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Azany (Redcliffe)

CO Azany.jpg
Name: Azany (Redcliffe)

Race: 'White' Xenomix (Sidoci)
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Allegiance: N.E.G.
Job: None, former O.I.S. Contact
Father: Allan Redcliffe (Human Lieutenant, 22nd Mechanized Brigade)
Mother: Sunady (Nazzadi Infiltrator)
Something strange happened when Humans started interbreeding with Nazzadi.
Every so often, a xenomixed childe would be born that was completely white.
Not albino.
Truely white. Snow white hair, skin, even eyes.
Whites, as they are commonly called, are different from other children. There is something innately otherworldly about them, besides the way they look. They are natural para-psychic, many times from birth. And though they seem to have a firm and grounded view of the world, they always seem to be one step removed from it. She wears a red badge on her chest that shows she is a registered Para-Psychic (Category:Dangerous).

Registered Para-Psychic Powers classified as DANGEROUS:
o) Telekinesis (Adept)
When manifesting TK the air shimmers along the tendrils coming from her spine, affecting herself or others.

Insanity Track:
Left out here.
None... yet.