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Player: @Mickenzy
Dreamscape Portrait.jpg
Class Focus: DPS/Control
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: None
Personal Data
Real Name: Rayne Lee (secret)
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Asian
Age: 30
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 120 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Volunteer librarian's assistant, hospital orderly
Place of Birth: Millenium City, MI
Base of Operations: Millenium City, MI
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Estranged grandparents in China
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Varying psychic talents

Dreamscape is an unregistered psionic hero with origins in Westside's China Town.


Dreamscape Casual.jpg

Short and petite in stature, Dreamscape is easily overlooked. Her long, black hair often looks tousseled and her deep brown eyes have an almost perpetual glare to them. When she is not galavanting around in her superhero persona, she dresses with relatively tasteful fashion, often tossing a suit blazer over a tank top and jeans. She can also be seen wearing aviator sunglasses with a smoldering kretek in her hand every now and then. When she is working at the hospital, however, she is neat and tidy in appearance with her hair pulled back.


Dreamscape comes across as being unfriendly, blasé, and sometimes bluntly impolite. In truth, she cares a great deal about what happens to people and the world in general, but her past experiences have caused to her erect a thick psychological wall against building relationships with other people. She dislikes having a lot of attention directed at her, and tries to avoid most social situations. Rayne believes that she must carry her own burdens, no matter how heavy, since she feels she can't trust anyone to help her with them. She also fears her status as a psionicist, knowing that they are looked down upon by the general public. She carefully maintains a secret identity to try and avoid notice.


The following is not recorded in any offical records.

Rayne Lee was born in Millenium City to parents Harry and Jenna Lee. Growing up in Westside's China Town made for some rough living, but the closeness of their family made it bearable. Rayne spent a lot of time helping to look after her younger brother and sister, Aaron and Audrey, who were twins. Despite less than optimal living conditions, the Lee family was happy for many years until Harry's outstanding gambling debts were revealed. For quite some time, Rayne's father had been making bets on Red Banner Cult fighting matches...and losing. The family was devastated to learn of Harry's debts, totalling up to thousands of dollars, when one of the Red Banner's collectors showed up at their door. Unable to pay back that kind of money, the collector gave Harry a small slip of paper and left. Rayne's father went pale and from that point on, fell into a depression. He began drinking heavily, and refused to tell the family what the slip of paper meant, even after he lost his job. For a month the family continued to struggle from day to day with a cloud hanging over their heads.

In time a sleek, black van pulled up in front of their home and out stepped an oily looking man in a business suit, flanked by bodyguards. Rayne and her family were rounded up, blind folded, and herded into the van. After an indetermined amount of time driving around, they finally stopped and the family was brought inside a large warehouse and their blindfolds were removed. The man in the business suit gave a cruel smile to Rayne and gestured for the bodyguards to take her upstairs, where she was seated in an observation room that looked down on a large pit that been dug straight into the floor of the warehouse and was surrounded by a cheering crowd. Pacing around the sandy floor was what looked like a small dragon. To her horror, she saw her family paraded out into the pit next. It didn't take long for the nineteen year old to piece together what was happening. Her father owed the Red Banner Cult more money than could be repaid, and so her family was being sacrificed as an example. What she didn't understand was why she was being spared. Even as the confused thought entered her mind, the man in the business suit entered the room, putting his hands on her shoulders and holding her in her seat. Even as she was forced to witness her family being torn apart in the pit, she numbly managed to absorb the man telling her that she was being spared as the oldest child to learn from the mistakes of her father and to better serve the Red Banner Cult.

Long afterwards, she was left alone outside her home with the man's words ringing in her ears along with the screams of her dying family. Something inside her snapped, the trauma of what she'd experienced unleashing itself in a devastating psionic storm that all but levelled her surroundings. Many people in the area suffered from vivid nightmares that night and for a week thereafter. Not knowing what else to do, Rayne turned to her boyfriend for support. She needed somewhere to stay and she was afraid of what was happening to her. However, when she tearfully tried to explain to him what had happened to her family and what she had become, he threw her out of his house and would no longer return her calls.

Alone and with no one to turn to, Rayne eventually managed to pick herself up and carve out a meager life for herself. By the age of twenty-seven, she had become an unregistered superhero who maintains a secret identity. Continuing to live in Westside she began to nurture her psionic abilities, plotting against the Red Banner Cult.

In her civilian life, Rayne works at Mercy General Hospital as an orderly. Recently her vigilante activities have been quiet, but that might be about to change. Over the past couple of years she has assisted Chivalry in breaking free of Warmonger's mental influence through a sentient weapon, and loaned her abilities to Cerberus Tactical Solutions on one occasion to compare the stories of two individuals involved in a sketchy occurance downtown, getting to the truth about one of them having had their memories of the event tampered with.


Dreamscape's abilities are spread over a variety of psionic talents, including, but not limited to healing, illusions, shielding, flight, telepathy, and inducing sleep or confusion. Her strengths are most definitely in her telepathy related skills.


Dreamscape uses no equipment at this point in time aside from her superhero costume; she relies almost entirely on her mind.


Remaining on the fringe of the hero world at this point in time, Rayne possesses little in the way of friends and contacts. However, she has made the acquaintance of Psionistar, Radiance, Lady Incendiary, Psidwinder, Haunt, and a few others. There is a small amount of intel that suggests Dreamscape may have signed on with FORWARD at one time, but it's unconfirmed.



Jamie Chung

Theme Song

Extreme Ways by Moby