Babylon AD

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Babylon AD

Babel (At maximum expansion)

New Babylon

Claiming this page to recognize the foundation of New Babylon.

The True Meaning of Babel

God and Science

Weather you look at the candle over Baphomet head, the halo over an angel or a lightbulb over a human insinuating an idea. You're going to realize one thing. It's all the same.

Babel doesn't mean confused, it means to question through science and philosophy. As a science theoretically means knowing is understanding that for many thing we never truly know. But we can evaluate new evidence when it arises and there after update our understanding of what we perceive in the pass.

Some hear Elohim and some hear Alien.

Babylon Never Fell

Now that you can recognize no difference between a halo and an idea. You have to remember angels where original inspired by the Babylonian Anunnaki.

Updated from ancient times the ziggurat have somewhat evolved to space stations around the world. Though we often forget the importance of the spiritual aspect of learning it's just that some go crazy trying to exact or enforce fundamental belief that often derail unity.

Ancient Babylon Were The Smartest

Ancient Babylonians were the most civilized on earth at the time. The were of the first to build the modernized city system we have today. First to write and record documents. First scientist to question what was truly beyond the sky when other ancient religious fantastics believed heaven was in the clouds. And this is one of the many reasons Babylon was hated. It was because they wanted to know for sure and couldn't be fooled by others.

Early Settlement

New Babylon (W early legion settlers)

The earliest settlers on renewed Babylon were people from different nations of his princess wives. And then many lost boys that believed in Rave's vision of a new society where they could win. The women outnumber men five to one. The boys were savage at first where they would kill the men of those who opposed Rave and taken the girls as wives. All because Rave promised the average man could have up to three to five wives if he wanted. Technically the country is still a communist dictatorship under Rave but a dam good one.

Legion dominated the mech industry. They were them first to commercialized air travel domestically to home vehicles. They expanded to space stations. .


Rave Industries Accomplishments

Non but top scientist, doctors and engineers work with Rave Industries.


  • Cured cancer
  • Perfected the human gene to top evolution
  • Made full body transplants commercial
  • Made inbreeding optional through science
  • Transgender birth through implants
  • Diamond harvesting for light speed quality glass used for spaceships
  • Commercialized space travel
  • Brought sea's to mars
  • Fix global warming

Private Resorts World Wide

The pictures of Rave built resorts/hideouts on Legion Island and around the world. These are those away from the cities.