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"Our past helps us build our future."
The Laginth Race
Leader(s): 37 Clan Leaders
Base of Operations: Milky Way Galaxy
Concept: A militant, technologically-advanced alien race.
Founded: 633 A.D. (Earth years) [Current government]
Members: Approximately 255,000,000 Laginth.
(This race is not canon to Champions lore and is merely a fan-created race for roleplaying purposes.)

The Laginth are a super-advanced alien race from the planet Lagin in the Cat's Eye Nebula, in the Vensein System. Having recently made their presence known on Earth, a deeper exploration into their history, biology, and technology has been made for the sake of establishing peaceful connections between humans and Laginth.

A Brief History

While the Laginth race has existed for millenia, their presence wasn't very strong outside of their homeworld, Lagin, until the constant warfare between clans resulted in nuclear weapons being detonated across most of the planet around Earth Year 633 A.D. Only around 140,000 Laginth saw the folly of this war, with only 37 clans claiming surviving members after the Fall of Lagin. Using their advanced technology to traverse the galaxy, the survivors began to colonize new planets, trading some of their technological know-how for refuge on the occasion a planet they came across was occupied.

Not long after the Fall, the clan leaders felt a need to instill a species-wide discipline in their people to prevent such barbarism to afflict them ever again. They then decided to form the first ever Laginth-wide military, with each clan leader acting as the heads of the military, in keeping tradition with their culture, which is based on combat. Every single Laginth would have to spend at least 5 Lagin years, from the age of 10 (approx. 16 in Earth years), in training and operations to instill the military discipline in them. This would end up serving a dual purpose, as the Laginth would need soldiers to deal with hostile beasts and races on the planets they intended to inhabit. This has given them somewhat of a reputation among the galaxy, and it is more likely than not that any given space-faring race will have, at the very least, have heard of the Laginth.

Galactic Presence

The Laginth inhabit (or have inhabited) many planets in the Milky Way galaxy, from feral, uncharted worlds to ones already inhabited by sentient species.


The Laginth homeworld. Once a planet filled with lush rainforests where trees grew to mile-long heights and the humid-to-temperate climates covered almost all of the planet, save for the poles, the only place winter existed on Lagin. The planet's gravity is approximately 58% that of Earth's, causing most of the land-based organic life to evolve into denser forms to move around in the low gravity. The lower pull also caused life to grow to greater heights than on Earth, which is why the Laginth stand so much taller than humans. The planet was covered by atomic detonations in Earth Year 633 A.D., causing the entire planet to be covered in a toxic, radioactive wasteland. The planet has been permanently damaged beyond repair, and the only structures standing on the planet are beacons meant to track the planet's current time and date so Laginth can still count their age and time by Lagin years, if desired. A single year on Lagin is equivalent to approximately 1.647 Earth years.


One of the Laginth's more recent colonies, Aschal has no real oceans and only 48% of the planet is covered by water, being mostly scattered lakes, seas, and rivers. Many of the villages second as fishing or farming villages, in addition to the standard military training centers, as the planet's bodies of water are plentiful in aquatic life, leading to concerns that primordial life may surface on the planet within the next Aschal millennium.

Known Settlements

Hun'caar, Paldrosek, Ivaket, Nolam

(Other planets to be added as extra information is acquired.)


Due to the low gravity of Lagin, Laginth bodies are far more dense than a standard human's. This was an evolutionary adaptation to allow them to move properly. This has resulted in a far sturdier bone and muscle structure, making them able to take more physical punishment than a human, increasing their physical strength, speed, and durability, as well as their weight. The low gravity also increased their height, as the weaker pull allow them to grow to greater heights than on Earth, just like the massive trees. Males typically average out at 7'3" while females come around to 6'9" on average. Their average weights are also much higher than that of normal humans. Their height, coupled with their dense bodies cause males to weight in average of about 470 pounds with females at 380, on average.

Chemically, the Laginth are very similar to humans, having a double-helix DNA structure based in the same types of amino acids, as well as having primate origins. However, their DNA have far longer strands, resulting in many more genetic possibilities. As a physical example, the child of two Laginth with radically different hair colors may have a hair color that an ancestor from many generations back may have had. Genetic tests, so far, have been deeming Laginth-human interbreeding not only plausible, but very likely. As Laginth DNA has a longer structure, it is believed that Laginth traits would be dominant over human ones, resulting in a Laginth-human child seeming more Laginth than human.

Appearance-wise, the Laginth are highly varied. Many hair and eye colors outside of the human norms are possible within the Laginth, with even gradient-colored hair being natural among their people. Hair colors come in colors such as brown, black, blonde, orange, blue, green, and white, with any two-color gradient of these colors being possible. Laginth irises are typically brown, blue, green, yellow, purple, or red, but white, black, and gray are possible yet rare.

Even considering the Laginth count their years slower than humans do, Laginth life spans are shorter than a human's. A larger frame and greater energy consumption means the bodies of Laginth die out faster, leaving males to die at around 60 Earth years, females around 70, even with medical enhancements expanding their life spans. On the other end of the spectrum, this causes the Laginth gestation rate to be far shorter, resulting in Laginth giving birth after only 3 Earth months. Likewise, Laginth children mature faster than normal. A Laginth hits their physical adulthood by the age of 13 Earth years, but are only considered culturally adults by 16. Due to overpopulation on Lagin after they increased their lifespan (a result of rampant casual intercourse), Laginth women were genetically engineered and given the ability to control the dispersal of their eggs in-utero. This has not only lowered the birth rates among Laginth, but also removed the issues of monthly periods, as humans have.


Laginth culture is very militaristic in nature, as combat has always been at the heart of Laginth society, even pre-Fall. Discipline now rules over most every aspect of a Laginth's life, as a lack of restraint and embracing warfare had caused the Fall to begin with. Trust in each other, obey your superiors and elders, and work for the good of all Laginth. Even among the different beliefs of each clan, these three doctrines find themselves above all others in Laginth society. This results in nearly all Laginth (with a few black sheep) to be Lawful in nature, considering superior orders and the law to be above all. A Laginth who disapproves of the order a superior gives will still carry it out, but then bring up their disapproval after carrying the order out, whether to said superior or those above him/her. As lying is considered a form of weakness among Laginth, if called out on corruption, illegal activity, or otherwise immoral behavior, it is almost guaranteed they will admit to the injustice. Those Laginth who are capable of lying often find themselves psychologically troubled in the years to follow (if their lie isn't discovered).


At the age of 10 Lagin years (~16 Earth years), all Laginth enter basic combat training. Promotions are given as a Laginth completes assignments and receives good marks from their superiors. A single Laginth is not held responsible for their failures under the command of a superior, and the stigma is placed upon those who gave the orders, which prevents friends and family from promoting those they care about if they aren't ready for the responsibilities of a higher rank.


Rank - Marine Corps Equivalent - "Rough English Translation"

Kaluk - Private - "Recruit"

Ir'Kaluk - Private 1st Class - "Old Recruit"

Romei - N/A - "Soldier"

Dekak - Lance Corporal - "Squadman"

Deluket - Corporal - "Armsman"

Sikegat - Sergeant - "Leader"

Ir'sikegat - Staff Sergeant - "Old Leader"

Akan - Gunnery Sergeant - "Warrior"

Ir'akan - Master Sergeant - "Old Warrior"

Dabarrek - First Sergeant - "Battlemaster"

Dabarrek-sikegat - Master Gunnery Sergeant - "Battlemaster Leader"

Desket - Sergeant Major - "Warman"

Ir'desket - Warrant Officer - "Old Warman"

Kulrek - Commander-in-Chief - "Clan-Leader"

Outside of the military hierarchy are the Laginth special units known as keksalith, which act as the strong arm of a clan's branch of the Laginth military, serving a similar function as human shock troopers. A clan leader generally watches over the trainees of their clan for possible keksalith recruits, and only a clan leader can designate a Laginth for keksalith training.


Despite their unified beliefs and species-wide code, each Laginth is unique. Everything from pasttimes to preferred meals depends on the individual Laginth. While a clan's general beliefs may temper a Laginth's, they still have their own likes, dislikes, preferences on appearance, and so forth. A member of the Varinth clan may, for example, enjoy a certain kind of music, while another member of the same clan may dislike it.

Names are another thing that set one Laginth apart from the others. No Laginth will have the exact same name, as a single clan keeps all records of names that are currently in-use. A Laginth's name is always comprised of three parts: their given name, followed by qul'<clan name> (roughly translated to "of the <clan>"), and then mas-<home planet> ("from <planet>"). For example, a Laginth calling out a human's full name is likely to call something akin to "Jacob qul'Jaredson mas-Earth". Nicknames, while not unheard of, are uncommon - it is considered disrespectful among Laginth to call them anything less than their given name, unless one is close to the Laginth, though this rule is seemingly dropped among foreign races for the sake of avoiding culture-clash.


The current Laginth government is comprised of 37 clans, each having their own military hierarchy, meaning a kaluk from one clan has no obligation to obey the orders of a sikegat from another unless the kaluk's clan leader gives the sikegat the authority to do so, though all military personnel generally obey the orders of other clan leaders out of respect (unless restricted from doing so by their own).

All decisions that affect the Laginth race as a whole must be agreed upon unanimously, as no clan has any ruling power over the others. Each clan controls a different aspect of their race, from agriculture, to distribution, and even construction. As a result, if a single clan were to try to obfuscate power from the others, they would lose more than they would gain.

Each clan has a unique set of markings that are added to a Laginth's body after enlistment. Made with a special paste and colored in ways unique to each clan, the markings are permanent and cannot be destroyed due to the paste binding to the Laginth's body in the way they are painted, each new layer of skin under the markings growing in color exactly the same as the layer above it. The markings themselves often have a unique texture or scent to them, as a result of the different dyeing methods used amongst each clan. The markings themselves can cover anywhere from simply the face to the entire body, and each pattern is unique, though colors can be shared amongst two clans.

Similarly to their markings, the combat armor of a soldier must be uniquely colored in their clan's scheme, which is comprised of two or three colors, one of which must be the color of the clan's body markings. For example, Varinth facial markings are red, and their combat armor is colored red, white, and black.


Created by: @Aerostream

Colors: Red, Black, White

The Varinth clan is one the largest Laginth clans, their numbers compromising around 10% of the race's total population. As such, they also have one of the largest militaries among the Laginth, often being called on to explore larger planets, where they can cover more ground without spreading their forces too thin.

Varinth facial tattoos are jagged in appearance and red in color, covering the face and neck. They are colored by dyeing the marking paste with a crushed flower cultivated by the Varinth, mixed with other ingredients, and then applied to the paste.

The Varinth are polytheistic , believing in multiple gods, each of which reigns over a specific area of the universe or particular tasks vital to the survival of life.

Notable Varinth: Jel'risa qul'Varinth mas-Aschal


Created by: @Lebleu

Colors: Light Blue, Gray

((Yet to come))


Created by: @Heillder

Colors: Green, Yellow, Red

((Yet to come))

Glossary: Bruggug: Some kind of Laginth cow. They're similar to earth cows except for color, being grey all over, and the cow's udder, placed more to the front of the cow, under the chest area.


Among the Laginth, it's easy to find someone who will stand by your side through thick and thin. If you were to ask one Laginth if they trusted another, there's almost a 100% chance they would unflinchingly and without hesitation, say "with my life". As such, choosing a mate among Laginth is something that is not taken lightly. Laginth often say that true mates are bound in soul, mind, and body; in fact, it's rather common for Laginth mates to be able to communicate and understand one another without so much as saying a single word.

The process of becoming official mates in Laginth culture can go about two different ways. The first, and most common, is similar to mixes of certain human cultures on Earth. Two Laginth will agree that they are ready to become official mates (an act which is not taken lightly), and each mate will be tested by the other's clan (unless both are of the same clan), with each test being unique to each clan. Should both clans accept the prospective mate, the two are allowed to mate. If only one clan accepts the tested mate, the one that failed their test must change their clan name if they wish to pair with their prospective mate. If neither clan accepts, they are deemed incapable of undergoing the Laginth equivalent to marriage, though they can retake the tests after one Lagin year. This retake can only be made once. If both fail again, they are restricted from "marrying".

The second is simply through arranged marriages, and is slowly becoming less common than before; two clans simply arrange for mating between two of their members. Arranged marriages are usually held for those who've yet to proceed very far in rank or simply have not shown any interest in finding a mate after a certain period of time (usually after the Earth age of 25). The prospective mates are, again, tested by the opposite clan, though the tests are usually more lenient for an arranged marriage.

Whichever way is followed, only two Laginth who've officially mated are allowed to have children. Laginth parents are given shore leave until their child is of age to enter the military him/herself, though some will still take operations they feel they need to be a part of. Laginth children are inducted into a clan of their choosing after completing basic training. This is usually the clan of one of their parents, as they will have had exposure to these clans' beliefs and customs from an early age, and commonly choose whichever clan they've identified more with.


The Laginth have proven themselves to be one of the most technologically-advanced species in the Milky Way, nearly being on par with the infamous Malvans in all but medical tech. Their weapons and military ships, however, are arguably the most powerful in the galaxy.


Laginth personnel weapons are very similar to human weapons in function, except instead of firing bullets, they launch super-heated air at near-light speeds, using similar tech to their ships; sound-dampeners installed in all Laginth weaponry prevent screaming noise from deafening everyone nearby. Everything from handguns to anti-materiel weapons use this revolutionary firing system among Laginth weapons manufacturers, as the chemicals involved in laser weaponry are more powerful, but deplete far too quickly for personnel weapons. Laginth weapons merely need to vent heat from their secondary hull (underneath the main, exterior hull so as not to burn the wielder) on occasion. The more power behind a weapon, the more often it needs to vent. Laginth starships, however, use laser weapons and technology, as not only are they large enough to house the massive amounts of chemicals needed for laser tech, but air-based weapons would be useless in the empty vaccuum of space. Smaller, more personal ships may be equipped with secondary air weapons for use in-atmosphere environments.


While Laginth are fully capable of creating sentient AI, they see no need to and simply use computers for aid in combat and data storage. Unlike humans, the Laginth lack any sort of "internet" in any of their communities, as none of the presences on any of their colonizes planets are large enough to constitute such an invention. When clans and militaries need to communicate, they usually opt for physical presence; hiding behind a screen or device during a full conversation (outside of comms during operations) is considered rude and disrespectful among Laginth.

Medical Tech

While their medical technology isn't the greatest in the universe, theirs is still far beyond that of Earth's. Genetic engineering to get rid of genetic disease and malformities is almost uniform among Laginth. All Laginth have perfect 20-20 vision or beyond due to these advances, and all Laginth have perfectly healthy babies due to modification in-utero. The previous standard lifespan of Laginth has risen from 30 to 40 Earth years to 60 and 70 since before the Fall of Lagin due to advancements in the last millennium. It is considered a foul practice to enhance one's natural abilities using genetics among the Laginth, with hard work and training considered the best way to gain strength and skill instead of "cheating". Laginth have no opinion on the matters of involuntary mutations or superpowers as a community, yet.


While not necessarily a form of "technology", magic is not unknown to the Laginth. While the majority of Laginth shamans died in the Fall, a number of them survive to this day, taking up willing Laginth as pupils. However, becoming a shaman apprentice means forgoing military training and rank, effectively becoming an outcast. Once they finish their apprenticeship, shamans can still apply for a clan and military training. Full-fledged shamanistic soldiers are highly respected in Laginth society and often promoted quickly, as very few can stand the social pain of being labeled an outcast and finish their training, proving they have a strong heart and soul that can withstand not only physical stress, but emotional and mental stress as well.



- The Laginth were inspired by the Turian race of the Mass Effect series by Bioware; the original idea was that of a militant, strict, and ultimately Lawful Good/Neutral alien race, which was quickly expanded upon.

- The out-of-character reason the Laginth are so technologically superior is because with standard military weapons, it can be difficult to keep up with the superhumans on Earth. The tech boost was to make it so Laginth players could feel like they're not just some alien vigilante with guns, but actually capable of superhuman feats using their tech.

- Laginth prefer bitter tastes, as nearly all of the vegetation on Lagin had bitter tastes to them. This preference has long been integrated into their genetic code, which means even current-generation Laginth highly prefer bitter tastes to everything else. Earth alcohols tend to taste sweet to them as a result.

- Laginth culture does not shy away from nudity when deemed necessary or most comfortable. For example, what humans call "skinny dipping" is simply the way laginth swim in their own colonies. Human modesty is something unknown to the laginth, and showing large amounts of skin is common among them, as U.S. law prevents total nudity except in specific places.