Melissa Adams

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Played by @Fransens

Kindred (read: Vampire) of the clan Malkavian.

She is known for undressing in public... just to get into new pants or stuff ofc, juggling grenades, HUGS and kissing random strangers. Has a pink bikers-jacket that smells of spray-paint and blood. Latter comes from a stain on the back that looks way too much like the hello-kitty logo. Last but not least, she has a grenade-necklace. A pink grenade with a necklace pulled through the safety pin's ring. She seems human for normal detection and most supernatural ones. When in doubt, ask by tell. Generation: rumors are abound from 13th to 6th, though the latter is highly unlikely. Known Disorders: schizophrenic and manic.

Melissa is an Albino. Her hair and her skin are painfully white, allthough warm to the touch. She has quite visible blood vessels under her skin. Her eyes are of a red-purple color. Everything comes from a lack of pigments in her skin, eyes, etc. Her Aura displays also a white color, even though it is pale -> Vampire, but if this is a side-effect of her being an Albino or because she is really one of the rare few Innocent people is debated upon.