wished to leave his world entirely, and to discover new realms where he might discover new forms of magick, and creatures never before seen by the eyes of his people. To such ends, he conversed with the resident masters whose lives were devoted to studying the Astral Plane, in the hopes of traveling far from his own realm. To Brandur's surprise, a suggested destination was provided almost immediately: transitory travel through the Middle and Lower Astral Plane, which would result in his arrival in a realm that had become something of a depository for all things from every plane imaginable (and some not so). It was revealed the name of the particular point of arrival was Earth, and that the resident group of Magus with whom contact had been made prior, were known as the Trismegistus Council. With such foreknowledge, and his magical abilities and learned skills he had gained throughout his life thus far, Brandur departed his own plane. Eventually, with fair struggle, he was able to navigate his way through the Astral Veil, and eventually arrived on Earth. Immediately identified by the Trismegistus Council, he received a reserved and rather unsociable welcome from the several Magus present. Left to his own devices, Brandur gathered further knowledge that eventually led to his traveling to Millennium City, where the bulk of otherworldly happenings seemed to take place most.

Current History

Paragraph Indent.pngAfter only a few months, Brandur's behaviors, appearance and even phraseology very much reflects the common modern individual living in the 21st century. Learning from the Trismegistus Council more on the nature of magick within human culture, and how it had always been held in secrecy and practiced covertly, Brandur decided it would be best to conceal his mystical nature and supernatural origins; even so far as agreeing with certain PRIMUS specialists that his powers are nothing more than mutations that he merely claims are magical abilities despite his knowledge to the contrary.

Paragraph Indent.pngThough registered as living in the United States and having certain privileges usually offered to immigrants from other nations (thoughtfully provided by PRIMUS after registering under ASPRA), he refrained from volunteering to become a superhero. Earth, not being his own world, nor himself being human in technically the same way as the humans of Midgard, Brandur does not feel responsible for the lives of individuals whom he encounters. Still learning to empathize with beings so equally similar and dissimilar to himself, he continues to hold on to his fantastical roots, while exploring and learning more about the new realm he finds himself in.