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<div style="font-size:18px;color: #FFF; background-color: #091363; line-height:1.8em; letter-spacing:0.5ex"><b>"Super Groups"</b></div>
<div style="font-size:18px;color: #FFF; background-color: #091363; line-height:1.8em; letter-spacing:0.5ex"><b>"Super Groups"</b></div>
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<b>U.N.T.I.L.:</b> After the death of AJ. Theo went on to pursue AJ's life plan and becoming a faithful soldier for UNTIL. He still holds rank inside the faction today as he's apart of Project Snake Charmer and leading Valor Team.<br>
<b>U.N.T.I.L.:</b> After the death of AJ. Theo went on to pursue AJ's life plan and becoming a faithful soldier for UNTIL. He still holds rank inside the faction today as he's apart of Project Snake Charmer and leading Valor Team.<br>

Revision as of 01:29, 27 September 2017


Silver medal T.png
The Ultimate
Peace Bringer
The Indestructible Peace Bringer
Player: @Preventerice2
Super Group
The Order of Justice
· Other Affiliations ·
PRIMUS, Order of Justice, UNTIL, SABER, UNITY,
Real Name
Theodore "Theo" Atlas
Peace Bringer
September 11th
Detroit, Michigan.
U.S. Citizen
Millenium City
UNTIL Headquarters or Sky Carrier Wilson.
Lieutenant 2nd grade of UNTIL's Project Snake Charmer
Legal Status
Marital Status
Dating Steel Star
· Known Relatives ·
  • [More to come]
Physical Traits
Gene Enhanced Technopathic Super Soldier
Apparent Age
180 lbs.
Body Type
· Distinguishing Features ·
Tall, Athletic build, Friendly, Strong jaw line, very formal,
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
· Equipment ·
· Other Abilities ·
  • Genius Level Intellect
  • Peaked physical training and mental training
  • Guru of technology
  • Photographic memory
  • Formidable Hacker


Theodore Atlas was born into a home that didn't want him. Blessed with genius level intellect at an early age, Schools wanted him while his family, His parents didn't care nor did they truly try. But his grand mother wanted him to achieve great things. Thus taking the last of her retirement money to pay for Theo's schooling against his parents wishing. He was able to attend Ravenswood Academy. For many years he spent his time there being bullied and shunned for his smarts. On his final year of school fast approaching, He finally made up what his life would be after school. To...Commit suicide.

His mind was made up and he didn't want to be apart of this world anymore. But Then he met a man named "Andrew Jackson" who went by the name "AJ". He had a thing for granting people nick names. Thus calling Theodore "Theo" for the first time. Theo then met AJ's Twin Brother. James Jackson who went by "JJ". AJ hung out with Theo and told him about his life desire. To join UNTIL and make a difference. Theo made note of this. Over the course of their friendship, AJ treated Theo like a person for the first time. Making Theo feel...Like he was wanted.

One faithful day Theo and AJ were walking to AJ's house from the Ren Center of Millennium City to the Westside district. On this day? Theo noticed gun fire that was practically on top of them. AJ and Theo then spotted a gang war. The New Purple Gang versus the Cobra Lords. They tried to leave but AJ then shoved Theo out of the line of fire. AJ, Taking a shot to the chest and one to the head as Theo was shot in the left eye and shoulder. Both boys falling to the ground as Theo struggled to move. But he was only able to lay there. Pleading for his friend, AJ to get up and help him. But AJ wouldn't respond. Theo then passed out cause of his wounds waking up three days later. His left eye was completely gone and so was AJ.

Months flew by like years for Theo. Wandering around without AJ was hard for him. Theo became close with JJ who turned to selling drugs and Sophia, A foreign exchange student from Australia who was in love with JJ. They worked together to convince JJ to stop selling drugs. It was then Theo decided to change his life plan. AJ sacrificed his life plan to save Theo's from his. Theo no longer wanted to commit suicide. He then pushed forward to join UNTIL instead. Like AJ would've wanted. After high school Theo went on to take classes at MCU to prepare him for UNTIL. There, He met Ari Richards. She was a shy and timid girl but quickly grew comfortable being around Theo. They belonged to the same science class. Theo was working on developing a cybernetic augmented left eye and Ari ended up helping him. Presenting it to the class as a project. Theo finally found happiness again with Ari.

College was closing for Theo's second year as Ari and Theo teamed up once again. This time they made ADA to assist Theo at UNTIL when Ari couldn't be around. As they completed this farewell gift. Theo gave Ari a star pendant necklace. Themed after her father's company, Patriot CORP. Which housed a interface for ADA if she ever needed ADA while Theo wasn't around. Theo and Ari finally parted but Theo kept his new best friend in his mind. Upon arrive to UNTIL he was placed into the marine corps first for training. He went thought boot camp and survival training to work on his aptitude to become a better soldier. Two years and a tour later, He finally joins UNTIL around the time Mechanon attacked. Theo working on his Solar Reactor for a clean and reusable energy source gave him an idea. Calling on Ari, Sophia, And JJ, once more. They put their minds together to come up with two power armors and two shape shifting suits. UNTIL didn't want to back Theo's work of making an analog power armor and thus gave him no funding. Ari then spoke with her father at Patriot CORP. for help. Thus her father striking a deal with Theo.

Make a suit themed after his company and give it to Ari. Base it on his designs and let him make it the new face of his company. Theo couldn't refuse. They got to work and made The Peace Bringer armor, The Steel Star armor, The Atom Weaver suit, and the Particle Fly suit, They took the fight to Mechanon and proved to be a threat to even the perfect mechanical being. Thus forcing Mechanon to retreat into outer space. UNTIL then placed Peace Bringer, Atom Weaver, and Particle Fly, into Project Snake Charmer. They would become Valor Team as Theo lead the team with his new promotion to Warrant Officer first grade. Thus bringing the new face of UNTIL to light in the form of The Indestructible Peace Bringer. Piloted by Theodore Atlas who quickly became well known for his efforts. The public loved him as he continued his efforts. Years later, He designed a new experimental serum. Based after Mechanon tech in case Theo ever had to fight him again.

This Serum was known as the Mechanonox Serum. Made by JJ, Sophia, and Theo, It increased Theo's response time and altering his appearance. Making him more muscular as well as placing him in his physical peak. He was even able to show he had some Technopathic abilities much in the way Mechanon has shown to do as well. This forced Theo to design a new suit based on data obtained from the Steel Star. The Peace Bringer mark 02. Designed in every way to be superior. To soon even link additional drone armors to help him in combat known as the Peace Maker drones. What comes next for Theo? Has yet to be told.

"Equipment and Abilities"

  • A.D.A.(Autonomous Digital Assistant): An on board artificial intelligence (AI) that assists Theo in his early warning systems and suits basic functions. She also helps control and manage the Peace Maker drones to lighten the load for Theo. She was made by Theo Atlas and Ari Richards.

  • Cybernetic eye implant: A left eye implant designed by both Ari Richards and Theo Atlas. This started as a school project and a means to help Theo further. But this ended up becoming an imnportant feature for his powered armor. He was able to add additional cameras to the suit as the suit would plug directly into his nervous system through his left eye. Granting him easier control of his suit as well as 360' degree vision. His eye can also monitor heart beats as a great lie detector while out of his suit as well as assist in calculations and have housing for his AI if he needs to speak to her.


  • Peace Bringer Mark 01:The Peace Bringer mark one was the suit that was designed by Atom Weaver, Particle Fly, Steel Star, and Peace Bringer himself. It's weapons and armaments are exactly as the Mark 02 but not the same systems. It lacks the upgraded systems and firmware. As Theo will mention this. The joints made the suit stiff and the frame was heavy to move. The feet caused wind drag thus reducing it's top acceleration during flight. Patriot Corp. designs equipment for PRIMUS thus when they made the Peace Bringer armor, They painted it in PRIMUS colors and not UNTIL's. This unit was scrapped when facing off against VIPER soldiers along side SABER as Theo blew up the armor.


  • Peace Bringer Mark 02:


[Work in progess]

"Rogues Gallery"

[Work in progress]

"Super Groups"

U.N.T.I.L.: After the death of AJ. Theo went on to pursue AJ's life plan and becoming a faithful soldier for UNTIL. He still holds rank inside the faction today as he's apart of Project Snake Charmer and leading Valor Team.

S.A.B.E.R.: While the Order of Justice was disbanded. Theo joined SABER in hopes to learn more about the people that used to be apart of the Order. He found out that SABER kept a lot of the core beliefs from the Order still alive inside SABER. They were a group that aimed to train young heroes in a black ops missions to keep them out of the sights of the major villains as they developed.

The Order of Justice: Theo finally joined the Order of Justice after Theo went to speak to the Tribunal of United Nations on bringing the Order back. Which they agreed to do but not apart of UNTIL. Soon after Theo then joined to become a member for the group. He quickly climbed their ranks as he showed his skill as a tactical planner and leader. Proving to be even a formidable team mate when in a pinch.

"Theme Songs"
Liath Music.png
Two Steps From Hell
Liath Music.png
Feel Invincible
Liath Music.png
Two Steps From Hell
Liath Music.png
Liath Music.png
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Soundtrack
Trans-am Raiser
Liath Music.png
State of Mine
Waste of my time
Liath Music.png
Man with a Mission
Raise your flag
Liath Music.png
Aldnoah.Zero Soundtrack

"Facts and Comments"

  • His left eye is a cybernetic replacement eye.

    "Fan Art"

    [More to come]