
From PRIMUS Database
Revision as of 04:19, 23 January 2015 by TheBobbyLlama (Talk | contribs)

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Biographical Information
Name: Christina Flint
Age: 16
Place of Residence: Ravenswood Academy, Millennium City, MI
Occupation: Student
Marital Status: Single
Legal Status: Minor
Identity: Secret
Known Affiliations
Physical Features
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Distinguishing Features
Known Powers
Electrical draining; Increased strength, stamina, and resilience
Special Equipment

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In-Game Bio

The superpower possessed by Christie Flint would have hardly been noticed one hundred years ago; now it is practically a curse.

Anything she touches is drained of electrical energy, which is then stored in her body like a capacitor. This energy can then be expended for superhuman feats of strength or endurance.

Unfortunately, this ability is involuntary, rendering her unable to use any kind of electronic device without strict precautions.